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Jisung Kim edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 6 revisions


Name Input Dimension Filter Dimension Output Dimension Number of Filters Link
2d filter (224,224) (3,3) (224,224) 1 Sobel
2d conv (224,224,3) (3,3,3) (224,224) 64 VGG
(224,224,64) (3,3,64) (224,224) 128 VGG
(112,112,128) (3,3,128) (112,112) 256 VGG
1x1 conv (224,224,64) (1,1,64) (224,224) 32 VGG
3d conv (224,224,3,16) (3,3,3,16) (224,224,16) 64 C3D
MobileNets conv 1


batch_size = 10

Input Image = [width, height, channels] = [224,224,3(RGB)]

Name Input Filter Input Shape Filter Shape Output Shape
tf.nn.conv1d 3D 3D 2D 2D 1D
[10,100,64] [3,64,128] [100,64] [3,64] [100] x 128
tf.nn.conv2d 4D 4D 3D 3D 2D
[10,224,224,64] [3,3,64,128] [224,224,64] [3,3,64] [224,224] x 128
tf.nn.conv3d 5D 5D 4D 4D 3D
[10,3,224,224,64] [3,3,3,64,128] [3,224,224,64] [3,3,3,64] [3,224,224] x 128
API Input
tf.nn.conv1d batch in_width in_channels
tf.nn.conv2d batch in_height in_width in_channels
tf.nn.conv3d batch in_depth in_height in_width in_channels
API Output
tf.nn.conv1d batch filter_width out_channels
tf.nn.conv2d batch filter_height filter_width out_channels
tf.nn.conv3d batch filter_depth filter_height filter_width out_channel
Recap conv direction output shape
conv1d only x-direction 1-dim array
conv2d x,y direction 2-dim matrix
conv3d x,y,z dirction 3-dim volume
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