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Enhancing Weakly Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation through Probabilistic-aware Learning


3D medical image segmentation is a challenging task with crucial implications for disease diagnosis and treatment planning. Recent advances in deep learning have significantly enhanced fully supervised medical image segmentation. However, this approach heavily relies on labor-intensive and time-consuming fully annotated ground-truth labels, particularly for 3D volumes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel probabilistic-aware weakly supervised learning pipeline, specifically designed for 3D medical imaging. Our pipeline integrates three innovative components: a Probability-based Pseudo Label Generation technique for synthesizing dense segmentation masks from sparse annotations, a Probabilistic Multi-head Self-Attention network for robust feature extraction within our Probabilistic Transformer Network, and a Probability- informed Segmentation Loss Function to enhance training with annotation confidence. Demonstrating significant advances, our approach not only rivals the performance of fully supervised methods but also surpasses existing weakly supervised methods in CT and MRI datasets, achieving up to 18.1% improvement in Dice scores for certain organs.



  • Probabilistic-aware Framework: We introduce a novel probabilistic-aware weakly supervised learning pipeline. Through a comprehensive series of tests, we demonstrate that our method not only significantly enhances performance compared to state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods but also achieves results comparable to fully supervised approaches, highlighting its substantial real-world applicability.

  • Probability-based Pseudo Label Generation: Within the framework, we innovate by converting sparse 3D point labels into comprehensive dense annotations, leveraging principles from the uncertainty model. This innovative approach minimizes the typical information loss associated with weak labels and enhances segmentation accuracy. Additionally, we simulated the diversity of real-world raw data to test the practicality of our method and achieved promising results.

  • Probabilistic Multi-head Self-Attention (PMSA): A critical component of our probabilistic transformer network, it effectively addresses the inherent class variance and noise found in pseudo labels. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing segmentation performance by capturing and utilizing the probabilistic distributions of input-output mappings.

  • Probability-informed Segmentation Loss Function: To complement the framework, we introduce a novel loss function that incorporates the annotator's confidence level. This loss function aligns the segmentation process more closely with actual boundaries and captures the probabilistic nature of the segmentation task. It also plays a crucial role in reducing the bias in confidence allocation during model training.

1. Installation

Please note the version of monai

git clone

cd PW4MedSeg

conda create -n PW4MedSeg python==3.9

conda activate PW4MedSeg

pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Data pre-processing


  1. Download the BTCV Dataset [Google Drive] [百度网盘] and place it in the ./dataset/btcv directory.
  2. Converting anisotropic images to isotropic images bypython ./Data_preprocessing/ may need to use dataset to specify which dataset.
  3. Convert multi-label image to single-label image bypython ./Data_preprocessing/ may need to use dataset to specify which dataset and label_num to specify which organ. If you are using a custom dataset, you will need to include a custom label_dict.


  1. Download the Chaos Dataset [Google Drive] [百度网盘] and place it in the ./dataset/chaos directory.
  2. Converting anisotropic images to isotropic images bypython ./Data_preprocessing/ may need to use dataset to specify which dataset.
  3. Convert multi-label image to single-label image bypython ./Data_preprocessing/ may need to use dataset to specify which dataset and label_num to specify which organ. If you are using a custom dataset, you will need to include a custom label_dict.

3. Pseudo-label generation

  1. run python ./Data_preprocessing/ You may need to specify which dataset or organ to use.
  2. run python ./Data_preprocessing/ You may need to specify which dataset or organ to use.

4. Preparing data files

Check out the example file in ./dataset/dataset_0, you just need to change the train and val sections to your data.

5. Train

python --logdir btcv_spleen --json_list dataset_spleen_10_200.json --gpu 0 --max_epochs 3500 --use_normal_dataset

The training can be done by just modifying the above mentioned parameters and the results are saved to ./run/logdir.

6. Test

python --pretrained_dir ./runs/btcv_spleen --json_list dataset_spleen_10_200.json --gpu 0

Tests will get test data for DICE and HD95 metrics.


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