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Advent of Kotlin 2018 Week 1

Solution for Week 1 of Advent of Kotlin.

It is based on the A* algorithm, which finds one of the optimal paths with good performance by using an additional heuristic. The A* algorithm is otherwise similar to the widely-known Dijkstra algorithm.

Two of the original tests have been adjusted to a different, but still perfect path in terms of cost (see comments in the tests).

Project Structure

This is a normal Gradle project. The code can be found in the src/main folder; The tests are in src/test. The project can be built with:

./gradlew build

This compiles the code and runs all tests and static code checks.


These are the results of an JMH benchmark (navigate on forest test) on a Linux 4.19.2 device with an
Intel® Core™ i7-7700T CPU @ 2.90GHz × 8:

Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
PathFinderBenchmark.addPath thrpt 25 1373,390 ± 5,883 ops/s

To reproduce, run:

./gradlew jmh