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RunBuggy front-end test project


This application lists drivers and allows users to see details about a specific driver.

User Stories

  1. As a user I should see a loading indicator whenever data is being retrieved
  2. As a user I should see a list of drivers (first name only) when I visit the root of the application (/)
  3. As a user I should be able to click on a driver and be navigated to a detail page for that specific driver
  4. As a user I should see first name, last name and id when I see a driver's details
  5. As a user I should be able to navigate to the detail page directly through URL


  1. This project is configured to use the library of pre-built components, try to leverage this as much as possible

Bonus tasks

  1. Add client side filtering on the list
  2. Try to find a way to minimize the amount of bandwidth needed when navigating between the list and details page
  3. Try to make the list component configurable (e.g.: allow for different font styles, or colors)
  4. Create a component which takes a driver object as a property and displays an avatar of the first and last name initials


Try to build components for repeatable items, trying using template slots Look in to Vuex for state persistance

How to get started

  • run npm install in application folder
  • run npm serve
  • visit local server (http://localhost:8080 by default)


Sample project for interview test






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