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Oleg Rubel edited this page Jan 15, 2021 · 14 revisions

The purpose of this section is to explain internal workflow of BerryPI. Details of the workflow depend on options selected when running BerryPI.

  • Simplest case, 4x4x4 k mesh, no spin-polarization, no SOC, etc.
berrypi -k 4 4 4
Checking prerequisite files
cp case.struct to case.ksym
echo "0 4 4 4 0" | x kgen -fbz
(generate non-shifted k mesh on the whole Brillouin zone)
cp case.klist case.klist_w90
x lapw1
(get wavefunctions)
x lapw2 -fermi -in1orig
(get occupancy for bands)
read case.scf2 file
(determine the range of occupied bands [1, XX] 
unless specified as -b1:XX as a berrypi option)
write_inwf -mode MMN -bands 1 XX
(generate case.inwf)
write_win -band nofile
BerryPI/ case
(generate case.nnkp)
create case.fermi
(put a dummy Fermi energy 0.0 inside to make w2w happy; 
the actual value is irrelevant)
x w2w
(generate case.mmn)
read case.mmn
(compute Berry phase based on overlap matrix 
elements in case.mmn and the associated electronic polarization)
read case.struct
(lattice type, lattice vectors, atomic position, Znucl)
(core charge for atoms)
calculate ionic polarization
add ionic and electronic polarization
write case.outputberry