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Dynamic portfolio creation web application. Designed to make it easy for users to create their own great looking website portfolio.


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Jinx ePortfolio App

AGPLv3 License Netlify Status

Jinx Demo

Jinx Demo

A platform where anyone from enthusiasts to professionals can create stunning portfolios that showcase their crafts and projects, and share them with the world.

Live demo at

The rest of this document serves as general installation and technical advice. If you're after project management, scope and SCRUM related documents, see the documentation folder.

1. Table of contents

2. Getting started

To build and run the app, you'll need Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.

  1. From the root of the project, run the project for the first time by running this command in a terminal:
docker-compose run --build
  1. Go make a coffee - this will take between 1-10 minutes depending on your computer's processing power.

  2. You'll know the app is running when you can see some lines on the terminal with jinx_react or jinx_django at the beginning of each line.

  3. Access the app in your web browser on localhost:3000. If you want to play around with the back end, head to localhost:8080/admin.

  4. Close the app by pressing Ctrlc in the terminal, and patiently wait for the app to close.

  5. To run the app again, simply run from the project root:

docker-compose up

3. Stack

Our app runs with the following components:

  1. The PostgreSQL database stores textual data (i.e. account data, portfolio text, paths to images). The Linux filesystem holds media (i.e. images, pdfs, videos).
  2. The Django backend exposes the API endpoints (/api and /auth), and handles CRUD operations on the database.
  3. The React frontend defines the user interface and structure of the web pages (i.e. home, edit page, account settings).


If you're looking at working on the project, the sections below should help if you run into bugs or trouble.

4. Guides and advice

4.1. Preliminary note: permissions on Linux

You'll need sudo access to run docker and docker-compose. However, it's recommended to create a new docker group and add yourself to it to avoid invoking sudo all the time. Avoiding this and running docker with sudo may cause permissions for certain files to be revoked from your non-root user, requiring you to use sudo when you run docker in future.

If you run docker or docker-compose with sudo, please make sure you revert file ownership to $USER for all files by running (from the root project directory jinx-it-project):

$ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .

5. Project file structure

Folder Contains
deploy Files specific to the production environment.
env Environment variables specific to development.
src Source code for frontend (React) and backend (Djagno)

5.1. Building and running

These are all the build commands you should need:

# build (standard)
$ docker-compose build

# build after removing packages from requirements.txt
$ docker-compose build --no-cache

Likewise, these are all the run commands you should need:

# run
$ docker-compose up

# after changing database models (i.e. any changes to a file)
$ docker-compose run django python makemigrations && python migrate

5.2. Attach shells to running Docker containers

It's often useful to attach terminals to running containers, or run specific commands inside of them. To open a shell in a container of your choice:

  1. Get the list of containers running by typing in a shell:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
80ccc0de6cbb        jinx-it-project_django   "python ru…"   4 hours ago         Up 25 minutes>8000/tcp   jinx_django
fd793468d6ab        postgres                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 hours ago         Up 25 minutes       5432/tcp                 jinx_db
  1. Choose the container you want to access and note down its name in the NAMES column.
  2. Connect to the container with:
$ docker exec -it <container name> bash
  1. You can also substitute bash with any command you like. For instance:
$ docker exec -it jinx_django python migrate

5.3. Making API requests to Django

Using the frontend's sign up page:

  1. If it's building successfully the frontend should be accessible through localhost:3000. Click sign up in the top right hand corner, and enter some stuff in the fields. If you get a sign up error, then something is cooked and consult the build instructions under issues (probably haven't migrated the DB).
  2. If there is no error, then head to, you should hopefully see the details that you've just entered!

To make a sign up and query it yourself:

  1. Run the containers and head to Login with credentials below.
  2. Create a sign up object.
  3. Open up a django shell in the jinx_django container with:
$ docker exec -it jinx_django shell
  1. Muck around as per this article:
>>> from sign_up.models import SignUp
# get pk of existing sign ups so we can get one
>>> for o in SignUp.objects.all():
...     print(
>>> q = SignUp.objects.get(pk=2)
# serializing
>>> from sign_up.serializers import SignUpSerializer
>>> mySignUp = SignUpSerializer(q)
# yay, json!
{'first_name': 'Jack', 'last_name': 'Zezula', 'email': '', 'password': 'jackzezula'}

5.4. API documentation

This application uses Swagger to automatically document the API. You can access it by running the server and going to localhost:8080/swagger in your web browser.

See drf-yasg documentation for more information.

5.5. Interacting with the database

If you need to edit the database manually (e.g. creating new roles, editing their permissions) rather than through Django's models interface, you can do the following.

  1. Run the containers and attach a shell to the jinx_db container:
$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -it jinx_db bash
  1. Interact with PostgreSQL with the psql command. For instance, you can log onto the jinx_db database within the PostgreSQL system with:
$ psql -d jinx_db -U jinx
  1. From here you can perform regular SQL queries, along with PostgreSQL commands like:
> CREATE USER jack WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'jacksSecretPassword';
> \du -- list users and their permissions
> \c jinx_db jack -- logon to the jinx_db database as user jack
> \l -- list databases with owner

6. Issues and fixes

This is a list of issues we've encountered and some solutions for them. If you resolve an issue, please add them here!

6.1. The database doesn't reset on a rebuild

You might want to change various aspects of the database, i.e:

  1. Wiping the data from the database
  2. Changing the database settings in docker-compose.yml under db
  3. Changing a model that will affect existing data in the database

In these situations, a rebuild will not be enough. You will need to remove the database image from Docker. Warning: this will delete any data in your database. Before you do your next rebuild, run:

docker rmi postgres

With regard to point 2, this is necessary because the information in docker-compose.yml only affects the database the first time it's built.

6.2. Something's terribly wrong! How do I 'reset'?

If you've done something like manually installing, updating or editing dependencies within the containers, you might run into some bugs.

If rebuilding doesn't solve your issues, a harder reset is deleting the image.

  1. Find the name of the image (under the REPOSITORY column in output) with:
docker images
  1. Remove the image imagename with:
docker rmi <imagename>
  1. Or if you're adventurous or it's 3 AM, kill all your images with:
# won't somebody think of the children!
docker image prune -a

6.3. The build instructions not working

First, make sure to delete any old images of the project using docker rmi <imagename> as specified above. Then try building all the required images from scratch using docker-compose build. Since the database is built from scratch, django models must be migrated using docker-compose run django python migrate. Everything should now be ready to go, so you can run the containers with docker-compose up. Happy hacking!

6.4. Material UI icons won't load

If you are getting problems loading Material-UI icons, you might need to do a full system rebuild (docker system prune -a before a build).

6.5. Modifying Django models doesn't work

When you run makemigrations, you get:

You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'page' to section without a default; we can't do that (the database needs something to populate existing rows).

To fix this:

  1. Comment out the model in question (page)
  2. From the jinx_djangocontainer (or via docker-compose run django <command>) run:
./ makemigrations && ./ migrate

6.6. Map undefined error on line zero

This is a strange error, likely caused by issues between recent releases of TypeScript, React scripts and ES-Lint, which resulted in us downgrading to TypeScript 3.9.7.

Ensuring that src/frontend/package.json contains the line "typescript": "^3.9.7", and doing a full rebuild should fix this issue.

6.7. Modifying files gives device or resource busy

This happens because Docker has still mounted a folder (such as src/frontend) through a volume, and deleting it would confuse Docker. Jack encountered this error trying to delete the whole repository on Windows (WSL2). To fix:

  1. Remove all Docker containers which depend on the file you can't modify/delete. If you're not sure, remove everything with docker system prune -a in your Linux shell.
  2. Shutdown WSL from cmd/powershell with wsl --shutdown.
  3. Restart WSL and your Linux shell. Modify files.


Dynamic portfolio creation web application. Designed to make it easy for users to create their own great looking website portfolio.








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  • TypeScript 43.2%
  • JavaScript 21.6%
  • CSS 17.4%
  • Python 16.8%
  • Other 1.0%