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Releases: rurre/PumkinsAvatarTools


13 Sep 19:23
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.3

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v1.3):

Component Copier & Remover

  • Added ability to copy/remove Dynamic Bones and Dynamic Bone Colliders, again!
  • Added ability to copy/remove VRC_Stations (chairs).
  • Fixed Particle System copier still referencing old avatar objects.


22 Aug 23:15
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.2

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v1.2):


  • Fixed Physbones not being detected correctly/causing errors when no VRC SDK in project.
  • Potential fix for the Failed to destroy editor window error popping up all the time. Contributed by Dreadrith. Thank you!


  • Made Avatar Definition the default setting for Reset Rose
  • Fixed issue with Fill Visemes failing if there are renderers with no meshes assigned

Component Copier

  • Added ability to copy GameObjects to SkinnedMeshRenderers. Might still not work right.
  • Added FinalIK Grounders to Component Copier and Remover.
  • Fixed custom VRC Avatar Descriptor colliders referencing old avatar transforms when copying descriptors.
  • Fixed Contact Sender appearing twice in Component Copier when VRC sdk wasn't in project
  • Added ability to copy Prefabs to the Component Copier


  • Fixed pose presets not applying in play mode in some cases

Avatar Info

  • Fixed Physbone component count showing 0 in Avatar Info


30 May 14:00
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.1.1

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v1.1.1):


  • Fixed physbone support being unavailable when using VRChat's Creator Companion


14 May 11:26
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.1

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v1.1):


  • Fixed settings not saving when restarting unity
  • Fixed compile errors if dynamic bones were missing in the project


  • Added fill eye bones to quick setup

Copy Components:

  • Fixed adjust scale adjusting position in physbone collider copier. This should avoid moving the collider when it wasn't needed.

Avatar Info:

  • Fixed wrong info being displayed for physbone transforms.

v1.0 - Avatar Dynamics

21 Apr 21:29
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.0

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v1.0):


  • Added a simple Texture Packer tool under Pumkin > Tools > Texture Packer


  • Removed Fix Dynamic Bone Scripts in Prefab as it was breaking people's avatars
  • Changed Edit Scale lineup wall. Thanks!
  • Added finer scale values
  • Fixed meter to feet calculations being in decimal instead of Ft'In. I'm not american okay!

Copy Components:

  • Added support for copying Avatar Dynamics components! Thanks @Shiroe2
  • Added support for copying game objects directly under Transform copier, thanks to @imagitama
  • Added support for copying and removing Cameras.
  • Added support for copying and removing FinalIK components.
  • Added Copy Active State checkbox to Transform Copier that copies over an object's active state in the hierarachy.
  • Added Copy Tag and Copy Layer checkboxes to Transform Copier
  • Added Copy Bounds to Skinned Mesh Renderer Copier

Big thanks to everyone contributing changes and fixes!


10 Dec 02:43
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9.6b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9.6b):


  • Fixed Move to Eyes when using Edit Viewpoint not working correctly if your avatar isn't at 0,0,0
  • Added dropdown with reset types to Reset Pose
    • Added option to reset to avatar definition which resets your avatar to whatever pose you had in the humanoid rig config scene
    • Moved Reset to T Pose to the type dropdown

Copy Components:

  • Added Adjust Scale option to Dynamic Bone, Dynamic Bone Collider and Collider copiers
    • This should fix scaling issues when your armature scales are different
  • Fixed Avatar Descriptor Copier keeping references to the old avatar if they aren't found in the new hierarchy
  • Enabled Scale and Rotation by default in Transform copier
  • Fixed Particle System Copier keeping references to the old particle system when copying particle systems
  • Reverted fix that would allow copying components to avatars in "folder" game objects
    • This was causing copying to not work properly


  • Fixed Hide other Avatars preventing you from going into play mode if you didn't have the VRChat SDK imported.
  • Fixed errors when trying to create a new Pose preset

Big thanks to @Dreadrith and @float3 for contributing changes and fixes!


06 Aug 18:52
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9.5b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9.5b):


- Updated to work with the VRChat Unity 2019 update

  • Fixed Component Copier and Remove All having issues if your avatar was nested in a (folder) game object
  • Skipped v0.9.4 because I forgot to upload it!
  • Bunch of code changes that could break things that used to work

Remove Components:

  • Moved Remove All to it's own tab in the main menu called Remove Components
  • Unity 2019: New way of removing empty scripts. Should fix the issues people are having with this not working

Copy Components:

  • Fixed Skinned Mesh Renderer copier copying wrong blendshapes if the order doesn't match on both models.
  • Fixed VRC_SpatialAudioSource not copying when copying over Audio Sources.
  • Fixed Avatar Descriptor copier not copying Playable layers unless settings was ticked.


  • Fixed Hide Other Avatars when Uploading not working in Thumbnails.


11 Feb 17:07
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9.3b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9.3b):


  • Fixed component copier not working in Unity 2019 (used for ChilloutVR)
  • Hopefully fixed missing scale wall, again


20 Jan 09:59
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9.2b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9.2b):

Hotfix 2:

  • Fixed compile issues sometimes happening in old projects

Hotfix 1:

  • Fixed lineup wall not appearing when scaling avatar (again)


  • Removed VRChat SDK requirements. You can now use these tools anywhere!
  • Updated to work with latest VRChat SDK


26 Sep 12:12
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9.1b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9.1b):


  • Fixed lineup wall not appearing when using 'Scale Avatar'
  • Fixed 'Edit Viewpoint' scene window having it's accept and cancel buttons cut off

Component Copier:

  • Fixed 'Pipeline ID' sometimes not copying with the avatar descriptor
  • Fixed Component Copier making all copied child GameObjects disabled if parent is disabled


  • Fixed background image tint not working

Known Issues:

  • Background image sometimes overlaps avatar and/or is cut off in scene view.