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Content for my personal blog:


The environment for building the website works as follows.

  • Rstudio is installed outside of an environment
  • A basic conda environment containing the prereqs for opening rstudio is activated conda activate blog-base
  • R packages are specified using {renv}
  • Rstudio can be opened from the command line, provided you have activated the blog-base environment rstudio data-globs.Rproj &

To activate the blog environment

# Activate the conda environment on which r-base is installed
conda activate blog-base

# Then open rstudio, and the 'renv'-defined environment for the project will
# be activated automatically
rstudio data-globs.Rproj &

When working on the blog

In rstudio click "Addins -> Serve Site" or use blogdown::serve_site() once

Click "Addins -> New Post" to add a new blog entry

Notes on converting from full-conda to conda-and-renv

Steps to get the blog building under the renv setup:

  • Activate 'blog-base' (add details of R-content of this env)
  • rstudio & to load global rstudio
  • open the blog project "data_blog.Rproj"
  • renv::init() to initialise an renv environment
  • add renv/library/ to .gitignore (so local package locations/downloads aren't pushed up to github)
  • Use install.packages() until the site can be built. Order of install:
    • blogdown (that blogdown was unavailable was highlighted on opening the blog project)
    • miniui
    • rstudioapi [though it dumbfounds me that I have to install miniui/rstudioapi in my project environment; aren't these for use by rstudio?]
    • [then ran "Serve Site" but got the error "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found"]
    • [then ran strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX ] which showed that 3.4.26 was not available
    • [then ran sudo apt-get upgrade libstdc++6]
    • [that didn't affect the values returned by the strings command]
    • [following this:]
    • [then ran
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    - [that didn't affect the values returned by the strings command]
    - [then ran `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`]
    - [now strings includes CXX 3.4.26|27|28 and "Serve Site" throws a "hugo not
    found" error]
    - Ran `blogdown::install_hugo()`
    - This installed v0.81.0 of hugo; and I added options(blogdown.hugo.version =
    "0.81.0") to my .Rprofile
    - Then ran "Serve Site" from rstudio Addins, and the site was served inside