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Space v0.3.1-alpha

Build Status Code Coverage

Space is a multiplayer roguelike game with ship vs ship and crew vs crew battles. I abandoned work on this project a few years ago. Picking it up and continuing would be somewhat difficult, in part due to using a number ofoutdated packages, and not being ready for a Python 2 -> 3 migration.

Key bindings

Player and spaceship

Key Player Spaceship
h move West rotate left
j move South decelerate
k move North accelerate
l move East rotate right
y move NW -
u move NE -
b move SW -
n move SE -
t set target -
> next target -
< prev target -
f fire fire missile
v look -
a activate -
, pick up -
Q quit game quit flight
/ say -
i inventory -
E equipment -

Equipment screen

Key Description
i inventory
u unequip
Q quit screen

Inventory screen

Key Description
d drop
e equip
E equipment
Q quit screen


You are free to contribute, please keep in mind following things:

  • Code should comply with PEP 8 standards.
  • Tests: I use unittest module. fab test should pass. Everything except for UI elements is reasonably tested. New code should not be submitted without unit tests.
  • Project uses nvie's branching guidelines, main branches are develop and master (for details see
  • Please keep your commit messages descriptive and grammatically correct. I use tpope's commit message guidelines (for details see


The game uses virtualenv and pip bundle, but pygame module needs to be installed separately (this dependency is to be removed in the future).

Mac OS X, via homebrew:

brew tap homebrew/python
brew update
brew install pygame

Linux, via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install python-pygame

After pygame is installed, run:

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


ASCII space exploration simulator







