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This library will help you make your elements resizable inside React.


npm install @martdev/react-resize

or yarn

yarn add @martdev/react-resize


React Component

resizableProps = {
  as? : keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements = 'div',
  disabled? : boolean = false,
  onResizeStart? : (options) => boolean | void,
  onResize? : (options) => boolean | newSize | void,
  onResizeEnd? : (options) => void,
  onResizeMin? : (options) => void,
  onResizeMax? : (options) => void,

resizePointProps = {
  as? : keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements = 'div',
  direction: 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight',

<Resizable {...resizableProps}>
  <ResizePoint {...resizePointProps} />
  <ResizePoint {...resizePointProps} />
  <ResizePoint {...resizePointProps} />

React Hook

  attachPoint: AttachPointHandler,
  currentDirection: 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight',
  isResizing: boolean,
} = useResize({
  containerRef: RefObject<HTMLElement>,
  disabled?: boolean = false,
  minWidth?: number,
  minHeight?: number,
  maxWidth?: number,
  maxHeight?: number,
  onResizeStart? : (options) => boolean | void,
  onResize? : (options) => boolean | newSize | void,
  onResizeEnd? : (options) => void,
  onResizeMin? : (options) => void,
  onResizeMax? : (options) => void,


<Resizable> component

It is a container component that will be «resizable».

ResizableProps properties

Extends: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, and it means it is capable to transmit any basic properties of HTML-elements (for example, className, role, onClick, title, etc.).

The list of props is below:


Optional prop that sets an element type (div, span, img, etc.).

Default value: "div"


Optional prop needed for enabling/disabling the element to be «resizable».

Use this prop if you need to disable the element to be «resizable» for some conditions.

Default value: false

See example


Optional prop that sets minimum width values when the element is «resizable».

See example


Optional prop that sets minimum height values when the element is «resizable».

See example


Optional prop that sets maximum width values when the element is «resizable».

See example


Optional prop that sets maximum height values when the element is «resizable».

See example


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out before the start of «resizable».

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • false — use this if you need to abort the element's «resizable».

See example


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out in every change of element's size.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • false — use this if you need to abort the element's «resizable».
  • newSize — an object of two numeric values (width and height), and those contain new values for element's size. If one of the props is not specified, then the current value will be used.

See example


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out after completion of element's «resizable».

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

See example


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out when the size of the element (width or height) is minimum.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

See example


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out when the size of the element (width or height) is maximum.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

See example

<ResizePoint> component

This component is a trigger for changing the size of Resizable container.

Use this component only inside <Resizable>.

See example

ResizePointProps properties

Extends: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, and it means it is capable to transmit any basic props of HTML-elements (for example, className, role, onClick, title, etc.).

The list of props is below:


Optional prop that sets an element type (div, span, img, etc.).

Default value: "div"


Required prop that sets the point of direction for changing size of the element.

Variants of values:

  • "bottom" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of down and back.
  • "left" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of left and back.
  • "right" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of right and back.
  • "top" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of up and back.
  • "bottomLeft" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of bottom-left and back.
  • "bottomRight" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of bottom-right and back.
  • "topLeft" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of top-left and back.
  • "topRight" — you can change the element's size only in the direction of top-right and back.

<ResizableTemplate.AllSide> component

This component is a template that creates a set of trigger points for the change of the element's size at all sides (including corners).

Use this component only inside <Resizable>.

See example

ResizeTemplateAllSideProps properties

Extends: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, and it means it is capable to transmit any basic props of HTML-elements (for example, className, role, onClick, title, etc.).

The list of props is below:


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element by its bottom side.

Default value: false

See example


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element by its left side.

Default value: false

See example


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element by its right side.

Default value: false

See example


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element by its top side.

Default value: false

See example

<ResizableTemplate.Corner> component

This component is a template that creates a trigger point for the change of the element's size.

An element «corner» will be used as interactive element in the bottom-right corner of the parent element.

Use this component only inside <Resizable>.

See example

ResizeTemplateCornerProps properties

Extends: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, and it means it is capable to transmit any basic props of HTML-elements (for example, className, role, onClick, title, etc.).

The list of props is below:


Optional prop that sets an element type (div, span, img, etc.).

Default value: "div"


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element in a vertical direction.

Default value: false


Optional prop that disallows the change of the element in a horizontal direction.

Default value: false

useResize hook

This hook will give you opportunity to use the element's «resizable» without usage of integral components.

Use this hook if you want to interact with elements directly and if there is not enough functionality for integral components usage.

See example

UseResizeProps properties

An object with a list of props, which are stated below:


Required prop, which value is a ref on container element that will be «resizable».

This value must be created with React hook useRef with reference on HTMLElement.


Optional prop needed for enabling/disabling the element to be «resizable».

Use this prop if you need to disable the element to be «resizable» for some conditions.

Default value: false


Optional prop that sets minimum width values when the element is «resizable».


Optional prop that sets minimum height values when the element is «resizable».


Optional prop that sets maximum width values when the element is «resizable».


Optional prop that sets maximum height values when the element is «resizable».


Optional function that is an event handler and is called out before the start of «resizable».

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • false — use this if you need to abort the element's «resizable».

Optional function that is an event handler and is called out in every change of element's size.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • false — use this if you need to abort the element's «resizable».
  • newSize — an object of two numeric values (width and height), and those contain new values for element's size. If one of the props is not specified, then the current value will be used.

Optional function that is an event handler and is called out after completion of element's «resizable».

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

Optional function that is an event handler and is called out when the size of the element (width or height) is minimum.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

Optional function that is an event handler and is called out when the size of the element (width or height) is maximum.

It receives following arguments:

Return value variants:

  • void — the event will be executed with default values.
  • there are no more value options available

Return value

Returns the object with following props and methods:


A function for attaching trigger points to the element.

It accepts following arguments:

  • direction — a direction value for changing the element's size.

A prop which value is the direction of active trigger point.

If there is no active points at the moment, the value type can be Direction or null.


A prop which value is a boolean type, that means, is the element in the process of changing its size right now.

ResizeEventOptions object

An object of the state that is initialized in result of completion of onResizeStart, onResize and onResizeEnd events.

It contains following props:


A value of direction in which the event is called out.


An origin of called event ("mouse" or "touch").


An object that contains a map of sides that were used for changing size of the element at the moment when the element is triggered.

  • bottom — a boolean value that contains true, if the element's bottom side is used during the size change.
  • left — a boolean value that contains true, if the element's left side is used during the size change.
  • right — a boolean value that contains true, if the element's right side is used during the size change.
  • top — a boolean value that contains true, if the element's top side is used during the size change.

A value of element's current position on the x-axis at the moment of event's call.


A value of element's current position on the y-axis at the moment of event's call.


A value of element's current width at the moment of event's call.


A value of element's current height at the moment of event's call.

ResizeEventOptionsWithAxis object

An object of the state that is initialized in result of completion of onResizeMin и onResizeMax events.

It contains the same props as ResizeEventOptions object, but also has its own props:


An object of two props:

  • width — a boolean value that contains true, if event's call is initialized in result of width minimum/maximum value.
  • height — a boolean value that contains true, if event's call is initialized in result of height minimum/maximum value.


<ResizableTemplate.AllSide> usage

Example of template's usage for changing size of the element from each of its edges and corners.

There will be a small blue square. Pull the element at any edge or corner to resize.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 240px;
const App = () => {
  return (
    <Resizable className="box">
      <ResizableTemplate.AllSide />

<ResizableTemplate.Corner> usage

Example of template's usage for changing size of the element by a «corner» interactive element.

There will be a small blue square. Pull the element in the bottom-right corner.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 240px;
const App = () => {
  return (
    <Resizable className="box">
      <ResizableTemplate.Corner />

<ResizePoint> usage

Example of usage of ResizePoint components for trigger points' customization.

There will be a small blue square. Pull the circle pink points left to right.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  left: 100px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 100px;
  width: 240px;

.point-right {
  background-color: #9F86C0;
  border-radius: 50%;
  bottom: 0;
  height: 24px;
  margin: auto 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 24px;

.point-left {
  cursor: w-resize;
  left: -12px;

.point-right {
  cursor: e-resize;
  right: -12px;
const App = () => {
  return (
    <Resizable className="box">
      <ResizePoint className="point-left" direction="left" />
      <ResizePoint className="point-right" direction="right" />

useResize hook base usage

Example that is similar to the previous one, but now used with useResize hook.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  left: 100px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 100px;
  width: 240px;

.point-right {
  background-color: #9F86C0;
  border-radius: 50%;
  bottom: 0;
  height: 24px;
  margin: auto 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 24px;

.point-left {
  cursor: w-resize;
  left: -12px;

.point-right {
  cursor: e-resize;
  right: -12px;
const App = () => {
  const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

  const { attachPoint } = useResize({

  return (
    <div className="box" ref={containerRef}>
      <div className="point-left" {...attachPoint('left')} />
      <div className="point-right" {...attachPoint('right')} />

disabled usage

Example of disabled state's usage for Resizable container.

Pull any edge or corner to change size. If you tick the «disabled» box, the «resizable» will be disabled.

Watch demo

.box {
  align-items: center;
  background-color: #a9def9;
  display: flex;
  height: 240px;
  justify-content: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  user-select: none;
  white-space: nowrap;
  width: 240px;
const App = () => {
  const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(false);

  const handleChange = () => {
    setDisabled((value) => !value);

  return (
    <Resizable className="box" disabled={disabled}>
      <ResizableTemplate.AllSide />

disallow* usage

Example of usage of disallowBottom, disallowLeft, disallowRight and disallowTop for a ResizableTemplate.AllSide template.

In this example we can fully enable/disable each of the sides.

Watch demo

.box {
  align-items: center;
  background-color: #a9def9;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 240px;
  justify-content: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  user-select: none;
  width: 240px;

.box label {
  margin: 10px 0;
  white-space: nowrap;
const keys = ['disallowBottom', 'disallowLeft', 'disallowRight', 'disallowTop'];

const initState = () => {
  const map: Record<string, boolean> = {};

  for (let key of keys) {
    map[key] = false;

  return map;

const App = () => {
  const [disallows, setDisallows] = useState(initState);

  const handleChange: ChangeEventHandler = (event) => {
    const target = as HTMLInputElement;
    const { key } = target.dataset;

    setDisallows((map) => ({,
      [key!]: target.checked,

  return (
    <Resizable className="box">
      { => (
        <label key={key}>
      <ResizableTemplate.AllSide {...disallows} />

Min and max size usage

Example of usage of minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight.

In this example, the minimum width and height of the element is 100px and the maximum is 500px.

By changing element's size, you can also see its width and height.

Pull the bottom-right corner to change the element's size.

Watch demo

.box {
  align-items: center;
  background-color: #a9def9;
  display: flex;
  height: 240px;
  justify-content: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  user-select: none;
  width: 240px;

.size {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 10px;
const App = () => {
  const [sizeText, setSizeText] = useState('240 x 240');

  const handleResize: ResizeEventHandler = (options) => {
    setSizeText(`${options.width} x ${options.height}`);

  return (
      <span className="size">
      <ResizableTemplate.Corner />

onResize usage

Example of usage of onResize event handler by redefinition of width and height values.

In this example, if the width or height is beyond 75% of browser window's size, then the value of the element's width/height stretches up to window's limits.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  position: fixed;
  width: 240px;
const App = () => {
  const handleResize: ResizeEventHandler = (options) => {
    const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window;
    const { x, y } = options;

    let { width, height } = options;

    if (x + width > innerWidth * 0.75) {
      width = innerWidth - x;

    if (y + height > innerHeight * 0.75) {
      height = innerHeight - y;

    return { width, height };

  return (
      <ResizableTemplate.AllSide />

onResizeStart and onResizeEnd usage

Use onResizeStart and onResizeEnd event handlers for determine status.

In this example, by «resizable» the element will change its color because of adding/deleting additional CSS-class.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  position: absolute;
  transition: 0.3s background-color ease-in;
  width: 240px;

.box-resizing {
  background-color: #9F86C0;
const App = () => {
  const [resizing, setResizing] = useState(false);

  const handleResizeStart = () => {

  const handleResizeEnd = () => {

  return (
      className={!resizing ? 'box' : 'box box-resizing'}
      <ResizableTemplate.Corner />

onResizeMin and onResizeMax usage

Usage of onResizeMin and onResizeMax event handlers

In this example, when the width/height is minimum or maximum, the element's background color becomes random.

Watch demo

.box {
  background-color: #a9def9;
  height: 240px;
  position: absolute;
  transition: 0.1s background-color;
  width: 240px;
const getRandomValue = (min: number, max: number) => {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

const App = () => {
  const [backgroundColor, setBackgroundColor] = useState('');

  const handleResizeMinMax = () => {
    const nextColor = getRandomValue(0, 0xFFFFFF).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');

  return (
      style={{ backgroundColor }}
      <ResizableTemplate.AllSide />