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Description WP Mobile Menu is an easy to use WordPress responsive mobile menu. Keep your mobile visitors engaged, providing then easy access to your site content.

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=== WP Mobile Menu ===
Contributors: takanakui, freemius
Tags:   mobile, navigation, responsive, menu,  responsive menu, mobile menu,  tablet menu, hamburger menu, hamburger, wordpress responsive menu, wordpress mobile menu, canvas menu
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 2.7
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GPLv3
License URI:
Donate link:

== Description == 
Need some help with the mobile website experience? Need an Mobile Menu plugin that keep your mobile visitors engaged?

WP Mobile Menu is the best WordPress responsive mobile menu. Provide to your mobile visitor an easy access to your site content using any device smartphone/tablet/desktop.

Se below the lisf of features of what our WordPress Responsive Menu can do for you.

No coding knowledge is required. Works with all WordPress responsive themes.

= Links =

* [Free Demo](
* [Ecommerce Demo](
* [Professional Demo](
* [Website](
* [Documentation](

###This are the features that will keep your mobile visitors engaged

<li> 3 Depth Menu Level</li>
<li> Naked Header </li>
<li> Overlay Mask when the menu is opened  </li>
<li> Logo/Text Branding  </li>
<li> Background image for the menus  </li>
<li> Naked Header  </li>
<li> Hide specific elements when the Mobile Menu is visible(theme menus, or any html element)  </li>
<li> Google Fonts  </li>
<li> Customise the styling of your mobile menus  </li>
<li> Display Type - Slideout Over Content, Slideout Push Content</li>
<li> [Premium]  Display Type - Overlay Full Width, Slideout From Top</li>
<li> [Premium]  Menus only visible for logged in users</li>
<li> [Premium]  2000+ Icons (FontAwesome, Fontelicon, Iconic, Entypo, Typicons)</li>
<li> [Premium]  Header Banner(above and below the header)</li>
<li> [Premium]  Disable Mobile Menus in specific pages</li>
<li> [Premium]  Alternative menus per page</li>
<li> [Premium]  5th Depth Menu Levels</li>
<li> [Premium]  Copyright section</li>
<li> and much more...</li>
###Increase your Woocommerce shop website sales conversion 
<li> [Premium ECOMMERCE]  Menu Cart Icon</li>
<li> [Premium ECOMMERCE]  Sliding Cart</li>
<li> [Premium ECOMMERCE]  Checkout and View Cart buttons in Sliding Cart</li>
<li> [Premium ECOMMERCE]  Account links in Sliding Cart</li>
<li> [Premium ECOMMERCE]  Mobile Product Filter</li>

> Note: some of the features are Premium. To have access to those features you will need WP Mobile Menu Premium. You can [get WP Mobile Menu Premium here](!

###I need help or I have a doubt, check our Support
* Great Support, our free support is above the average. Only the Premium support is better and faster.

 <a target="_blank" href="">WP Mobile Menu Support page</a>

Bug reports for WP Mobile Menu are [welcomed on GitHub]( Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren’t properly qualified as bugs will be closed.

== Installation ==

1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress
1. Search for "WP Mobile Menu"
1. Click "Install"


Download and install the .zip file in the Wordpress plugin page of your website


1. Unzip and upload the `mob-menu` directory into the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Done!

== Frequently Asked Questions == 
Not available at the moment

== Upgrade Notice ==
Not available at the moment
== Changelog ==  

= 2.7 =
* New!      - 2 Menu locations for the left/right menu (useful for translation plugins)
* New!      - Option to change close icon
* New!      - Option to change open submenu icon
* New!      - Option to change close submenu icon
* New!      - Sticky Header/Non sticky Header Option
* New!      - Retina Logo Option
* New!      - Menu items border style
* New!      - Add Alt Text to menu icon buttons for more acessibility
* Improved! - Restrict No menu asigned notice to admin users
* Improved! - Icon Font Performance enhancement
* Improved! - Font size issues fixed
* Improved! - Freemius SDK 2.1.3 Update
* Improved! - 2nd and 3rd level menu color options
* Fix!      - Translation strings
* Fix!      - W3C HTML Validations

= 2.6 =
* New!      - 3rd Depth Menu Levels
* New!      - Parent Link open submenu(2nd Level)
* New!      - Translation Text Domain
* New!      - GPDR Ready
* New!      - New selector to hide the menus from Astra theme, Divi theme
* New!      - Polylang language URL compatibility
* Fix!      - Admin notice color changes
* Fix!      - Warning message when no menu is selected
* Fix!      - Warning message when no menu is selected
* Fix!      - Detach elements only with Push Content Effect
* Fix!      - Freemius Titan Colorpicker
* Fix!      - Fix Smooth scroll conflicts
* Fix!      - Remove Color Picker from the Font field
* Fix!      - Width Trigger was with 1px of offset
* Improved! - Freemius SDK Update
* Improved! - Removed unnecessary Enable button

= 2.5.1 =
* New!      - New close button when using the Slideout Over content menu display type
* New!      - New close button color settings
* New!      - New Smooth Scroll animation in page internal navigation links
* New!      - Stop scrolling when the menu panels are open  
* Fix!      - Add specific body classes with jQuery when the theme doesn't implement the body_class()
* Fix!      - IOS issue when clicking outside the menu papel to close the panel
* Fix!      - New close button when using the Image Icon
* Fix!      - Removed Duplicated color pickers in the Font settings fields

= 2.5 =
* New!      - Naked Header
* New!      - Display Type, Slideout over content 
* New!      - Turn on/off Header Logo
* New!      - Overlay Mask when the menu is opened 
* New!      - Click Entire parent link to open submenu
* New!      - Font and color settings to the before and after menu icon text
* New!      - Custom js field to help in any tweak or fast fix 
* New!      - Menu Background size settings 
* New!      - New Menu padding( for Left and Right Menu )
* Fix!      - Promotion Banner was remove from the WordPress admin dashboard, and dismisse button already works in the Mobile Menu options banner.
* Fix!      - Video autoplay issue
* Fix!      - Error in the woocommerce page regarding the images sizes due to agressive Woocommerce css rule.
* Fix!      - Improvement in the menu html markup and errors in the W3C Validator 
* Improved! - Update Freemius SDK

= 2.4 =
* New!      – Gradient Background css in the menu panels
* New!      – Use the menus icons has buttons (option to choose open a menu or a link)
* New!      – Add Text input after left menu and before the right menu
* New!      – Click in the page to close the menus
* New!      – Select Icon of the menu icons
* New!      – Icon menu Font size
* New!      – Header Logo/Text alignment/spacing 
* New!      – Option to detach sticky elements
* Improved! – Code was entirely rebuild to an Object Oriented programming approach.
* Improved! – Sticky elements bug fix
* Improved! – Implement depencies on script loadind
* Improved! – Increased the maximum width trigger, to keep the menu visible in larger resolutions
* Improved! – General css fixes

= 2.3 = 
* New!      - Google Fonts in the menu items 
* New!      - Background image in the menu panels
* New!      - Google Fonts in the menu items 
* New!      - Naked Header with transparent background
* New!      - Option to disable Url in the header
* Improved! - Right/left Menu Panel Width in percentage(%) and not only in Pixels(px)
* Improved! - Improved mechanism to automatically hide the menus of the themes
* Improved! - Improved Anchor Linking 
* Improved! - Increased the maximum width trigger, to keep the menu visible in larger resolutions 
* Improved! - Auto close open sub menus when expandin a new sub menu
* Improved! - General css fixes 

= 2.2 = 
* New!   - 2nd Level menus with touch to expand events
* New!   - New field in Header options to provide and alternative URL for the logo link(by default it links to the website)
* Fixed! - Changed the Icon prefixing to avoid conflicts
* Fixed! - Renamed push wrap divs to a more specific id
* Fixed! - Fatal error in mob menu.php
* Fixed! - Sorted css conflict with fixed elements with the mob menu
wrap that uses the translate3d property

= 2.1 =
* New!   - New options to style the Sub menus
* Fixed! - Include Freemius has an author
* Fixed! - Fix uninstall hook

= 2.0 =
* New!   - Included Titan Options Framework 
* New!   - Included Analytics & Insights Freemius Framework
* New!   - Added close menu button
* New!   - New default Icon Fonts for the menu icon and close icon
* Tweak! - Major Update
* Tweak! - Footer options removed
* Fixed! - Menu animation improvements

= 1.1 =
* Tweak! - WordPress Compatibility update

= 1.0 =
* Initial Version

== Screenshots ==
1. **WP Mobile Menu animated Demo.** 
2. **WP Mobile Menu Header Types.** 
3. **WP Mobile Menu Demo.** 
4. **Left Menu Demo.** 
5. **Right Menu Demo.** 
6. **General Options.** 
7. **Header options.** 
8. **Left Menu options.** 
9. **Right Menu options.** 
10. **Color options.** 


Description WP Mobile Menu is an easy to use WordPress responsive mobile menu. Keep your mobile visitors engaged, providing then easy access to your site content.






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