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Introduction To Angular

View the live app in GitHub Pages here. This project is only Client Side Application in our next course we will make this application full stack by adding server side to this app.

  • We are covering below specs from Angular:
    • component
    • component communication
    • Angular Component LifeCycle Events
      • onNgInit
    • directive
    • angular cli
    • routing
    • services
    • lazy loading module
    • parent child module communication
    • angular material

Course Highlits

  • How to Create Angular Application
  • What are Angular CLI commands
  • What are the folders & Files within Angular app what are their purpose & responsibilities.
  • What are the scripts available on Angular app npm start npm run build
  • Create angular app and render list of string
  • What is Component & Directive: Basic Introduction
  • Create a Tod list Component
  • How to bind HTML Form Controls on Angular Component
  • How to create Multiple Components in a single Angular app
  • How to use Angular Routing to navigate between components
  • How to Communicate between sibling components by passing some data
  • How to use Query prams using Angular Routing
  • How to create Angular Directive & Demo
  • What is Lazy Loading of Module
  • Create New angular feature module and User lazily in Angular App.
  • What is Angular Material
  • Integrate Angular Material in our Angular App
  • Deployment to production

Module: Introduction

  • I will teach the basic example
  • Then I can ask to do some complex example
  • You will do some part of it. It depends. that is fine you did something or not
  • Then I will give you the solution
  • However, you should never give up once I show the demonstration.
  • And I will teach you new chapter and give you new assignment.
  • You go home and finish your previous assignment which you had done partially and refer my solution as reference.
  • First finish you previous assignment then go and start doing the new assignment.
  • Unless you do by your own till you are not learning and you are not getting any benefit out of this course.
  • You have to be serious, believe on yourself and march on.
  • I am always there to guide and pull you up.
  • Create one repository in Github and for each assignment create one branch and work on branch only.
  • Finally you can merge your working branch in master branch.

What skills do you need for angular ?

  • Basics of npm đź‘Ť
  • JavaScriptđź‘Ť
  • Typescriptđź‘Ť
  • HTMLđź‘Ť
  • CSSđź‘Ť
  • RxJS đź‘Ť
  • Little bit of webpack - (not that much required.)

What is angular?

Angular is a platform Because it has libraries and framework built in Angular.

Example: Angular Core Testing Framework Routing Library (module) Page1(product list) → Page2(product) Form Validation Inbuilt library

Django page to page linking the same thing is called routing.

Why is angular a node application?

see angular is node application. Why it is a node application because it is created, and built by angular CLI. and angular cli uses node to create your app and build your app and serve your app too! Therefore angular is a node application.

Similarly if you are writing a node application and you want to know which are the libraries that my node application depends on?

There should be a file which should have all the list of dependencies. It is the package.json dependencies property which holds all of the dependencies for this app.

And all these dependencies will be bundled in a single file called as vendor.js

Developer writes the test, then do we need a tester?

Yes we still need a testing team. They do explorative & End to end testing.

Why did the developer write the test? Code refractory Evolve design We Mock API and test.

Angular CLI

  • what is angular cli?

  • What is the 3rd party library? Any library that you don't own and you take from an outside world example jQuery library we use for navigating and manipulating dom. And our company did write the jQuery library therefore it is called as 3rd party. In angular we put all 3rd party libraries in the vendor bundle. So if you open todo app open and F12 check html If you see there is a vendor.js file in script tag. That bundle has all of the 3rd party libraries included in that.

  • Array functions? Filter, map , join

  • What is a webpack? Is it a file or compiler ? Webpack is a library who converts TS to JS.

What is RxJS?

It is written in pure javascript. It adds behavior on data and makes it reactive functions.

Observables are lazy they done run unless we subscribe them.

What is reactive? When you don’t continuously check the status of any work so you are lazy and you wait once that job is done to be notified so you are reactive.

Example in your calendar if you have any event. Event is a data example, a friend's birthday is data. Once you feed your data from the keyboard then calendar makes that data available to you on that day in future. If you try to compare the birthdate that you write in your diary vs calendar. What is the difference u find.

In diary u have to be eager and continuously check whether birthday is today or not. It has no behavior, it is dummy. Data and it is lying in your diary.

In other examples calendar added some behavior on the birthday date such that on that day the birthday was notified to you. RxJS does the same thing it converts everydata into reactive by adding behavior on them such that it notifies you in the future time.

So the birthdate data got some behavior such that it made u lazy and reactive. In this example you can call that it is reactive data.

those are reactive examples you don't do anything and automatically it prompts you.

The opposite is proactive where you are being eager and keep checking the status of the job.

Module: Introduction to Angular Folder & Files

When you create app then lets learn what are the folders and files are created.

Module: Learning Checkpoint

  • Package.json

  • Config files

    • tslint
    • tsconfig
    • karma
    • angular.json
    • editor config
    • git ignore
  • Source Code

    • src folder
      • app
      • assets
      • environments
      • favicon
      • index.html
      • main
      • polyfills
      • styles
      • test
  • What is package.json How do you know that which JS libraries your project depends upon. If you create a JS HTML app then how do you know which are dependent libraries? Where you will try to find in your html. You will see in the script.

  • Scripts of package.json**

    • All the node scripts or cli to run build and test app.
      • serve, build, test, lint, end2end test,
  • DEV Dependency of package.json When we do below operations through certain libraries. Those libraries node version and its name goes in devdependencies of package.json

    • Build
    • Compile
    • Test
    • Linting
    • Types
    • Reporting Because they are used only for development and testing.
  • Dependency of package.json When you use libraries which are used to run your app those are going in dependencies of package.json

    • Angular
    • Tslib
    • Zone.js
    • Bootstrap
    • jQuery
    • RxJS

Module: Demonstrate

How do you create app ng new introduction-to-angular

  • Create new App


  • Run scripts inside package.json
  • Dont afraid of runing scripts.


  • Run below scripts

    • Start,
    • build,
    • test

Learning Checkpoint

  • How application is shown to us. What should I do for that?
  • What happens when I do build?
  • What happens when I run test?

Module: Running Scripts on Angular project

Module: Learning Checklist

  • What happens when I run build

    • it creates dist folder
  • What happens when I run start

    • it builds project
    • shows percentage
    • it loads files on dist folder?
    • no it loads files in memory
  • What happens when I run test?

    • It build project in memory
    • it opens chrome and shows the test output.
  • Except npm test & npm start you have to type npm run to run the script. example to run build script npm run build

  • What is inside dist folder after running npm run build ? There are 7 distinct files

    • Runtime.js All Typescript files that you have in your project are already compiled in JS before it renders in your browsers? Who is compiling your typescript files? It is a webpack! Webpack converts your TS into JS. When it does convert that then it stores the run time instructions to resolve module or dependencies into the runtime.js file. Webpack instruction functions which are responsible to resolve all of the javascript object dependencies and module resolutions are present.
    • Pollyfills.js Browser missing functionality related to ES6 those functionality will be added to your browser.
    • Styles.js It is adding all of css into the DOM
    • Vendor.js Angular framework code also, rxJs, jQuery, bootstrap that you see in your npm package dependencies will go in vendor.js
    • Main.js If you search createTodo function delteTodo function you will get it in the main file. So what does it mean ? All of the application code that you write will be be put in main.js bundle file
    • Favicon
    • Index.html
  • What is map files? Map files will create for those files which are written in typescript to help you to debug on browser. When you debug at that time even though JS is loaded on the browser. However when debug in chrome browser by F12 go to source then see typescript files. How it happened? Actually JS file is running still u see typescript file. Because of the map files.

  • What is ES5 vs ES2015 ? ES2015 is also known as ES6. It is a huge leap forward from ES5. It adds a tremendous amount of functionality to JavaScript. These features address some of the issues that made ES5 programming challenging. Inbuild Module support is good feature. ES5 all modern browsers support it - main-es5 - size: 33kB - main-es2015 - size: 30KB - polyfill-es5 - size: 656kB - polyfill-es2015 - size: 142KB ( drastically small if you use browser where ES6 is supported your app will run faster. example chrome browser)

  • Now we know ES2015 files are smaller and you want to load on the browser who support ES2015 How would you load ES2015 on those browsers ? Do you have to do something for that? Angular is creating the es5 and es2015 for you. It is also creating index.html file.

    <script src="runtime-es2015.js" type="module"></script>
    <script src="runtime-es5.js" nomodule defer></script>

    it will type=module for es6 files and Browser who supports ES6 they will only load the es2015 related JS files.

In order to prove that just load your app again and check then network tab in chrome. Notice which files it is pulling? Answer is only es2015. This is the magic.

In IE and IE edge

  • How to serve files from dist. folder? open powershell form dist. folder and run npx http-server -o

Module: Create Todo Component

show todo component how to create

What is component? What is the component? It combines the html and js together. It scans the DOM to find out the selector. And appends the HTML with behavior into the selector present in the html. If you apply style in component it will only show in component.

It has html fragment. It doesn't have body tag only div or paragraph or html. Example:

@Component ({


<h1>Todo works!</h1>

It will search the DOM to find the element and it will append our component html into the element. Index.html file

  <app-todo> </app-todo>

Run angular app then you see:

Index.html file

    <h1>todo works !</h1>

In Angular: How JS and HTML code are linked to each other. In the HTML file you won't see we are referencing Javascript file linked. How is it working with the js files ? Who is doing that?

Answer @Component decorator takes Html file name. Template url ? Why do you think we have given that? Angular framework will link your html with Javascript.

If you do not have @Component decorator then who will link your html to the JS and add the new DOM into the selector that you have made.

Lesson-1: Create Todo List in App component

  • App component put todo list html
  • Add Todo method


  • Add delete button on todo item


  • Show Delete button

Learning Checkpoint

  • How to add click event handler
  • How to filter array

Lesson-2 Show Delete Button & Demo how it works


  • Create delete button and do behavior
  • Build the app and demo

Lesson-3 Create Todolist Component


  • Create brand new component called as todolist
  • Add and delete todo buttons
  • user todolist component on App component.

Module: Registration Form

Assignment-3 ( Create User Registration Form )

  • Create Registration Form


  • Create new component called as userRegistration
  • No CSS No Validations
  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Age (number)
  • Gender (radio M, F at a time one should be selected )
  • Email
  • Password (should be hashed)
  • Date of Birth (calendar)
  • Time of Birth (birth)
  • Country of Birth (dropdown)
  • State of Birth (dropdown)
  • Academic Report ( check box of (10th, 12th , Grad,) )
  • Button ( submit )
  • On submit show the user in the table

Only Show the Academylist

Learning Checkpoint

  • How to create new component & Use it in App Component.

  • How can I use each Form Element in Angular?

  • How can I bind the data to the each Form Element in Angular?

  • After finishing this assignment You should be able to show any form element in angular app

  • How to create new component


Binding Form Controls Data in Angular

  • Build the app and demonstrate

  • Create component

  • Run script ng g c user-registration

  • Add <app-user-registration></app-user-registration> in app.component.html

  • run npm start

  • We will use ngModel therefore, we will import @angular/forms module

  • import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';

import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";

import { AppRoutingModule } from "./app-routing.module";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { UserRegistrationComponent } from "./user-registration/user-registration.component";

  declarations: [AppComponent, UserRegistrationComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, AppRoutingModule, FormsModule],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
  • Goto src\app\user-registration\user-registration.component.ts
import { Component } from "@angular/core";

export interface User {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: number;
  gender: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  country: string;
  state: string;
  city: string;
  dob: number;
  academic: string;
  selector: "app-user-registration",
  templateUrl: "./user-registration.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./user-registration.component.css"],
export class UserRegistrationComponent {
  user: User;
  userList: User[];

  constructor() {
    this.user = {
      firstName: "",
      lastName: "",
      age: 0,
      gender: "",
      email: "",
      password: "",
      country: "",
      state: "",
      city: "",
      dob: 0,
      academic: "",
    this.userList = [];

  register() {}

When the class will initialize then we will initialize user object. So that it will bind these data in the html.

userList is an array. By default when you load your app then you want your userlist to be empty. It should have no users. Therefore on load we are doing empty array.

  • go to src\app\user-registration\user-registration.component.html
<h1>My Registeration App</h1>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label> First Name : </label>
    <input placeholder="Enter here" [(ngModel)]="user.firstName" type="text" />
    <label> Last Name : </label>
    <input placeholder="Enter here" [(ngModel)]="user.lastName" />
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Age :</label>
    <input placeholder="Enter here" [(ngModel)]="user.age" />
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Gender :</label>
    <input type="radio" value="male" [(ngModel)]="user.gender" />Male
    <input type="radio" value="female" [(ngModel)]="user.gender" />Female
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Email-ID :</label>
    <input type="email" placeholder="Enter here" [(ngModel)]="" />
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Password :</label>
      placeholder="Enter here"
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Date Of Birth :</label>
    <input type="datetime-local" [(ngModel)]="user.dob" />
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    <label> Academic Report :</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="10" [(ngModel)]="user.academic" /> 10th
    <input type="checkbox" value="12" [(ngModel)]="user.academic" /> 12th
    <input type="checkbox" value="graduate" [(ngModel)]="user.academic" />
  <br />

  <div class="form-group">
    Country :
      <option value="india">India</option>
      <option value="usa">USA</option>
      <option value="canada">Canada</option>
    State :
      <option value="hyd">Hyderabad</option>
      <option value="pune">Pune</option>
      <option value="delhi">Delhi</option>
    City :
      <option value="kphb">KPHB</option>
      <option value="vadgaon">Vadgaon</option>
      <option value="noida">Noida</option>
  <br />

  <button (click)="register()">Register</button>

<table border="2px" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
      <th>First Name</th>
      <th>Last Name</th>
  • Lets run the app
  • update the script
    "start": "ng serve -o",
  • npm start
  • To Load User DATA from Server into HTML We are pulling or showing an existing user data in ui. Lest only focus on academy list

    • Remove all hardcoded html data.
    • Define all data in component and load in html
    • AcademyList it an array of academy object.
    • ademyList: { name: string; id: string; selected: boolean }[];
    • User must be pointing to some one academy object.
    • Whichever option is selected by user that option we will mark as selected true.
    • lets show academy list in ui.
    • We loaded the check box option from data.
    • Now we have to select the checkbox as per user data.

    Final Code đź‘Ť

    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    export interface User {
      firstName: string;
      lastName: string;
      age: number;
      gender: string;
      email: string;
      password: string;
      country: string;
      state: string;
      city: string;
      dob: Date;
      timeOfBirth: string;
      academyList: string[];
    export interface Academy {
      name: string;
      id: string;
      selected: boolean;
      selector: "app-user-registration",
      templateUrl: "./user-registration.component.html",
      styleUrls: ["./user-registration.component.css"],
    export class UserRegistrationComponent {
      user: User;
      userList: User[];
      academyList: Academy[] = []; // define as array of academy and initialize with empty array.
      constructor() {
        // the selected user data
        this.user = {
          firstName: "Deepesh",
          lastName: "Soni",
          age: 30,
          gender: "Male",
          email: "",
          password: "xyz",
          country: "india",
          state: "cg",
          city: "bhilai",
          dob: new Date("23/07/1989"),
          academyList: ["1", "2"],
          timeOfBirth: "5 PM",
        // academy
            name: "10th",
            selected: false,
            id: "1",
            name: "12th",
            selected: false,
            id: "2",
            name: "Graduade",
            selected: false,
            id: "3",
            name: "PG",
            selected: false,
            id: "4",
        this.userList = [];
    - While rendering each checkbox we will call this function
    - and this function will check if the academy id belongs to user or not.
    - @param academyId academy of raw data.
      isSelected(academyId: string) {
        return this.user.academyList.indexOf(academyId) > -1;
      register() {}

Next Assignment-4 ( New User Registration Form)


It is a new user registration form and populate the user object from the Page only. Bind only RAW Data coming from Server to UI And take the entered data on page and put in USER object

  • New user registration form
  • No need to load data from User object
  • Only load data from server for the Country , State, City list
  • Save Below ID on USER object
    • Save StateId on State Selection
    • Save City Id on city selection
    • Save Country id on country selection


  • How to show dropdown in angular app
  • How to have relationship among dropdownlist
  • How to filter StateDropdownList based on country
  • How to filter City DropList based on State
  • Save the cityid on User once selected by user

Learning Checklist

  • onInit method from angular life cycle
  • Public vs Private methods.
  • Dropdown binding

Step1: How to show dropdown in angular app

Step2: How to have relationship among dropdownlist

Step3: How to filter StateDropdownList based on country

  • Next lets filter the dropdown list:
    • When I load the application and there is no country selected then we want to show all of the states using ngOnInit. Also update the user object to persist the selected country
    • Next when user selects country then filter and assign the statelist for that country.
  • Github link Oninit component lifecycle method which will be called by Angular when your component will load first time on the page.

Step3: How to filter City DropList based on State

  • Empty the citilist that we bound in ui
  • Get the citilist from the server.
  • this.cityList = []
  • on load show all of the city list for that we will use ngOninit method. How to Debug
  • If coding is done and ui is not working then don't panic
  • First make sure you code is correct so comb through your code and verify everything is okay.
  • If you find nothing then debug your code.
    • Go to the App page on chromes
    • hit F12
    • Search your file by doing control p on chrome dev tool.
    • Then put the debugger point on the code where you want to debug.
    • Lets put debugger on filterstate and refresh the page
    • On page load ngonit will be called by angular.
    • Since inside ngOninit we have filterCity method hence u will see debugger to stop there.
    • But when I select state filterCity is not called why any guess?
    • So lets add (change)="onStateSelection($" in html for state dropdown

Github link:

Step4: Save the cityid on User once selected by user

Step5: Fix the bug for the select country & select state dropdown

Lesson-5: Register User: Fix the complete Registration Form & show on Table on Register


  • Show Registration Form and make sure User has below properties populated.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Email Id
    • Password
    • DOB
    • TOB
    • Academic
    • Country
    • State
    • City
  • On Register show the user in Table below the form. Hint
  • When I load first time the Page should be empty
  • When I select any data or enter any data then make sure user object is reflecting

Learning Checklist

  • How to add user object in the list such that it is not binding with UI
  • How to create unique id for user
  • How to add the user object in the list on register button click
  • How to clean the form after register button is click
  • How to create a USER Clone object using ES6 disStructure feature.


Assignment -5 In the table show the details rather than Id.


  • Password in Hashed format ( not visible show xxxx or ... )
  • Country , State, City show the name, do not show ID.
  • Date of Birth show in format "MM-DD-YYYY" ( 11-23-1985 )
  • Time of birth show in format "1PM" or "10AM"
  • Academy List show their academy name 10th , 12th etc.
  • Do Validation
    • Register button should be disabled when form is EMPTY
    • When user will enter all of the data then enable the register

Lesson-6 Show User List in Different component and navigate to UserList Component after register button is clicked.

Current State: We have app component html, which has user registration component written on it That means App Component has HARD CODED the component to show USER. Therefore, when I load page, I see user registration page only.

AppComponent->>AppComponent: is loading <app-user-registration> component

Requirement Flow

  • Move User List code on the user list component
  • When User clicks on register button then route to user list component and show the list on table.
  • Now App component will have Menu Menu will have:
    • Register User
    • Your Users
  • When user selects register user option then app component will load registration form
  • When User selects your users option then app component will load registration page.

AppComponent->>AppComponent: <router-outlet /> & MENU
User->>AppComponent: Select Menu Option Load RegistrationComponent
AppComponent->>RegistrationComponent: Load registration page
RegistrationComponent-->>User: displaying page!
User->>AppComponent: Select Menu Option Load UserListComponent
AppComponent->>UserListComponent: Load UserListComponent page
UserListComponent-->>User: displaying page!

Learning Checklist

  • What is SPA
  • How to do routing in Angular between components
  • How to configure angular routing
  • How to navigate to component path.
  • How to communicate between Components for passing information


What is SPA? All of the components are showing and hiding within same app component. That is called as SPA. Step 1: Create Component

  • Create component Run ng g c user-list-page

Step 2: Create Menu

  • Created menu for user registration and my users. Step 3: Add Routing

  • Go in App component delete hardcoding and add angular <router-outlet></router-outlet>
  • Go to App Routing Module and setup the routes.
  • Add the partial path no need to add the domain name.
  • <a [routerLink]="['registration']"> User Registration Form</a>
user->>browser:clicks on registration
browser->>angularRouting: load
angularRouting->>angularRouting: check the path and find the component.
angularRouting->>browser: Load the component on app component's `router-outlet`

Interview Question

  • What is router-outlet and how it works?
  • How to navigate to path using anchor in angular? [routerLink]="['registration']

Assignment for Lesson-6

  • When you fill out the registration component and click on registration button.
  • Don't show the user table on the same component rather than navigate user to userlist page component.
  • And In Userlist component you will show the added user.
  • When user clicks on user list button then show the user list table.
  • As you register the user you will navigate to the user list page.

Lesson -7 How to communicate between Components & Pass Data

Learning Point

  • Angular Services

Lesson- 8 Route to User Detail Page using Query params


  • On click of added user form the userlist page
  • Navigate to the selected user
  • Display the user data in the UI.

Learning Points

  • How to navigate to a component and pass User Id to the component using Query Params?
  • How to setup routing configuration for passing query parameters?
  • http://localhost:4020/userdetails?userid=23
  • How to read query params (UserID) in User Details Component?
    userlist->>SelectUserFunction: by user id
    SelectUser->>userDetailsComponent: Navigate to userdetails component and  Pass userid
    userDetailsComponent ->>Server: Fetch UserDetails by ID
    Server-->>userDetailsComponent: User object
    userDetailsComponent->>Browser: Display USER

Lesson -8 Angular Directive

Lesson -9 Lazy Loading Modules

Assignment-9 Edit User Use Case


  • When user clicks on edit link from the user list table
  • Then Navigate to Edit User Page
  • In Edit User Page allow user to change his information
  • And update button should update the user details & navigate to the USer list page.

Lesson-10 Design

npm i bootstrap jquery popper.js

Lesson-11 Showing users to UserList

graph TD
A(RegistrationComponent)-->B(UserService has UserList)
  • How to navigate to userlist page router.navigate(['users']);
  • How to pass userlist data to userlist page

Lesson-12 Form Validation using Reactive Form from angular


  • When to use template form ?
    • simple form with less form control
    • no validation
  • When to use Reactive Form?
    • more than 2 form control
    • and business rules and validations are required


  • Submit button is disabled
  • If all form values are entered then submit button is enabled
  • Reactive Form ( interview / company )
  • firstname required, min length =4
  • Show the message when nothing supplied for firstname
  • Show the specific message when minlength is not supplied


  • Big form to submit and it has many rules to validate
  • Use Reactive Form
    • Patch
    • ChangeValues
  • How to show the form data from JS object to HTML?
    • We will use FormGroup with all controlNames.
  • Plus point of ReactiveForm
    • Reactive Form has inbuilt validators.
    • We can focus more on business logic and get many infrastructure work free out of the box from angular.
    • It is reactive by nature.
      • You can use observables and operators.
      • It is very useful for NgRX integration for state management.
  • What are the available validators & which module?
    • @angular/forms -import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
    • min
    • max
    • required
    • requiredTrue
    • email
    • minLength
    • maxLength
    • pattern regular expression
    • nullValidator
    • compose
    • composeAsync


  • Prepare interview questions and create pdf for Reactive form interview question ( Search interview create pdf in google )
  • First Finish Reactive Form ( once it is finished )
  • Template Form Validation ( then attempt for template form )
    • RegisterTemplateFormComponent

Lesson -13 Running a Json Server

json-server install

  • Install post man
    • to do HTTP get and post

Lesson -14 Update User Form by showing User from DB.

reactive form patchValue

Lesson -15 Check email is available from server

  • Never changing validation can be done by angular. ( require, min , email )
  • Business Rule ( email id should be available)
  • How to use Async Validators

Lesson -14 Fetch a user from server and show in Component

  • use of httpClient from @angular/HttpClientModule
  • Async Validation using angular async validator function

Lesson -15 post user to server

  • on submit button send the user data to server.
  • after form submit and reset the form.
  • Update patchValue
  • Reset reset

Lesson -16 Show the user dynamically

  • If id is valid show the data
  • If id is not valid show error message
  • Get the user id from input
  • Show the user
  • How to setup angular routing
  • Pipe Async to subscribe the observable and get the value when it is available.
  • How to pass data from one component to other component using query params.
  • How to retrieve data from query param.
  • ActivatedRoute params object.

Lesson 17 Show Add New User Component

  • Don't create new component use the existing component.
  • If new User route present then
  • empty the form and show User Register form.

Lesson 18 Update User

  • How to know this is Create UseCase?
  • How to turn off validation for existing email id?
    • When it is new user then add existingEmailIdValidator
    • When it is existing user then not add existingEmailIdValidator
    • use setAsyncValidators
  • How to turn off validation for existing mobile number?

CRUD ( create (POST HTTP VERB), read(GET), update(PUT) and delete (DELETE) )

  • Read data from server

  • Insert new data to server

  • Update data?

  • How to know user is new ( if it has no id)

  • How to know user existingUser (if it has id )

GET / users;
GET / users / { id };
POST / users;
PUT / users / { id };
PATCH / users / { id };
DELETE / users / { id };

Lesson 18 Delete User

  • hidden angular
  • DELETE /users/{id}
  • user delete

Lesson Angular Material Introduction

Lesson Integration of Angular Material



learn to create basic angular app






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