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Interested in the future of Astral?

I've been working hard on a full rewrite and redesign! You can follow its progress and even try it yourself locally via the v3 branch.


  • Improved Caching
  • Improved UI/UX
  • Built on Laravel 5.4
  • Switched the front-end from AngularJS to VueJS

Getting up and running

With Homestead

  • Fork this repository, clone it, and cd into it

  • Install the front-end dependencies: yarn or npm install

  • Install the PHP dependenices: composer install

  • Install Homestead

  • Configure Homestead: homestead edit

         - map: ~/<PATH TO REPO>
           to: /home/vagrant/astral
         - map:
           to: /home/vagrant/astral/public
         - astral
  • Add the local development domain to your hosts file:

  • Create a new GitHub personal access token, and grab the keys it gives you

  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. Add your GitHub keys to it

  • SSH into your Homestead app, migrate the DB, and generate a new app key

     $ homestead ssh
     $ cd astral
     $ php artisan migrate
     $ php artisan key:generate
  • Fire up the app! Open a browser at and enjoy!

With Docker using Laradock

  • Fork this repository, clone it recursively including submodules, and cd into laradock folder

  • Execute Docker Compose: docker-compose up -d nginx mysql redis

  • Run a terminal inside workspace container: docker-compose exec workspace bash

  • Change to laradock user: su laradock

  • Install the front-end dependencies: npm install

  • Install the PHP dependencies: composer install and exit container

  • Add the local development domain to your hosts file: your_ip

  • Create a new OAuth Application, and grab the keys it gives you

  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. Add your GitHub keys to it

  • Run a terminal into your workspace container again, migrate the DB, and generate a new app key

     $ php artisan migrate
     $ php artisan key:generate

Compiling JavaScript and SCSS Changes

Astral uses JS and SCSS that needs to be transpiled before use. There are various NPM tasks available to you to make this easy.

  • When developing you often want to watch files for changes, and re-bundle automatically. You'll want to run either npm run watch or npm run hot. The watch command is a standard file watcher, and hot will give you hot module reloading.
  • To get the bundle production ready, run npm run production. This will generate production-ready JS and CSS assets.
  • Consult the package.json file for other NPM scripts you can use.


  • Get up and running
  • Create a new descriptively-named branch
  • Commit your changes and push to your fork.
  • Create a pull request with a clear, well written description of what the PR is all about. You should always run npm run production and commit the results before creating the PR.
  • Party!!


Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease







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  • PHP 49.5%
  • CSS 21.8%
  • Vue 16.7%
  • JavaScript 10.3%
  • HTML 1.7%