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The backend of Channel Builder.


Use ansible to setup the server... Then:

docker-compose -f production-docker-compose.yml up -d


Run in the docker folder: ./

Then push the resulting container to docker hub so you can pull it back down with the production-docker-compose.yml.

Backing Up and Restoring the Database


docker-compose -f production-docker-compose.yml exec db pg_dump roku_channel_builder -U postgres > ~/db_backup


First modify the backup file you're going to restore, add the following to the top:

set session_replication_role = replica;

Now copy the restore file into the running DB container:

docker cp BACKUP_FILE CONTAINER_ID:/tmp/db_backup

Now login to the running DB container:

docker-compose -f production-docker-compose.yml exec db 'bash'

Now restore the backup:

psql roku_channel_builder -U postgres < /tmp/db_backup

Remove the backup file from the container:

rm /tmp/db_backup


There are docker compose files setup to simplify testing of the backend. You'll need to have secrets files in the docker directory: db_password.secret, smtp_server.secret, smtp_port.secret, smtp_username.secret, smtp_password.secret, and email_from.secret. These are just plaintext - do not commit them into git.

Setup an AWS SMTP credential w/IAM policy that only lets you email to your testing address, and use that in the smtp settings. AWS has some info about how to set that policy here.

Change the testing-docker-compose.yml FRONTEND_LOC to be an IP address you can connect to the server via (your local IP address).

Run docker-compose -f testing-docker-compose.yml up -d from the docker directory.

Browse to the FRONTEND_LOC you set in a browser.

There's also a (currently very partial) backend_tester python script.