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5443 - Data Mining



  • None

Days Time Location

  • Days: MW 230pm 350pm
  • Location: BO 320
  • Dates: Aug 28th - Dec 13th
  • Final Exam: Wed Dec 13th, 5:45-7:45 p.m.
  • Holidays:
    • Thanksgiving Sep 4th
    • Thanksgiving Nov 22nd - 26nd
  • Last Day for “W”: Oct 30


  • Linear Regression
  • K Nearest Neighbors
  • K Means Clustering
  • Decision Trees
  • Random Forests
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Nets and Deep Learning
  • Support Vector Machines


Categories Grade
Projects 1 50% A 89-100
Homework 2 25% B 79-88
Final 3 25% C 69-78
D 59-68
F below 59

1. Any projects that include programs as well as programs themselves must run without error. If they do not run, they will not be graded. Correctness is a different matter. However, the program must be close to the solution required and cannot be an over simplified version simply for the purpose of making it run.

2. The worth of the "homework/quizzes" section of the course will be calculated by a function based on the number of assignments and quizzes. If zero homeworks / quizzes are assigned then they will be assigned a 0% portion. If at least 10 are assigned then the full 25% will be assigned as its weight. If the full weight is not used the class will decide how the remaining percentage points will be assigned.

3. Plane ticket prices, events like weddings, or trips out of the country are not valid excuses for missing the final exam at its scheduled time. I will not make accommodations for anything other than an issue vetted by the dean of students.


  • Attending class is one of the primary keys to doing well in this class. Students may be dropped for excessive absences. There is no distinction made between excused and unexcused.

  • Make-up exams are not given. If I see fit, then I will replace a missed exam with your final exam test grade. If you do miss an exam without prior approval, a letter from the dean of students will be needed as an excuse.

  • A number of programming assignments will be made to code and execute. The Creation and use of a development environment is part of being a computer science student. I will assist you at the beginning of class with suggested software, but ultimately making your environment work is totally up to you. When all else fails, there is are LABS provided.

  • Programs containing syntax errors are unacceptable and will be returned without grading (your programs must work). All submitted programs need to be submitted on the day it is due as a single hard copy of all source code written or edited by you (libraries or helper code not necessary). Also a version of your program with ALL necessary files to make it run (w/ instructions if necessary) will be available on Github in your assignments folder on the same day the program is due.

  • Periodically homework assignments will be taken up and graded. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with assignments and to ask questions over the assigned work, even if absent. All homework assignments are due at the specified time that may or may not be in conjunction with a class day. All assignments / homeworks will be uploaded to Github and placed in your assignments folder as well.


Data Mining / Machine Learning concepts






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