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An ES6 based Promise library for Haxe.

Documentation can be found in the code file, but mirrors the documentation from MDN, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5. by Mozilla Contributors.

Active development

Please note this library is usable but needs more testing, potentially more error handling features, potentially some changes in how the queue is fulfilled (macro vs micro tasks) and so on.

Feedback and testing appreciated, and some issues are already filed.


See Examples.hx See also: es6 promises tutorial

var get = new Promise(
    function(resolve, reject) {
        //call one or the other, not both
        //reject('uh oh');

        //if success
    function(reason:String) {
        //if failure
        trace('u5 catch: $reason');
    function() {
        //no matter what the state was
        trace('u5 always');


  • hxpromise_dont_throw_unhandled_rejection
    • define this to prevent unhandled rejections from calling throw
  • hxpromise_catch_and_reject_on_promise_body
    • define this to wrap the call of the promise in a try block, the resulting catch will reject the promise.
    • take note that if you do this - and don't use .error, you can miss exceptions and have no relevant stack.


  • es6 spec based
  • light weight
  • no dependency
  • single file / drop in and use elsewhere
  • no hijinx/complexity debt


MIT. See

Differences from spec

  • catch function is called error. catch is a keyword in Haxe.

  • No event loop internally. Call Promises.step to propagate.

    • You must call it somewhere. This library will not try to guess your intent.
    • Call once per frame, or multiple times per "microtask" if you want
    • Promises instead of Promise for user facing API, as the step is "internal" almost.
  • throw/exceptions are not spec based

    • exceptions thrown in a promise body will reject the promise
      • but only if hxpromise_catch_and_reject_on_promise_body is defined
    • exceptions not handled with error will bubble to the next frame and throw
      • (this can be disabled, but not a good idea, since ghost exceptions are awful)
      • hxpromise_dont_throw_unhandled_rejection
    • exceptions thrown in error will not be captured and throw properly
    • there is no connection between promises by proximity
      • (i.e nesting promises by scope alone means nothing, as in the spec)
  • resolve doesn't chain if the value handed in is a promise (:todo: 1.1.0)


  • Externs for js Promise to use native type.
    • This isn't widely supported in major browsers yet.
  • Tests: will add more tests in an automated form soon
  • Test more targets (tested: cpp, js, neko)
    • Just basic haxe functions, so should work elsewhere


0.1.0 - Dev

  • initial implementation


No releases published


