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Whitespace and Comments

The previous two pages introduced the lexer and parser but have not yet discussed how to handle whitespace and comments.

In some grammars whitespace and comments would not be considered significant and so we might be tempted not to generate any tokens for them. However, in the running example, we may want to make spaces significant in the future. For example, we might want to implement function application expressed by juxtaposition as in Haskell and Idris like this: f x.

So, on this page, we will add a token for whitespace and comments. We will then consider two ways to process this:

  • Filter all whitespace tokens from the lexer results before passing to the parser.
  • Process the whitespace tokens in the parser.

Whitespace and Comments in Lexer

To start with we can use the same token for both whitespace and comments. Here it is called Comment and added to the ExpressionToken data structure like this:

public export
data ExpressionToken = Number Integer
         | Operator String
         | OParen
         | CParen
         | Comment String
         | EndInput

This is added to the TokenMap like this:

||| from
comment : Lexer
comment = is '-' <+> is '-' <+> many (isNot '\n')

expressionTokens : TokenMap ExpressionToken
expressionTokens =
  [(digits, \x => Number (toInt' x)),
   (operator, \x => Operator x),
   (is '(' ,\x => OParen),
   (is ')' ,\x => CParen),
   (spaces, Comment),
   (comment, Comment)]

As you can see, the comment is defined like a single line Idris comment, it starts with -- and continues for the remainder of the line.

We don't need to define spaces because it is already defined in : like this:

||| Recognise a single whitespace character
||| /\\s/
space : Lexer
space = pred isSpace

||| Recognise one or more whitespace characters
||| /\\s+/
spaces : Lexer
spaces = some space

If these whitespace tokens are not significant, that is, they can appear anywhere and they are optional then we can filter them out before the parser gets them like this:

processWhitespace : (List (TokenData ExpressionToken), Int, Int, String)
                -> (List (TokenData ExpressionToken), Int, Int, String)
processWhitespace (x,l,c,s) = ((filter notComment x),l,c,s) where
    notComment : TokenData ExpressionToken -> Bool
    notComment t = case tok t of
                        Comment _ => False
                        _ => True

calc : String -> Either (ParseError (TokenData ExpressionToken))
                      (Integer, List (TokenData ExpressionToken))
calc s = parse expr (fst (processWhitespace (lex expressionTokens s)))

Whitespace and Comments in Parser

If we sometimes require whitespace to be significant then we can't filter them out as above. In this case the Comment tokens are sent to the parser which now needs to be able to handle them.

commentSpace : Rule Integer
commentSpace = terminal (\x => case tok x of
                         Comment s => Just 0
                         _ => Nothing)

So far we don't have any syntax that requires spaces to be significant so we need to define the grammar so that it will parse with, or without, spaces. This needs to be done in a systematic way, here I have defined the grammar so that there is an optional space to the right of every atom or operator. First add versions of intLiteral , openParen , closeParen and op that allow optional spaces/comments to the right of them:

intLiteralC : Rule Integer
intLiteralC = (intLiteral <* commentSpace) <|> intLiteral

openParenC : Rule Integer
openParenC = (openParen <* commentSpace) <|> openParen

closeParenC : Rule Integer
closeParenC = (closeParen <* commentSpace) <|> closeParen

||| like op but followed by optional comment or space
opC : String -> Rule Integer
opC s = ((op s) <* commentSpace) <|> (op s)

Then just use these functions instead of the original functions:

expr : Rule Integer

factor : Rule Integer
factor = intLiteralC <|> do
              r <- expr
              pure r

term : Rule Integer
term = map multInt factor <*> (
        (opC "*")
        *> factor)
     <|> factor

expr = map addInt term <*> (
        (opC "+")
        *> term)
     <|> map subInt term <*> (
        (opC "-")
        *> term)
     <|> term

calc : String -> Either (ParseError (TokenData ExpressionToken))
                      (Integer, List (TokenData ExpressionToken))
calc s = parse expr (fst (lex expressionTokens s))

lft : (ParseError (TokenData ExpressionToken)) -> IO ()
lft (Error s lst) = putStrLn ("error:"++s)

rht : (Integer, List (TokenData ExpressionToken)) -> IO ()
rht i = putStrLn ("right " ++ (show i))

main : IO ()
main = do
  putStr "alg>"
  x <- getLine
  either lft rht (calc x) -- eliminator for Either

Defining Block Structure using Indents

Many languages such as Python, Haskell and Idris use indents to delimit the block structure of the language.

We can see how Idris2 does it here :

IndentInfo : Type
IndentInfo = Int

init : IndentInfo
init = 0

EndInput Token

So far, the parser will return a successful result even if the full input is not consumed. To ensure that the top level syntax is fully matched we add a EndInput token to indicate the last token.

EndInput is added to the other tokens like this:

data ExpressionToken = Number Integer
         | Operator String
         | OParen
         | CParen
         | Comment String
         | EndInput

A rule to consume this token is added:

eoi : Rule Integer
eoi = terminal (\x => case tok x of
                         EndInput => Just 0
                         _ => Nothing)

Instead of using expr at the top level of the syntax we can now define exprFull as shown here. This will make sure that only when EndInput is consumed will the parse be successful:

exprFull : Rule Integer
exprFull = expr <* eoi

The following code makes sure EndInput is added to the end of the token list:

processWhitespace : (List (TokenData ExpressionToken), Int, Int, String)
                -> (List (TokenData ExpressionToken), Int, Int, String)
processWhitespace (x,l,c,s) = ((filter notComment x)++
                                    [MkToken l c EndInput],l,c,s) where
    notComment : TokenData ExpressionToken -> Bool
    notComment t = case tok t of
                        Comment _ => False
                        _ => True

All we have to do now is use exprFull instead of expr:

calc : String -> Either (ParseError (TokenData ExpressionToken))
                      (Integer, List (TokenData ExpressionToken))
calc s = parse exprFull (fst (processWhitespace (lex expressionTokens s)))