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Amey Varangaonkar edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the RudderStack Query Generator Wiki!

This repository consists of the complementary tools that help you in generating SQL queries on top of data warehouse populated by Rudderstack data.

These tools are:

  • A Node.js Server for generating information retrieval queries based on the user-specified conditions
  • A standalone Node.js program for pre-populating the list of events and other associated properties

Node.js Server for Retrieving Information from the Data Warehouse

This tool allows you to retrieve the list of RudderStack events and their associated properties present in the data warehouse, and use them to automatically generate an information retrieval query based on the filters set by you. These queries can then be run on your data warehouse to obtain the data that can be used for further analytics and insight generation.

💻 How to Start the Server

You can start the Node.js server after cloning this repository and issuing following command from the local repository root:

cd api; npm start

⚠️ Note: All the sample input JSON files are placed under api/data

👌 Supported Endpoints

The server accepts POST requests and supports following endpoints:

  • getevents - This retrieves list of RudderStack events for which the data is present in the warehouse. The input for the query needs to be specified in the format outlined in the api/data/get_events_input.json file, and passed in the request body.

  • geteventproperties - This contains the list of properties associated with each event from the list above. The input for the query needs to be specified in the format outlined in the api/data/get_event_properties_input.json file, and passed in the request body.

  • geteventpropertyvalues - This contains up to 500 distinct values for each of the properties of each of the events from the list mentioned above. The input for the query needs to be specified in the format outlined in the api/data/get_event_property_values_input.json file, and passed in the request body.

  • getquery - Allows you to generate event information retrieval query given the filters and group by clauses. The input for the query needs to be specified in the format outlined in the api/data/event_segmentation_query_gen_input.json file, and passed in the request body.

For each of the above cases, the command to retrieve the information would look like the following:

curl -X POST -G "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @<input JSON file path> http://localhost:3001/<endpoint>

⚡️ Standalone Node.js Program for Pre-populating Event Information from the Data Warehouse

This program can be used to pre-populate the list of events, their properties and a list of up to 500 distinct values for those properties from the specified data warehouse into the RudderStack Query Generator tool. Caching this information speeds up the overall query generation process.

There are two variants to this program:

  • populate_all_event_property_values.js - This works on Snowflake. You can update the connection details in populate_all_event_property_values_input.json.

  • redshift_populate_all_event_property_values.js - This works on Redshift. You can update the connection information in redshift_populate_all_event_property_values_input.json. Remember to append PGUSER=... PGPASSWORD=... at the command line before node redshift_populate_all_event_property_values.js.