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Quick start with rgos quantum plugin

ruijie edited this page Nov 15, 2012 · 2 revisions


This plugin implementation provides the following capabilities:

>>Supports the Rgos family of ruijie DC switches
>>Supports KVM with OVS
>>Supports VLAN (Manage whole network L2 VLAN, include VM,vSwitch,Physical Switch)
>>Supports QOS, ACL, Others (TODO)


>>OS supported:
    Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) or above
    Fedora 16 or above (TODO)
    RHEL 6.1 or above (TODO)
>>Control Node :
    2 NIC adapters (100M/1000M)
      eth0 : used with Mananged network
      eth1 : used with VM network
    LLDP Service
    OVS Service
    Internet Service

Demo Virtual Cloud Network System Requirements:

>>1 Control&Compute Node
     1 multi-core processor
     4 GB over of RAM 
     2 physical network adapter

>>1 or more Ruijie DC series Switch

Plugin Installation Instructions

Install with Devstack -- (e.g: Ubuntu 12.04)

  1. Git Setup

    sudo apt-get install git

  2. Devstack Gets Download the Devstack codes,You can use ruijie's setup script:

    sudo git clone git://

  3. Ruijie openstack codes with Folsom Gets

    Note: First of all, check your current environment:

  • IF you want new create , GOTO 3.1;
  • IF you are already have Folsom environment, GOTO 3.2;
  • IF you are not Folsom environment, GOTO 3.3;
3.1 New Create (your have not setup any other openstack F codes in your environment)

Download the Ruijie openstack codes(whole compoents version):

>>sudo git clone git://

Note: Download Successed , you will get the all ruijie openstack codes include nova , horzion , etc...

3.2 Patch Whole Quantum to current system (you have setuped the openstack enviorment already ):

Download the Ruijie openstack Patch codes (just only quantum components): >>sudo git clone git://

Note: Download Successed , you will get the whole quantum patch codes include rgos quantum plugins.

3.3 Patch Rgos plugin to current system (you have setuped the openstack enviorment already ):

Download the Ruijie Quantum Plugins Patch codes (just only quantum components): >>sudo git clone git://

Note: Download Successed , you will get the ruijie plugins patch codes include rgos quantum plugins.

  1. Ruijie openstack quick setup move the openstack codes into setup path(e.g: /opt/stack)

    cd "git local path"(e.g: /home/rj/download/)

    cp ./quantum /opt/stack/

    Note: you will cover old quantum folder with ruijie quantum patch codes.

  2. Setting the config files

    Modify the rgos plugin config file:

    cd /opt/stack/quantum/etc/quantum/plugins/rgos

    sudo vi rgos_quantum_plugin.ini


     sql_connection = mysql://"user":"password"@
     # Network TYPE SETTING
     tenant_network_type = vlan
     network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1:4094
     # OVS integration bridge SETTING 
     integration_bridge = br-int
     # OVS bridge_mappings SETTING
     bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1
     # Agent's polling interval in seconds
     polling_interval = 2
     # Remote Switch SSH server config
     # e.g: remote_switch_server ="index":"username":"password":"Switch IP":"SSH Port";
     remote_switch_server = 1:rj:rj:;
  3. Other necessary prepare

    6.1. confirm "eth1" is running

    -- check the phynic's status

    sudo ifconfig eth1

    -- start the phynic if its not running

    sudo ifconfig eth1 up

    6.2. confirm lldp service is running

    -- check the service status

    service lldpd status

    -- setup the lldp service if its not exsited

    sudo apt-get install lldpd


    sudo apt-get install lldpad

  4. Config the Switch

    -- confirm server connected with switch BY "eth1"

    check the cable between server's phynic "eth1" and switch's interface.

    -- confirm the switch's lldp service is started

    (cli) show lldp status

    Note: More command about switch , please refer the ruijie switch Configuration guide:LLDP Configuration

  5. Modify the Setup Script

    -- go to setup script file folder

    cd "git local path" (e.g: /home/rj/download/)

    cd /devstack

    -- Edit the localrc

    sudo vi localrc

    e.g :

      # Networks Config (your local server ip)
      # Service enable Setting

    ls or ls

    run the setup script ,auto to Setup the openstack system

    sudo ./ or sudo ./

    Auto setup openstack with script .

    It will need spend 10~~30 minutes.

  6. IF you get follow success information about setup, the openstack with rgos quantum demo syatem is complete.

=========================================================== + set +o xtrace

Horizon is now available at http://192.168.x.xx/
Keystone is serving at http://192.168.x.xx:5000/v2.0/
Examples on using novaclient command line is in
The default users are: admin and demo
The password: passwd
This is your host ip: 192.168.x.xx completed in 176 seconds.


Test the plugin functions

1. open the explorer with URL 

     e.g: http://192.168.x.xx/

2. sign in the ruijie horzion page with your author setting 

     e.g: admin/passwd

3. create network in demo/admin project.

 when network is created , u can check its details ;

4. create instance(VM) in this network.

 runing the INSTANCE.

5. confirm test result.
U can check the kvm server's ovs setting, 
confirm the vlan value is setting in the ovs:

-- confirm instance vnic is created and "tag" property is setted.

>> sudo ovs-vsctl show

e.g : 

Bridge "br-eth1"
    Port "phy-br-eth1"
        Interface "phy-br-eth1"
    Port "eth1"                ==> used for kvm's network device
        Interface "eth1"
    Port "br-eth1"
        Interface "br-eth1"
            type: internal
Bridge br-int
    Port br-int
        Interface br-int
            type: internal
    Port "tape73377aa-a4"        ==> instance create vnic
        tag: 2
        Interface "tape73377aa-a4"
    Port "tap6ba43a44-d7"
        tag: 1
        Interface "tap6ba43a44-d7"
    Port "int-br-eth1"
        Interface "int-br-eth1"

-- confirm instance's "in-port" ,"dl-vlan" and "mod_vlan_vid" property is setted.

>> sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-eth1 

-- confirm instance's "in-port", "dl-vlan" and "mod_vlan_vid" property is setted.

>> sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int 

  You can check the switch setting by cli:

== confirm the network vlan value is set into switch interface setting :

show vlan

Note: more test demo information please see follow URL:


  • The Quantum OVS plugin support quantum network type is "LOCAL" and "VLAN";
  • "QOS", "ACL" function now is not support . This work is targeted for Girrzly.
  • XenServer is not supported with the current Folsom code.