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FSM pluggable scriptableobjects

adapted from the unity tutorial

Overall: Works mostly the same as Unity's tutorial above, currently is full of Debug.Log()'s so you can follow along with the excecution order. But: is ugly and doesn't have full(or any, really) use of the stack

How To Use:

** there is some test actions/connections in there for ref if you want **

  • RClick->Create->Pluggable FSM->State
  • Create a script using namespace PluggableFSM
  • For Actions inherit from Action, Connections inherit from Connection
  • Add [CreateAssetMenu] above your new script class, use Paths.whatever for some static strings to make menuName="" filling out easier. See MenuNamePaths.cs for deets, should be self-explanitory.
  • Once your custom Action/Connection is written + has [CreateAssetMenu] you can: RClick->Create->Pluggable FSM/Actions/action name here .../Connections/connection name here
  • Drag and drop these into states
  • Drag your initial state into the last spot of the Controller.stack List. (really the list should only have a length of 1 to start)

Some changes from unity's tut:

  • Changed how transitions(I called them connections) work: you choose the result true/false you are looking for, and the active state will change when that is found.
  • Connections also have a "how long have I been active" timer if you want: call CountTime() in Eval() and then check timeSpentEvaluating whenever.
  • Actions + Connections have Enter()/Exit() calls you can use to init/set/reset variables or something.
  • If you want to access from a Enter()/Exit() and it's not already being passed through? You can pass it through in the foreach loops in

the controller stack

  • Operating Rule: The state at the end of the list is the active state.

  • Missing complete functionality because I dont need that for my use right now.

  • Set the maxSize to something and you get a history of the states you have gone through. (will trim itself when exceeding the length)

  • There is Pop() but it wont call Enter/Exit for the state currently. Ideally it removes the current state which makes the previous the new current state. <- would like to add this tbh


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