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Releases: rurre/PumkinsAvatarTools


07 Aug 20:21
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.9b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (v0.9b):


  • Added support for Avatars 3.0. The tools should now work in both SDK2 and SDK3 projects!


  • Added 'Fill Eye Bones' button that should assign your eye bones based on the humanoid rig config. This won't set your values tho. (SDK3 only)
  • Made 'Remove All DBone Colliders' also remove empty entries in the dbone scripts, so vrchat would no longer count them.

Component Copier:

  • Added support for the new Avatar Descriptor settings


  • Fixed background and overlays appearing when they shouldn't, also fixes the occasional white background
  • Lock selected camera to scene camera should be a bit smoother now

Pose Editor:

  • Added an animation play button to the pose editor's pose from animation so you can make your avatar do that walk animation everyone does. You know it.

v0.8.2b - Hotfix 1

22 Jul 06:45
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.8.2b - Hotfix 1

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK2

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Changelog (Hotfix 1):


  • Fixed errors when there were no DynamicBones in your project.


  • Fixed 'Edit Viewpoint' not working if you didn't have eye bones assigned.

Changelog (v0.8.2b):

Component Copier:

  • Fixed errors with dynamic bones collider type conversion popping up in with versions of dynamic bones:
    Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<DynamicBoneCollider>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<DynamicBoneColliderBase>'


  • Fixed errors when opening the Thumbnails tab if you had no camera selection assigned


20 May 19:32
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.8.1b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK2

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Hotfix 1:

  • Fixed error when trying to copy invalid Dynamic Bones.

Changelog (v0.8.1b):


  • Fixed translations not working, breaking the settings menu and the script.


  • Fixed 'Fixed Dynamic Bone Scripts in Prefab' not fixing DynamicBoneColliders


  • Fixed white background staying after using thumbnail image background and restarting unity.


14 May 17:37
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.8b

Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK2

To install these tools grab the .unitypackage below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing

Hotfix 2:

  • Fixed white background staying after using thumbnail image background and restarting unity

Hotfix 1:

  • Fixed translations breaking the settings menu and script

Changelog (v0.8b):


  • Unity 2017 is no longer supported with this release. Please update to Unity 2018
  • Dynamic Bones should now be detected automatically when importing the tool or removing the scripts
  • Added warning when Armature scale (not avatar scale) isn't 1,1,1
  • Added a 'Refresh SDK Window' button that should fix stuck warnings if the SDK isn't updating
  • Fixed tools breaking if your folder was called PumkinsAvatarTools-master (if downloaded from github as zip)
  • Renamed 'Misc' tab to Info
  • Moved the language selection and settings to settings menu, formerly the cute star in the top right corner
  • Added checkbox in settings to move the small scene view windows that let you accept and cancel moving viewpoint and scaling avatar to the top
    • This should hopefully fix some people not seeing these windows
  • Added shortcuts to the small scene view windows for moving viewpoint and scaling avatars
    • You can now accept with enter and cancel with escape.
  • Added Chinese translation (thanks kodokushi#5072)
    • If you would like to translate my tools to your language, DM me!


  • Fixed 'Edit Viewpoint' causing the temporary viewpoint to appear in the wrong place if your avatar isn't at 0,0,0
  • Added a new dynamic bone menu allowing you to enable and disable, as well as toggle dynamic bones on your avatar
    • Toggling will disable all dynamic bones on your avatar and toggling again will enable only the ones that were disabled by this button
  • Added a button to 'Fix DynamicBone Scripts' for when you're importing an avatar with references to a different version of dbones
  • Fixed 'Remove Missing Scripts' not working in Unity 2018
  • Added all constraints to the remove all menu
  • Fixed the start position of viewpoint being offset when editing or setting auto viewpoint if your avatar wasn't at 0,0,0
  • Fixed not being able to remove Audio Sources from remove all
  • Added buttons to set Anchor Override for Mesh Renderers and Skinned Mesh Renderers
  • Added height reference to 'Scale Avatar'

Component Copier:

  • Added support for all Joint and Constraint components.
  • Added support for copying IK Follower components under the 'Other' menu.
  • Added warning when armature scales don't match
    • Copying stuff between armatures with different armature scales will cause positioning and scaling issues on child objects so it's not recommended
  • Added support for copying VRC_Spatial_Audio_Source (which replaces OSNPAudioSource) to Audio Sources copier
  • Added support for copying GameObjects to Dynamic Bone copier
  • Fixed components not copying over if GameObjects were disabled
  • Fixed error when copying components in play mode.
  • Fixed not being able to close dynamic bones menu if you had no dynamic bones in your project
  • Fixed SkinnedMeshRenderer's blendshape copying setting values from the wrong blendshapes if meshes have different visemes
  • Split the Copier into 2 tabs. Show Common and Show All.
    • This lets you hide the lesser used components to save some vertical space.
  • Moved 'Dynamic Bone Colliders' to it's own menu

Avatar Info:

  • Fixed Dynamic Bones stats always showing 0
  • Added IK Follower stats


  • Fixed 'Hide Other Avatars'... not hiding other avatars
  • Added a 'Lock Selected Camera to Scene View' checkbox that allows aligning your camera to scene view automatically
  • Fixed white background when no image texture was selected on unity starting

Pose Editor:

  • Fixed avatar being offset wrong when moving any slider if your avatar wasn't at 0,0,0

Download .unitypackage below:


22 Jan 19:46
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.7.1b

To install these tools delete any old version of Pumkin Tools and grab the .unitypackage bellow. Then simply import it to your unity project.

To launch the tools go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools.

If you're having issues or would like to offser suggestions, please join my Discord Server.

If you like this project and would like to give something back, consider donating by buying me a ko-fi!. Thanks~

New this version (0.7.1b):

This release is mostly focused on fixing some things from the previous release, namely the Pose Editor's 'Animation from Pose' not working in Unity 2017.

Pose Editor:

  • Fixed 'Pose from Animation' not working in Unity 2017
  • Added checkbox to allow motion when playing an animation


  • Added a 'Move Viewpoint' checkbox to Scaling Avatar
  • Fixed Reset Pose not working in Play Mode
  • Fixed 'Quick Setup's Set Viewpoint' setting your viewpoint wrong if your avatar wasn't at 0,0,0

Component Copier:

  • Fixed 'Copy Avatar Scale' not copying the Z scale value
  • Fixed 'Skinned Mesh Renderer' Copier not copying Probe Anchors correctly


  • Fixed a warning that kept popping up when you had no image background selected
  • Fixed a Unity error popping up when saving presets
  • Fixed Reset Blendshapes not working in Play Mode
  • Fixed Reset Pose not working in Play Mode here too
  • Added a 'Apply Body Position' checkbox to Pose Presets
  • Added a 'Apply Body Rotation' checkbox to Pose Presets
    • These will allow your poses and animations to move your avatar.

Thanks for using my tools. I hope you'll find it much easier to make thumbnails for your avatars now.

Also, thanks for everyone who's been reporting bugs and giving feedback.


06 Jan 07:11
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Pumkin's Avatar Tools v0.7b

To install these tools delete any old version of Pumkin Tools and grab the .unitypackage bellow. Then simply import it to your unity project.

To launch the tools go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools.

If you're having issues or would like to offser suggestions, please join my Discord Server.

If you like this project and would like to give something back, consider donating by buying me a ko-fi!. Thanks~

New this version (0.7b):

This release is mostly focused on tools to let you create ~cool thumbnails~ for your avatars, as well as a few other things.

Note that the wiki hasn't been updated with info on the new stuff just yet. This will likely happen tomorrow.


  • Added a new 'Quick Setup Avatar' button that will quickly setup your avatar for you. It's configurable and can:
    • Add an Avatar Descriptor and fill it's Visemes.
    • Set your SkinnedMeshRenderers' probe anchor to a Transform by name (Armature/Hips/Spine by default).
    • Set your Viewpoint to eye level and to your specified Z depth.
    • Put your avatar into a T-Pose.
  • Added a 'Revert Scale' button that will revert your Avatar's scale back to prefab and also move the Viewpoint to compensate for the change in scale.

Component Copier:

  • Fixed 'Copy SkinnedMeshRenderer' not copying the probe anchor correctly
  • Fixed 'Copy Viewpoint' not working if 'Copy Settings' was unticked in the Descriptor copier
  • Fixed 'Copy Viewpoint' in the Descriptor copier getting overwritten by 'Copy Scale' in the Transform copier
    • If you select both copy scale and copy viewpoint now, the viewpoint will only be copied and not changed with scale
  • DynamicBones now copy over even if multiple dynbone scripts on the same object have the same root, but only if the exclusions or colliders are different
  • Fixed 'Avatar Scale' being copied over even if 'Copy Transforms' was unticked
  • Fixed 'Avatar Scale' not copying the Z scale value
  • Fixed Dynamic Bone Copier overwriting the same bone script if multiple dynbones were on the same object
  • Fixed Dynamic Bones not copying properly if they were on the avatar root GameObject
  • Renamed 'Create Missing' to 'Copy Missing' throughout the copier to better illustrate what it does
    • 'Copy Missing' will copy the missing components and settings to the receiving avatar, if it doesn't already have them
    • 'Copy Settings' will only overwrite settings on the receiving avatar's components if they exist

Avatar Info:

  • Fixed Dynamic Bones not showing up in the Avatar Info
  • Fixed Avatar Info showing the wrong number of polygons (triple the real number!)


  • Added a 'Center Camera on X' button. This will allow you to center your selected camera onto your Viewpoint or a selected Transform
    • Added 'Position' and 'Rotation' offsets so you can customize where the camera gets moved
    • Added a 'Set from Camera' button that sets the offsets from your currently selected camera to your viewpoint or transform
  • Added a 'Align Camera to Scene View'. This will align your selected camera to your Scene Camera
  • Added the ability to set a 'Camera Overlay'. This will put an image over your camera if transparent or replace it entirely if not
  • Fixed 'Center Camera on Viewpoint' not working right if your avatar's scale was not 1
  • Added a 'Hide other avatars when uploading' checkbox that will hide all other avatars.. when uploading
  • Added the ability to set your Camera Background to a Color, an Image or a Material
  • Added the ability to set a 'Tint Color' on the Camera Overlay and Camera Background Images
  • Added 'Camera Presets'. These will allow you to save and load your camera, overlay and backgorund settings
  • Added 'Pose Presets'. This will allow you to save and load your avatar's pose
  • Added 'Blendshape Presets'. This will allow you to save and load your avatar's facial expression
    • All presets are saved to a .asset file that can be shared with others. Some examples are also included for each.

Pose Editor:

  • Added a new 'Pose Editor'. This can be accessed from the Thumbnails menu under the Pose presets, or from Tools > Pumkin > Open Pose Editor

    • It allows you to pose your avatar if it's humanoid by moving humanoid muscle sliders
    • You can also set your avatar's pose with an animation clip

Thanks for using my tools. I hope you'll find it much easier to make thumbnails for your avatars now.

Also, thanks for everyone who's been reporting bugs and giving feedback, and thanks to EXSGT for helping me test this release.


14 Oct 21:18
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v0.6.1b Pre-release

PumkinsAvatarTools (BETA)

An editor script that adds tools to help you setup avatars faster and easier. It includes a component copier that makes it a lot easier to reimport your avatars, and tools to make your thumbnails nicer.

  • To install head over to releases and grab the latest unity package at the bottom of the top post. Make sure you have the latest VRChat SDK and the right Unity version. If you do, just run the package to import it!

  • To launch the tool go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools

Also check out the new Wiki for a more detailed explanation of what everything does. (Not yet updated to v0.6)
I now have a Discord Server! Join it to stay up to date with this tool's updates. At least until I make an auto updater.

New this version (0.6.1b):

Featuring mostly fixes for the copier failing to copy components if some objects were missing and a few small additions.


  • Fixed older version of Dynamic Bone scripts breaking the tool. All versions should work now. Even the shady ones.
  • Fixed copier failing to copy most components if the receiving GameObject was missing and we weren't creating new ones.
  • Fixed copier for Skinned Mesh Renderer moving and breaking your mesh.
  • Fixed copier breaking if you had more than one object with the same name in your hierarchy.
  • Added the ability to copy GameObjects when copying Dynamic Bone Colliders.

Avatar Info:

  • You can now select text inside the info box!


  • Renamed Center Camera on Face to Center Camera on Viewpoint to more accurately reflect what it actually does.
  • Added drop down menu for the background types you can choose for your thumbnails.
  • Added the ability to add an image background to your thumbnails.
  • Added checkbox that allows you to hide all other avatars when uploading.

UI and Misc:

  • Fixed the Select Avatar from Scene checkbox only working right if you had the tool window focused.
  • Tool no longer resets your selections when restarting unity or going into play mode.
  • Added a Clear Tool Preferences option to the top menu bar that will reset the tools window in case something goes wrong.
  • Added a Safeguard™ that reloads and resets the tool if something goes wrong.

New that version (v0.6b):

Lost of stuff! Now where to begin..

Component Copier:

  • Added support for more components! Including: Mesh Renderers, Trail Renderers, Particle Systems, Rigid Bodies, Audio Sources and more! No Joints yet though, sorry.
  • Added the long requested ability to copy Game Objects when copying around most components. Finally!
  • Added the ability to copy avatar scale to the transforms menu. Don't ask why it took so long.
  • Added Select All and Select None buttons as there was too much clicking.
  • Fixed Edit Viewpoint breaking if your avatar is not at 0,0,0 in the scene. Rookie mistake.
  • Fixed Edit Viewpoint being really laggy if you moved around the viewpoint quickly. The view ball has also been upgraded to yellow!
  • Fixed Fill Visemes failing to.. fill the visemes! You had one job, button.
  • 'Fill Visemes' should now select the correct mesh if you have multiple SkinnedMeshRenderers. Hopefully.
  • Renamed the ResetBlendshapes button to ZeroBlendshapes. This will reset all your blendshapes to 0.
  • Added a 'Revert Blendshapes' button. This will revert your blendshapes to prefab, in case you changed your default facial expression.
  • Renamed the Reset Pose button to Revert Pose. This will revert your pose to prefab.
  • Added a Reset to T-Pose button which will force your avatar into a T-Pose. Might not work for all avatars.
  • Added buttons to remove even more components. Everything that's supported by the copier should be here.
  • Added a button to remove empty Game Objects. A lot more useful than it might seem.

Avatar Stats:

  • Added performance ranks for most stats. The ranks are the same as the SDK, but the numbers can differ.
  • Added a Copy to Clipboard button to the avatar stats panel. Now you don't need to screenshot it anymore! But you can, if you want. I won't judge. You weirdo.


  • Added a new thumbnail menu with some cool stuff.
  • Added the ability to overlay or replace the thumbnail with an image of your choice.
  • Added ability to easily change the camera background color. No more default unity skybox thumbnails. Please.
  • Added button to center the thumbnail on your face. No more thumbnails looking at your characters crotch. Unless you're into that. Weirdo.

UI and Misc:

  • Added a Select from Scene checkbox that lets you select an avatar but just selecting something in the scene. Doesn't seem to work if you click it inside the hierarchy though.
  • Prettyfied the UI by adding icons and separator lines. Woah! The buttons are still not properly centered tho, sorry.
  • Added a super secret and experimental work in progress Pose Editor to the credits screen. Don't tell anyone.
  • Added buttons to: Open Github page, Open Help page and Join Discord Server.
  • Made a Discord sever. This Discord server. Our Discord server.
  • Added a button to buy a me a ko-fi. No pressure~


22 Sep 02:37
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PumkinsAvatarTools (BETA)

An editor script that adds tools to help you setup avatars faster and easier. It includes a component copier that makes it a lot easier to reimport your avatars, and tools to make your thumbnails nicer.

  • To install head over to releases and grab the latest unity package at the bottom of the top post. Make sure you have the latest VRChat SDK and the right Unity version. If you do, just run the package to import it!

  • To launch the tool go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools

Also check out the new Wiki for a more detailed explanation of what everything does. (Not yet updated to v0.6)
I now have a Discord Server! Join it to stay up to date with this tool's updates. At least until I make an auto updater.

New this version (v0.6b):

Lost of stuff! Now where to begin..
Component Copier:

  • Added support for more components! Including: Mesh Renderers, Trail Renderers, Particle Systems, Rigid Bodies, Audio Sources and more! No Joints yet though, sorry.
  • Added the long requested ability to copy Game Objects when copying around most components. Finally!
  • Added the ability to copy avatar scale to the transforms menu. Don't ask why it took so long.
  • Added Select All and Select None buttons as there was too much clicking.
  • Fixed Edit Viewpoint breaking if your avatar is not at 0,0,0 in the scene. Rookie mistake.
  • Fixed Edit Viewpoint being really laggy if you moved around the viewpoint quickly. The view ball has also been upgraded to yellow!
  • Fixed Fill Visemes failing to.. fill the visemes! You had one job, button.
  • 'Fill Visemes' should now select the correct mesh if you have multiple SkinnedMeshRenderers. Hopefully.
  • Renamed the ResetBlendshapes button to ZeroBlendshapes. This will reset all your blendshapes to 0.
  • Added a 'Revert Blendshapes' button. This will revert your blendshapes to prefab, in case you changed your default facial expression.
  • Renamed the Reset Pose button to Revert Pose. This will revert your pose to prefab.
  • Added a Reset to T-Pose button which will force your avatar into a T-Pose. Might not work for all avatars.
  • Added buttons to remove even more components. Everything that's supported by the copier should be here.
  • Added a button to remove empty Game Objects. A lot more useful than it might seem.
    Avatar Stats:
  • Added performance ranks for most stats. The ranks are the same as the SDK, but the numbers can differ.
  • Added a Copy to Clipboard button to the avatar stats panel. Now you don't need to screenshot it anymore! But you can, if you want. I won't judge. You weirdo.
  • Added a new thumbnail menu with some cool stuff.
  • Added the ability to overlay or replace the thumbnail with an image of your choice.
  • Added ability to easily change the camera background color. No more default unity skybox thumbnails. Please.
  • Added button to center the thumbnail on your face. No more thumbnails looking at your characters crotch. Unless you're into that. Weirdo.
    UI and Misc:
  • Added a Select from Scene checkbox that lets you select an avatar but just selecting something in the scene. Doesn't seem to work if you click it inside the hierarchy though.
  • Prettyfied the UI by adding icons and separator lines. Woah! The buttons are still not properly centered tho, sorry.
  • Added a super secret and experimental work in progress Pose Editor to the credits screen. Don't tell anyone.
  • Added buttons to: Open Github page, Open Help page and Join Discord Server.
  • Made a Discord sever. This Discord server. Our Discord server.
  • Added a button to buy a me a ko-fi. No pressure~

New that version (v0.5.3b):

  • Fixed dependency checker being stuck in a read-write loop - Should no longer lag and freeze unity for no reason.
  • Fixed SkinnedMeshRenderer breaking avatar bounds - Root bones are now correctly assigned.
    Screenshot: Here
    (Very) Outdated Video Example: Here
  • Tools menu - Allows you to do stuff including dragging your avatar's viewpoint around, auto filling in visemes and resetting your avatar's transform, as well as quickly removing dynamic bones and colliders from your avatar
  • Component Copier - Allows you to copy over components from one avatar to another
  • Avatar Info - Gives you a short rundown of your avatar stats, including trinagles, materials, shaders, dynamic bones and so on.
  • Thumbnail Menu - Allows you to replace or overlay a thumbnail with an image, set the background to a color and center the thumbnail on your face.

Components Supported by the Copier:

  • Transforms - Can fix broken poses left behind after animating an avatar
  • Dynamic Bones - Can copy Dynamic Bones from one avatar to another, if the bone and parent names are the same
  • Avatar Descriptors - Avatar descriptors, their viseme setup, animation override controllers and pipeline IDs
  • Colliders - Box, Capsule, Sphere and Mesh Colliders
  • SkinnedMesh Renderers - Copy materials, BlendShape values and Settings between SkinnedMeshRenderers

And more! (Most components you might want are supported. Not Joints tho.)

If you like this project and would like to give something back, consider buying me a ko-fi!. Thanks~

Important: Since this is an editor script it needs to be in a folder called Editoranywhere in your project.
Disclaimer: This tool is in beta and could break everything. Please backup your avatars. And use at your own risk.

Please delete the old Pumkin tools if you have them and update to the latest VRChat SDK version and the correct Unity version before importing this.

If you are still using an older sdk and don't want to update it for some reason, you can download the OLD SDK version of the tools.


18 Nov 07:09
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v0.5.3b Pre-release

PumkinsAvatarTools (BETA)

This editor script has a bunch of tools that allows you setup avatars easier, as well as to copy components from existing avatars to new ones, making it much faster to reimport avatars from blender or setup new ones.

Check out the new Wiki for a more detailed explanation of what everything does.

New this version (v0.5.3b):

  • Fixed dependency checker being stuck in a read-write loop - Should no longer lag and freeze unity for no reason.
  • Fixed SkinnedMeshRenderer breaking avatar bounds - Root bones are now correctly assigned.

New that version (v0.5.2b):

  • Fixed OldVersion not existing - Should no longer break everything, yet again.
  • Empty Material Slots no longer break Avatar Info - Finally!

New that other version (v0.5.1b):

  • Removed DynamicBone - ...dependencies. It's okay if you don't have them now. It's also okay if you do.
  • Select Avatar from Scene Button - Gone are the days of manually dragging things around
  • A brand new Tools menu - Bunch of never-before-seen-tools-that-nobody-has-done-before to do things with including, dragging your avatar's viewpoint around, auto filling in visemes and resetting your avatar's transform, as well as quickly removing dynamic bones and colliders from your avatar
  • An even newer Avatar Info Menu - For when you want to know exactly how unoptimized your avatar is
  • More Untested changes - Even more Hype! (Please give feedback)

Screenshot: Here

(Very) Outdated Video Example: Here

  • Tools menu - Allows you to do stuff including dragging your avatar's viewpoint around, auto filling in visemes and resetting your avatar's transform, as well as quickly removing dynamic bones and colliders from your avatar
  • Component Copier - Allows you to copy over components from one avatar to another
  • Avatar Info - Gives you a short rundown of your avatar stats, including trinagles, materials, shaders, dynamic bones and so on.

Components Supported by the Copier:

  • Transforms - Can fix broken poses left behind after animating an avatar
  • Dynamic Bones - Can copy Dynamic Bones from one avatar to another, if the bone and parent names are the same
  • Avatar Descriptors - Avatar descriptors, their viseme setup, animation override controllers and pipeline IDs
  • Colliders - Box, Capsule, Sphere and Mesh Colliders
  • SkinnedMeshRenderers - Copy materials, BlendShape values and Settings between SkinnedMeshRenderers

Not yet supported:

  • Particle Systems
  • Audio Sources
  • Some other things I need to decide to add

To launch the tool go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools

Important: Since this is an editor script it needs to be in a folder called Editoranywhere in your project.
Disclaimer: This tool is in beta and could break everything. Please backup your avatars. Als use at your own risk.


13 Nov 16:21
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v0.4b Pre-release


This editor script tool allows you to copy components from existing avatars to new ones, making it much faster to reimport avatars from blender or setup new ones.

New this version:

  • SkinnedMeshRenderers - Copy Settings, Materials, even BlendShape values!
  • Swap and Clear buttons - For when you inevitably put the wrong thing in the wrong place!
  • A log that works better - Hopefully less Copied {1} to {2} from {3} in the output logs
  • Untested changes - Hype! (Please give feedback)

Screenshot: Here

Video Example: Here

Supported Components:

  • Transforms - Can fix broken poses left behind after animating an avatar
  • Dynamic Bones - Can copy Dynamic Bones from one avatar to another, if the bone and parent names are the same
  • Avatar Descriptors - Avatar descriptors, their viseme setup, animation override controllers and pipeline IDs
  • Colliders - Box, Capsule, Sphere and Mesh Colliders
  • SkinnedMeshRenderers - Copy materials, BlendShape values and Settings between SkinnedMeshRenderers

Not yet supported:

  • Particle Systems
  • Audio Sorces
  • Some other things I need to decide to add

To launch the tool go to Tools > Pumkin > Avatar Tools

Important: Since this is an editor script it needs to be in a folder called Editoranywhere in your project.