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Describe interation of untie and DESTROY
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Signed-off-by: Paul Marquess <>
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Paul Marquess authored and Chip Salzenberg committed Feb 10, 1997
1 parent e05a3a1 commit 2752eb9
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 0 deletions.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions pod/perltie.pod
Expand Up @@ -665,6 +665,133 @@ Here's how to use our little example:
print FOO $a, " plus ", $b, " equals ", $a + $b, "\n";
print <FOO>;

=head2 The C<untie> Gotcha

If you intend making use of the object returned from either tie() or
tied(), and if the tie's target class defines a destructor, there is a
subtle gotcha you I<must> guard against.

As setup, consider this (admittedly rather contrived) example of a
tie; all it does is use a file to keep a log of the values assigned to
a scalar.

package Remember;

use strict;
use IO::File;

my $class = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $handle = new IO::File "> $filename"
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";

print $handle "The Start\n";
bless {FH => $handle, Value => 0}, $class;

sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{Value};

sub STORE {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $handle = $self->{FH};
print $handle "$value\n";
$self->{Value} = $value;

my $self = shift;
my $handle = $self->{FH};
print $handle "The End\n";
close $handle;


Here is an example that makes use of this tie:

use strict;
use Remember;

my $fred;
tie $fred, 'Remember', 'myfile.txt';
$fred = 1;
$fred = 4;
$fred = 5;
untie $fred;
system "cat myfile.txt";

This is the output when it is executed:

The Start
The End

So far so good. Those of you who have been paying attention will have
spotted that the tied object hasn't been used so far. So lets add an
extra method to the Remember class to allow comments to be included in
the file -- say, something like this:

sub comment {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $handle = $self->{FH};
print $handle $text, "\n";

And here is the previous example modified to use the C<comment> method
(which requires the tied object):

use strict;
use Remember;

my ($fred, $x);
$x = tie $fred, 'Remember', 'myfile.txt';
$fred = 1;
$fred = 4;
comment $x "changing...";
$fred = 5;
untie $fred;
system "cat myfile.txt";

When this code is executed there is no output. Here's why:

When a variable is tied, it is associated with the object which is the
return value of the TIESCALAR, TIEARRAY, or TIEHASH function. This
object normally has only one reference, namely, the implicit reference
from the tied variable. When untie() is called, that reference is
destroyed. Then, as in the first example above, the object's
destructor (DESTROY) is called, which is normal for objects that have
no more valid references; and thus the file is closed.

In the second example, however, we have stored another reference to
the tied object in C<$x>. That means that when untie() gets called
there will still be a valid reference to the object in existence, so
the destructor is not called at that time, and thus the file is not
closed. The reason there is no output is because the file buffers
have not been flushed to disk.

Now that you know what the problem is, what can you do to avoid it?
Well, the good old C<-w> flag will spot any instances where you call
untie() and there are still valid references to the tied object. If
the second script above is run with the C<-w> flag, Perl prints this
warning message:

untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist

To get the script to work properly and silence the warning make sure
there are no valid references to the tied object I<before> untie() is

undef $x;
untie $fred;

=head1 SEE ALSO

See L<DB_File> or L<Config> for some interesting tie() implementations.
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