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Unable to discover pre-release version of gem released months ago #4097

pboling opened this issue Sep 20, 2023 · 16 comments

Unable to discover pre-release version of gem released months ago #4097

pboling opened this issue Sep 20, 2023 · 16 comments


Copy link

pboling commented Sep 20, 2023

Describe the problem as clearly as you can

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 9 52 15 PM

In a gemspec:

spec.add_development_dependency("gemfury", "0.13.0.beta1")

Or in a Gemfile:

gem "gemfury", "0.13.0.beta1"

NOTE: it makes no difference if ~> is added to loosen the constraint.

Did you try upgrading rubygems & bundler?


Post steps to reproduce the problem

Run bundle install, or bundle update.

What were you expecting to happen?

I expected the pre-release gem to be found and installed.

What actually happened?

The extra weird thing is that it clearly is seeing other pre-release versions for the same gem. Just not the one that was released in July.

$ bundle update
Fetching gem metadata from
Could not find gem 'gemfury (= 0.13.0.beta1)' in rubygems repository or installed locally.

The source contains the following gems matching 'gemfury':
  * gemfury-0.1.1
  * gemfury-0.2.0.beta1
  * gemfury-0.2.0.beta2
  * gemfury-0.2.0.beta3
  * gemfury-0.2.0
  * gemfury-0.3.0
  * gemfury-0.3.1
  * gemfury-0.3.2
  * gemfury-0.4.0.beta1
  * gemfury-0.4.0.beta2
  * gemfury-0.4.0
  * gemfury-0.4.1
  * gemfury-0.4.2
  * gemfury-0.4.3.rc
  * gemfury-0.4.3
  * gemfury-0.4.4
  * gemfury-0.4.5
  * gemfury-0.4.6
  * gemfury-0.4.7
  * gemfury-0.4.8
  * gemfury-0.4.9
  * gemfury-0.4.10
  * gemfury-0.4.11
  * gemfury-0.4.12
  * gemfury-0.4.14
  * gemfury-0.4.16
  * gemfury-0.4.17
  * gemfury-0.4.18
  * gemfury-0.4.19
  * gemfury-0.4.20.beta1
  * gemfury-0.4.20.beta3
  * gemfury-0.4.20
  * gemfury-0.4.21
  * gemfury-0.4.22
  * gemfury-0.4.23
  * gemfury-0.4.24.beta1
  * gemfury-0.4.24.beta3
  * gemfury-0.4.24.beta4
  * gemfury-0.4.24.beta5
  * gemfury-0.4.25
  * gemfury-0.4.26.beta1
  * gemfury-0.4.26
  * gemfury-0.5.0.beta1
  * gemfury-0.5.0.beta3
  * gemfury-0.5.0
  * gemfury-0.6.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.6.0
  * gemfury-0.7.0
  * gemfury-0.8.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.8.0
  * gemfury-0.9.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.9.1
  * gemfury-0.10.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.10.0
  * gemfury-0.11.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.11.0
  * gemfury-0.12.0.rc1
  * gemfury-0.12.0.rc2
  * gemfury-0.12.0
  * gemfury-0.12.1

If not included with the output of your command, run bundle env and paste the output below


Bundler       2.4.19
  Platforms   ruby, x86_64-darwin-22
Ruby          3.2.2p53 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c05aa65cbf203442d37fef7c12390015) [x86_64-darwin-22]
  Full Path   /Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.2/bin/ruby
  Config Dir  /Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.2/etc
RubyGems      3.4.19
  Gem Home    /Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0
  Gem Path    /Users/pboling/.gem/ruby/3.2.0:/Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0
  User Home   /Users/pboling
  User Path   /Users/pboling/.gem/ruby/3.2.0
  Bin Dir     /Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.2/bin
  Git         2.41.0
  RVM         not installed
  rbenv       not installed
  chruby      not installed

Bundler Build Metadata

Built At          2023-08-17
Git SHA           86f98098e3
Released Version  true

Bundler settings

  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "--with-xml2-config=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin/xml2-config --with-xml2-dir=/usr/local/opt/libxml2 --with-xml2-lib=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib --with-xml2-include=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/include"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "--with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "--with-pg-config=/Users/pboling/.asdf/installs/postgres/10.18/bin/pg_config"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): true
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "github"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): true
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "pfffffffffffffffffffffffft"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "rubocop"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): true
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): "rspec"
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): true
  Set for the current user (/Users/pboling/.bundle/config): [:api, :stats, :admin, :development, :test]



# frozen_string_literal: true

source ""

git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "{repo_name}" }

# Specify your gem's dependencies in vc_ruby.gemspec

group :development, :test do
  # Projects using vc_ruby can load other gems from the rubocop-lts family to target a specific version of Ruby
  gem "rubocop-lts", "~> 18.2", ">= 18.2.1"  # For Ruby 2.7+

  # Maintenance of the simplecov gem is nearly dead, so we may need to switch at some point:
  # gem "simplecov", github: "pboling/simplecov", branch: "uncover-partial-lines", require: false

  # Can't constrain to pre-release in gemspec for some reason.
  gem "gemfury", "0.13.0.beta1"


  revision: 7a54f35d04e2bdb1052be698f00d6c7cc35ea529
  branch: patch-1
    simplecov-rcov (0.3.1)
      simplecov (>= 0.4.1)

  remote: .
    vc_ruby (2.3.7)
      ci_reporter_rspec (~> 1.0)
      colorize (~> 0.8)
      pretty_feed (~> 0.2)
      pry-suite (~> 1.2)
      rake (>= 10.0, < 14)
      redcarpet (~> 3.6)
      rspec (>= 2.14, < 4)
      rspec-block_is_expected (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)
      rspec-stubbed_env (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1)
      rspec_junit_formatter (~> 0.6)
      rubocop-gradual (~> 0.3)
      rubocop-lts (>= 18.2.1)
      rubocop-md (~> 1.2)
      rubocop-performance (~> 1.16)
      rubocop-rake (~> 0.6)
      rubocop-rspec (~> 2.22)
      rubocop-shopify (~> 2.14)
      rubocop-thread_safety (~> 0.4)
      simplecov (~> 0.22)
      simplecov-cobertura (~> 2.1)
      simplecov-html (~> 0.12)
      simplecov-json (~> 0.2)
      simplecov-lcov (~> 0.8)
      simplecov-rcov (~> 0.3)
      standard (~> 1.30, >= 1.30.1)
      standard-custom (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1)
      standard-performance (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
      standard-rubocop-lts (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.8)
      version_gem (>= 1.1.3, < 2)
      yard (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.34)
      yard-junk (~> 0.0)

    ast (2.4.2)
    backports (3.24.1)
    builder (3.2.4)
    byebug (11.1.3)
    ci_reporter (2.1.0)
      builder (>= 2.1.2)
    ci_reporter_rspec (1.0.0)
      ci_reporter (~> 2.0)
      rspec (>= 2.14, < 4)
    coderay (1.1.3)
    colorize (0.8.1)
    diff-lcs (1.5.0)
    diffy (3.4.2)
    docile (1.4.0)
    gist (6.0.0)
    grit (2.5.0)
      diff-lcs (~> 1.1)
      mime-types (~> 1.15)
      posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
    highline (2.1.0)
    interception (0.5)
    json (2.6.3)
    language_server-protocol (
    lint_roller (1.1.0)
    method_source (1.0.0)
    mime-types (1.25.1)
    nokogiri (1.15.3-arm64-darwin)
      racc (~> 1.4)
    parallel (1.23.0)
    parser (
      ast (~> 2.4.1)
    posix-spawn (0.3.15)
    pretty_feed (0.2.0)
    pry (0.14.2)
      coderay (~> 1.1)
      method_source (~> 1.0)
    pry-byebug (3.10.1)
      byebug (~> 11.0)
      pry (>= 0.13, < 0.15)
    pry-doc (1.4.0)
      pry (~> 0.11)
      yard (~> 0.9.11)
    pry-docmore (0.1.1)
    pry-git (0.2.3)
      pry (>= 0.9.8)
    pry-highlight (0.1.0)
    pry-macro (1.0.1)
    pry-pretty-numeric (0.1.1)
    pry-rescue (1.5.2)
      interception (>= 0.5)
      pry (>= 0.12.0)
    pry-suite (1.2.0)
    racc (1.7.1)
    rainbow (3.1.1)
    rake (13.0.6)
    redcarpet (3.6.0)
    regexp_parser (2.8.1)
    rexml (3.2.5)
    rspec (3.12.0)
      rspec-core (~> 3.12.0)
      rspec-expectations (~> 3.12.0)
      rspec-mocks (~> 3.12.0)
    rspec-block_is_expected (1.0.5)
    rspec-core (3.12.2)
      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
    rspec-expectations (3.12.3)
      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
    rspec-mocks (3.12.5)
      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
    rspec-stubbed_env (1.0.1)
    rspec-support (3.12.1)
    rspec_junit_formatter (0.6.0)
      rspec-core (>= 2, < 4, != 2.12.0)
    rubocop (1.52.1)
      json (~> 2.3)
      parallel (~> 1.10)
      parser (>=
      rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
      regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
      rexml (>= 3.2.5, < 4.0)
      rubocop-ast (>= 1.28.0, < 2.0)
      ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
      unicode-display_width (>= 2.4.0, < 3.0)
    rubocop-ast (1.29.0)
      parser (>=
    rubocop-capybara (2.18.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.41)
    rubocop-factory_bot (2.23.1)
      rubocop (~> 1.33)
    rubocop-gradual (0.3.1)
      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
      diffy (~> 3.0)
      parallel (~> 1.10)
      rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.0)
    rubocop-lts (18.2.1)
      rubocop-ruby2_7 (>= 2.0.4, < 3)
      standard-rubocop-lts (>= 1.0.3, < 3)
      version_gem (>= 1.1.2, < 3)
    rubocop-md (1.2.0)
      rubocop (>= 1.0)
    rubocop-packaging (0.5.2)
      rubocop (>= 1.33, < 2.0)
    rubocop-performance (1.18.0)
      rubocop (>= 1.7.0, < 2.0)
      rubocop-ast (>= 0.4.0)
    rubocop-rake (0.6.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.0)
    rubocop-rspec (2.22.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.33)
      rubocop-capybara (~> 2.17)
      rubocop-factory_bot (~> 2.22)
    rubocop-ruby2_7 (2.0.6)
      rubocop-gradual (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.1)
      rubocop-md (~> 1.2)
      rubocop-rake (~> 0.6)
      rubocop-shopify (~> 2.14)
      rubocop-thread_safety (~> 0.5, >= 0.5.1)
      standard-rubocop-lts (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.7)
      version_gem (>= 1.1.3, < 3)
    rubocop-shopify (2.14.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.51)
    rubocop-thread_safety (0.5.1)
      rubocop (>= 0.90.0)
    ruby-progressbar (1.13.0)
    simplecov (0.22.0)
      docile (~> 1.1)
      simplecov-html (~> 0.11)
      simplecov_json_formatter (~> 0.1)
    simplecov-cobertura (2.1.0)
      simplecov (~> 0.19)
    simplecov-html (0.12.3)
    simplecov-json (0.2.3)
    simplecov-lcov (0.8.0)
    simplecov_json_formatter (0.1.4)
    standard (1.30.1)
      language_server-protocol (~>
      lint_roller (~> 1.0)
      rubocop (~> 1.52.0)
      standard-custom (~> 1.0.0)
      standard-performance (~> 1.1.0)
    standard-custom (1.0.1)
      lint_roller (~> 1.0)
    standard-performance (1.1.1)
      lint_roller (~> 1.1)
      rubocop-performance (~> 1.18.0)
    standard-rubocop-lts (1.0.8)
      standard (>= 1.30.1, < 2)
      standard-custom (>= 1.0.1, < 2)
      standard-performance (>= 1.1.1, < 2)
      version_gem (>= 1.1.3, < 4)
    unicode-display_width (2.4.2)
    version_gem (1.1.3)
    yard (0.9.34)
    yard-junk (0.0.9)
      backports (>= 3.18)


  rubocop-lts (~> 18.2, >= 18.2.1)
  rubocop-packaging (~> 0.5, >= 0.5.2)




# frozen_string_literal: true

# Get the GEMFILE_VERSION without *require* "my_gem/version", for code coverage accuracy
# See:
load "lib/vc_ruby/version.rb"
gem_version = VcRuby::Version::VERSION
VcRuby::Version.send(:remove_const, :VERSION) do |spec| = "vc_ruby"
  spec.version = gem_version
  spec.authors = ["Peter Boling"] = [""]

  spec.summary = "Configs to support WI-839"
  spec.description =
    "WI-839 configurations for:" \
      "Rake, " \
      "RSpec, " \
      "RuboCop," \
      "Standard," \
      "RuboCop Shopify," \
      "Other Rubocop Plugins," \
      "Rubocop Gradual," \
  spec.homepage = "{}"
  spec.license = "Nonstandard"
  spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.7.8"

  spec.metadata["allowed_push_host"] = ""

  spec.metadata["homepage_uri"] = spec.homepage
  spec.metadata["source_code_uri"] = "{}"
  spec.metadata["changelog_uri"] = "{}/src/main/"

  # Specify which files should be added to the gem when it is released.
  spec.files = Dir[
    # Splats (alphabetical)
    # Files (alphabetical)

  # Documentation
  spec.add_dependency("redcarpet", "~> 3.6")
  spec.add_dependency("yard", "~> 0.9", ">= 0.9.34")
  spec.add_dependency("yard-junk", "~> 0.0")

  # Testing
  spec.add_dependency("ci_reporter_rspec", "~> 1.0")
  # RSpec - Allow v2.99 so transpec can upgrade test suites from RSpec v2 to v3
  # TODO: Once all projects have been upgraded to RSpec v3+ we can bump this also.
  spec.add_dependency("rspec", ">= 2.14", "< 4")
  spec.add_dependency("rspec-block_is_expected", "~> 1.0", ">= 1.0.5")
  spec.add_dependency("rspec_junit_formatter", "~> 0.6")
  spec.add_dependency("rspec-stubbed_env", "~> 1.0", ">= 1.0.1")

  # linting
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-gradual", "~> 0.3")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-lts", ">= 18.2.1")                   # allows Ruby 2.7+
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-md", "~> 1.2")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-performance", "~> 1.16")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-rake", "~> 0.6")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-rspec", "~> 2.22")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-shopify", "~> 2.14")
  spec.add_dependency("rubocop-thread_safety", "~> 0.4")
  spec.add_dependency("standard", ">= 1.30.1", "~> 1.30")
  spec.add_dependency("standard-custom", ">= 1.0.1", "~> 1.0")
  spec.add_dependency("standard-performance", ">= 1.1.1", "~> 1.1")
  spec.add_dependency("standard-rubocop-lts", ">= 1.0.8", "~> 1.0")

  # Coverage
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov", "~> 0.22")
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov-cobertura", "~> 2.1") # XML for Jenkins
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov-html", "~> 0.12")
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov-json", "~> 0.2") # For CodeClimate
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov-lcov", "~> 0.8")
  spec.add_dependency("simplecov-rcov", "~> 0.3")

  # Debugging Console - IRB Replacement
  spec.add_dependency("pry-suite", "~> 1.2")

  # Logging
  spec.add_dependency("colorize", "~> 0.8")
  spec.add_dependency("pretty_feed", "~> 0.2")

  # Utils
  spec.add_dependency("version_gem", ">= 1.1.3", "< 2")
  # TODO: Once all projects have been upgraded to RSpec v3+ we can bump this also.
  #       Rake v11 removes `last_comment` method which rspec-core (< 3.5) uses.
  spec.add_dependency("rake", ">= 10.0", "< 14")

  spec.add_development_dependency("gemfury", "0.13.0.beta1")

  spec.add_development_dependency("rubocop-packaging", ["~> 0.5", ">= 0.5.2"])
Copy link

simi commented Sep 28, 2023

Just for the reference, this is missing from info file at side. I'll take a look if there is anything we can do to fix this.

debug info

content of as in time of writing this comment (missing 0.13.0.beta1)

0.1.1 faraday:~> 0.6.1,faraday_middleware:~> 0.6.3,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.5|checksum:1c79168f365b3c657a408c535ab84eedb0652281d3ffdac44c21139512a75182
0.2.0.beta1 faraday:~> 0.6.1,faraday_middleware:~> 0.6.3,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.5|checksum:1e051a46c1444a3dde11fa671fdc7bc9690b3b99998bf4e4d221eb2dde171893,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.2.0.beta2 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:6355687ddedea25743f7d899bbc7390d21b665a4ab9770f6cf2d3518b6b966a9,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.2.0.beta3 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:9d07d5d0a165abddcb731e2ed74dad24391b1df96ac365907c336608878ddbd5,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.2.0 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:600ae77592f388ff70826ad92186d9dacb9f8a129dc22baf14278ed45e17c382
0.3.0 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:81390836ac08d8b531c15f55448b1d12f2a10ddb31bdc83e0b4cce037d2b22d9
0.3.1 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:125d278763024f5dd2b35e70c61f9f078022f4cd578c82986154e67d601e1e2a
0.3.2 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:c29997f08b321d7008a17dfd2f83be22b136e841c5b2d8e83f531bad986b3902
0.4.0.beta1 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:a7642f65af9c997178e39193c36620918294b7a1ba2ae9b9a903e0c6b0de5b5b,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.0.beta2 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,launchy:~> 0.4.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:ad41842996ba1eac119950046065c216dae265c517c5b996fdeda956e3a9eada,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.0 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:ec4e1249e35bbcaea580b7ed3d9503ca8bd5920ac8553141510b6f46c93826fe
0.4.1 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:7d07a4ec87ad05b50f82db793412044fee9772838d705028fa9c1c2ed812e715
0.4.2 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:271da94283145683f189a38cf7b38c173b25ba9e3bf22d367c709c2e572f47a9
0.4.3.rc faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:3b14cf0886335837181131b49f25a85f4c247e3a8e87eca644833b06984c4ede,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.3 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:a89530d823bb938046ae582e02a1c580069e24b5033dc9640c1f6f01a504ffa6
0.4.4 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:ff41bc3b055177fc949136908edbba902c53a839e7f40eb6488af5d1cc29d32a
0.4.5 faraday:~> 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:~> 0.7.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:f537b72c3aa2e6e1b0311fa0527a8801d717a2e80303b869bb9f5246d8bee235
0.4.6 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:d442bdb7c32d3a5684a4f82eef34b5fb7aad60224ef92958fca01a42f0fde1af
0.4.7 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.3&>= 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:bc943eb61096d19c9debe3ffec6e11c805c3bf138b242fffc23ad0f9ee469a29
0.4.8 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.4&>= 1.0.2,thor:~> 0.14.0|checksum:c8cd5485fbf77b8c0705f3f9065c93b5813a567e54d6e4dbb4aaf6ca9ac2ed25
0.4.9 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.4&>= 1.0.2,thor:< 0.16.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:46bb87d44d764bd2554b541c151419345dd3fd91040194576c4dba00813975f1
0.4.10 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.4&>= 1.0.2,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:53f9f6a02cb9aff539fa61920340b017d4dc4b50103bbf05d8c8dad0e0ea75c9
0.4.11 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.4&>= 1.0.2,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:48b08125fb4af923bc6831835390618b89c07ef52bc2ef9686e0fff51ae8c30b
0.4.12 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.9&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.4&>= 1.0.2,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:78a77a0fb6292aeeb1f02910c76925040348285ef908dd88dfceb64c626eee1a
0.4.14 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:< 1.7&>= 1.0.2,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:aa1762eeb793cffa4ee9141baf57460364d8de7c2cb7887c3109decf9720eb35
0.4.16 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:fe120caac651844c7317ddc9d1d7dfd394d64d2943da6516dd0833933c97b754
0.4.17 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:cfe1eb0c2e678b6459e1fb466a57eb1c3448fb38a3d2fadb008373421d24281d
0.4.18 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:67e490704d848d8ba46762cd73fb8da16341735d7d22d5c6b91f14efbbb162bc
0.4.19 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:315d1c341962bd63dc63106da5d92b99793554b4fe707b7d31471bf0aedbef04
0.4.20.beta1 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:ea2f9bebefa395e0c240ffb77ac835433a4747a164e9d30bd174caffae03ac41,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.20.beta3 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:cb7aae92da6faad6826356001183fb01ee92e12b21c4fae6683639207f5de56a,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.20 faraday:< 0.9&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0&>= 0.14.0|checksum:720d9e9bc2d604e1c498e97c45385e33acf8daf0175c903fe1febb301dfe52d3
0.4.21 faraday:< 0.9.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:8165958fc54f7e803528799800e9f74fa79bc86521d8c113459fc51109f5d4ab
0.4.22 faraday:< 0.9.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:8c3f0b62a2919d9eefd70323d7d93bc82013d3da2970ab7da75d454256fd2f41
0.4.23 faraday:< 0.9.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,faraday_middleware:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:842c6657e2c25d728f3ac743ac8994eb5470f85fd07b08c8fd4f4259eee8e2ec
0.4.24.beta1 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:85feec1e52814e76a95bd28b1c0f75db73cc5be7e71c205607cbc342177e3353,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.24.beta3 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:7cf708ac5d3e5a55099f1043df67cf9214fc9d2af79b6976a3136450a99aee3f,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.24.beta4 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:69ded27b9a9c06aadcd5efc59cf752fcc1c26a7d3370dd163d92f9c47e1038a6,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.24.beta5 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.7.4,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:9597812e2955929c4fa70ce4158d4a5587f3ca0a4d15ca273f23e91b209dbc69,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.25 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:39b77a565fcec54b28fe7dc6face19b167af3ac95bbdad02baa7058a960215c0
0.4.26.beta1 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:82b1b746ed2098d20a3d2f7105f831bfe1c5d41e26de351671b0211210a37bbb,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.4.26 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:5fca930071aed42a153ed6f5f191ce922e5c3a9eb7ae927ddd64f5948da6ee07
0.5.0.beta1 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.0,netrc:~> 0.7.7,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:47baa9f044c71dbc37ab305a121902648dcee123b322932a1d825dd82931119b,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.5.0.beta3 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:~> 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:56844f7223fbab3494e0dbed6029826eb86277f323f959d49ce9fbac95610016,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.5.0 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:~> 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:1d8f5d0c1abcfe74a60bd90281c79794f09a9b3bbef59f054d11586ac9b5d2ad
0.6.0.rc1 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:~> 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:a9115965ee5dfe82aeed21fb85580662a6434ff947fabe99372262e86f64b43b,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.6.0 faraday:< 0.10.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:~> 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:fd7cfa6aded06777e2167a72673390cf666e10636635a2c7195c8b86b2d0bc16
0.7.0 faraday:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:0602ef133460130455e416e3032dca5614067cd052ee8816fae39e17cfefdca9
0.8.0.rc1 faraday:< 0.15.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:10154efec3940954324828a4af0e333f1bb4dd5305caab91fe9de05af5433e43,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.8.0 faraday:< 0.15.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:~> 1.6,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:8b89daf323017fe7cde501fe01827d4b1cfd6d069d60e8ea6a0cfa98a37beed0
0.9.0.rc1 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:8261768e965f5a7908c738dd7db3e3f7e55ea31e26ec02925619ce0bf4c6092c,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.9.1 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:a8861029914037d39d1f6a5426bac18076beaddb42589bd9ec3b164cbde6a1b0
0.10.0.rc1 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:a7b4a98b3164f0598c1205b6cee867efb055f19c3026afc6ec3c03dd0de8df67,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.10.0 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:1f089e7f0c60d25bca7f1db67f1ae91510b2ea3c0a18ea958aed7b746f069900
0.11.0.rc1 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:58aa8ded2b7ae80eacfcd1365f8c0f1edd7958ac5f7902b8305cce5c04486c0a,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.11.0 faraday:< 0.16.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.0.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:eb5be7ba921f14295ef99e08b727c1248df9445cc87d3ca51b58d2de71d6feb3
0.12.0.rc1 faraday:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:< 2.0.0.pre&>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:9e8e77f3db72ed99f7e0ab460c14db1c40fd1b4f899c88b9ff8a143a8bedc174,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.12.0.rc2 faraday:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:< 2.0.0.pre&>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:2d0faa88c374d5cf1db6e6cb56674ad77475fe5735b34afd6c20d64848446441,rubygems:> 1.3.1
0.12.0 faraday:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:< 2.0.0.pre&>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:afd14288a6a5f98c193b3a3aa5b61ed8a009906ab1f14dd4012ed37d4b721a8a
0.12.1 faraday:< 2.0.0.pre&>= 0.9.0,highline:< 2.1.0.pre&>= 1.6.0,multi_json:~> 1.10,netrc:< 0.12.0.pre&>= 0.10.0,progressbar:< 2.0.0.pre&>= 1.10.1,thor:< 1.1.0.pre&>= 0.14.0|checksum:b316ebd064e1152a51c7e63439133ec28ad4dfac30bf6919b5cb481ec853b5d0

and related line in file at the same time (including 0.13.0.beta1)

gemfury 0.1.1,0.2.0.beta1,0.2.0.beta2,0.2.0.beta3,0.2.0,0.3.0,0.3.1,0.3.2,0.4.0.beta1,0.4.0.beta2,0.4.0,0.4.1,0.4.2,0.4.3.rc,0.4.3,0.4.4,0.4.5,0.4.6,0.4.7,0.4.8,0.4.9,0.4.10,0.4.11,0.4.12,0.4.14,0.4.16,0.4.17,0.4.18,0.4.19,0.4.20.beta1,0.4.20.beta3,0.4.20,0.4.21,0.4.22,0.4.23,0.4.24.beta1,0.4.24.beta3,0.4.24.beta4,0.4.24.beta5,0.4.25,0.4.26.beta1,0.4.26,0.5.0.beta1,0.5.0.beta3,0.5.0,0.6.0.rc1,0.6.0,0.7.0,0.8.0.rc1,0.8.0,0.9.0.rc1,0.9.1,0.10.0.rc1,0.10.0,0.11.0.rc1,0.11.0,0.12.0.rc1,0.12.0.rc2,0.12.0,0.12.1,0.13.0.beta1 ce95c672275cb5e38b68c52c386a7810

@simi simi transferred this issue from rubygems/rubygems Sep 28, 2023
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simi commented Sep 28, 2023

For now, I have updated info file manually (using admin panel), can you check this is fixed @pboling? Locally I can install this gem version successfully now.

@simi simi self-assigned this Sep 28, 2023
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Contributor Author

pboling commented Oct 4, 2023

Yep, works now. Thanks @simi - hope the root cause can be determined and addressed! Manual processes suck!

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halfbyte commented Nov 2, 2023

I think I have a similar case here:

middleman 4.5.1 turns up on the website, is returned when querying the normal API:


...but is missing from the index:


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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

@simi I'm seeing a similar issue with temporal_tables. It's not in the versions file, so it seems like there's no way for bundler to find it if the metadata for the gem has already been cached.

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simi commented Jan 8, 2024

@simi I'm seeing a similar issue with temporal_tables. It's not in the versions file, so it seems like there's no way for bundler to find it if the metadata for the gem has already been cached.

let me take a look 👀

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simi commented Jan 8, 2024

@evman182 I did quick check and it is present now. There was no action taken from Full indexing can take a minute or two after pushing the gem. Can you confirm everything is ok?

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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

@simi No, I still do not see the v3 pre-release at This may be moreso a bug with bundler if the expectation is that bundler should fallback to fetching the gem info directly if it can't find the version in the compact index. Let me know if I should open a bug with bundler

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simi commented Jan 8, 2024

@evman182 How do you check?

[retro@retro  ~]❤ curl "" | grep "temporal_tables 3.0.0"                                                                                                         
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                                                                                               
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed                                                                                                                 
100 18.2M  100 18.2M    0     0  5719k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 5721k                                                                                                                
temporal_tables 3.0.0.pre.rc.1 9ae3399947223af03c118646e5817fb2  
$ ruby -r bundler/inline -e "gemfile(true) { source ''; gem 'temporal_tables', '3.0.0.pre.rc.1' }"
# ...
Fetching temporal_tables 3.0.0.pre.rc.1                                                                                                                                                       
Installing temporal_tables 3.0.0.pre.rc.1  

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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

I see the line your grep found now, but why is the pre-release version on it's own line, separate from the rest of the versions? It seems like new versions are being appended to the index, instead of to their existing lines

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simi commented Jan 8, 2024

I see the line your grep found now, but why is the pre-release version on it's own line, separate from the rest of the versions? It seems like new versions are being appended to the index, instead of to their existing lines

That's how compact index works for friendly HTTP caching purpose. It is append list (so "partial" HTTP ranged request can get file in sync without downloading whole content) and it is squashed once per month to keep it manageable long.

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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

The checksum on the newly appended line is not correct. It's the same as the old one, and doesn't match the checksum of

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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

I see similar situations for other gems in the versions file. Idk if this is a new bug with compact_index or something, but I see multiple cases where the first time a gem had a version appended to the versions file, the checksum is the same as the one that was generated on 1/1/2024

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simi commented Jan 8, 2024

@evman182 versions file doesn't include gem checksum, but something called info checksum. Everything seems ok. Sadly there is not a much documentation for those internals currently. Something is at and older version is explained at

Anyway, next to those internals, do you still face any troubles running bundle or gem commands?

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evman182 commented Jan 8, 2024

cc: @segiddins as I think this is related to your PR: #4255. I can open a new issue if you want since it appears to be unrelated to the issue I've been commenting on

Yes I am still seeing issues. I really think there's a bug with related to this

and this, which is used to gather all the versions to generate the "info checksum":

.where(" = ? AND versions.indexed = true", @rubygem_name)

and that the query is looking for indexed = true, but with the changes in the above PR that I linked to, that indexed value isn't being set until later.

If you look at this code block, that indexed attribute use to be set true on line 164, but now it's not set until the AfterVersionWriteJob executes. However, the query looking for index=true executes on line 182:

rubygem.update_attributes_from_gem_specification!(version, spec)
if rubygem.unowned?
case owner
when User
pending_publisher = find_pending_trusted_publisher
return notify_unauthorized if pending_publisher.blank?
rubygem.transaction do { "Reifying pending publisher" }
owner.rubygem_trusted_publishers.create!(rubygem: rubygem)

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@evman182 mind opening a new issue? I should be able to look into it tomorrow

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