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A Python package and CLI application to convert simple YAML documents to LaTeX and PDF exams. You can use custom templates to change the visual design of the exam or even export it to a new format.


Install a LaTeX distribution and make sure latexmk is set in your system path.

pip install pyexam


You need to define an YAML file for each exam. Here's a minimal example:

name: CS 101
header: |
  Name: \rule{4in}{.4pt} \quad Student I.D.:\enspace\hrulefill
# sections: []
  - type: long-answer
    text: Who developed Python?
    lines: 1.5cm
    answer: Guido van Rossum
  - type: fill-in
    text: The Go language was developed at \fillin[Google].
  - type: multiple-choice
    text: Which of the following programming languages is interpreted?
      - text: R
        correct: yes
      - text: C++

For a more complete example with the full schema, check the example document and try the following commands:

# Export exam
python -m pyexam -i examples/cs-101-exam.yml -f pdf -o examples/output-exam

# Export exam solution
pyexam -i examples/cs-101-exam.yml -f pdf -o examples/output-exam-solution -s

# All arguments
pyexam [-h] -i FILE [-o OUT] [-t TEMPLATE] [-s | --solution | --no-solution] [-f {latex,pdf}] [-l LEVEL]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input-file FILE
  -o OUT, --output-dir OUT
  -t TEMPLATE, --template-dir TEMPLATE
  -s, --solution, --no-solution
  -f {latex,pdf}, --format {latex,pdf}
  -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL

The final result will look like this:

exam example

You can also import this package to use in your own Python code, as demonstrated in tests. Some new possible features include generating exams from a question bank or randomize the questions to produce multiple exam versions.

Beware that all input is trusted to increase customizability and keep the code simpler, you should sanitize the input for unstrusted clients.


Convert simple YAML documents to LaTeX and PDF exams







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