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Remove newtype coercions, make CoerceUnsized coercions more general
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nrc committed Mar 18, 2015
1 parent cfb6e6c commit 48b8061
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 58 deletions.
124 changes: 66 additions & 58 deletions text/
Expand Up @@ -51,34 +51,60 @@ An example implementation:

impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<Rc<U>> for Rc<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+CoerceUnsized<U>, U: ?Sized> NonZero<U> for NonZero<T> {}
// For reference, the definition of Rc:
// For reference, the definitions of Rc and NonZero:
pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
_ptr: NonZero<*mut RcBox<T>>,
pub struct NonZero<T: Zeroable+?Sized>(T);

Implementing `CoerceUnsized` indicates that the self type should be able to be
coerced to the `Target` type. E.g., the above implementation means that
`Rc<[i32; 42]>` can be coerced to `Rc<[i32]>`.
`Rc<[i32; 42]>` can be coerced to `Rc<[i32]>`. There will be `CoerceUnsized` impls
for the various pointer kinds available in Rust and which allow coercions, therefore
`CoerceUnsized` when used as a bound indicates coercible types. E.g.,

fn foo<T: CoerceUnsized<U>, U>(x: T) -> U {

Built-in pointer impls:

## Newtype coercions
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<Box<U>> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a> CoerceUnsized<&'a U> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a> CoerceUnsized<&mut 'a U> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<*const U> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<*mut U> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a, 'b: 'a> CoerceUnsized<&'a U> for &mut 'b U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a> CoerceUnsized<&mut 'a U> for &mut 'a U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a> CoerceUnsized<*const U> for &mut 'a U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a> CoerceUnsized<*mut U> for &mut 'a U {}
We also add a new built-in coercion for 'newtype's. If `Foo<T>` is a tuple
struct with a single field with type `T`, then coerce_inner(`Foo<T>`) = `Foo<U>`
holds for any `T` and `U` where `T` coerces to `U`.
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'a, 'b> CoerceUnsized<&'a U> for &'b U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, 'b> CoerceUnsized<*const U> for &'b U {}
This coercion is not opt-in. It is best thought of as an extension to the
coercion rule for structs with an unsized field, the extension is that here the
field conversion is a proper coercion, not an application of `coerce_inner`.
Note that this coercion can be recursively applied.
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<*const U> for *mut U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<*mut U> for *mut U {}
impl<T: ?Sized+Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<*const U> for *const U {}

Note that there are some coercions which are not given by `CoerceUnsized`, e.g.,
from safe to unsafe function pointers, so it really is a `CoerceUnsized` trait,
not a general `Coerce` trait.

## Compiler checking

### On encountering an implementation of `CoerceUnsized` (type collection phase)

* If the impl is for a built-in pointer type, we check nothing, otherwise...
* The compiler checks that the `Self` type is a struct or tuple struct and that
the `Target` type is a simple substitution of type parameters from the `Self`
type (one day, with HKT, this could be a regular part of type checking, for now
Expand All @@ -87,63 +113,46 @@ form `X/Y` where `X` and `Y` are both formal type parameters of the
implementation (I don't think this is necessary, but it makes checking coercions
easier and is satisfied for all smart pointers).
* The compiler checks each field in the `Self` type against the corresponding field
in the `Target` type. Either the field types must be subtypes or be coercible from the
`Self` field to the `Target` field (this is checked taking into account any
`Unsize` bounds in the environment which indicate that some coercion can take
place). Note that this per-field check uses only the built-in coercion
mechanics. It does not take into account `CoerceUnsized` impls (although we
might allow this in the future).
in the `Target` type. Assuming `Fs` is the type of a field in `Self` and `Ft` is
the type of the corresponding field in `Target`, then either `Ft <: Fs` or
`Fs: CoerceUnsized<Ft>` (note that this includes built-in coercions).
* There must be only one field that is coerced.
* We record in a side table a mapping from the impl to an adjustment. The
adjustment will contain the field which is coerced and a nested adjustment
representing that coercion. The nested adjustment will have a placeholder for
any use of the `Unsize` bound (we should require that there is exactly one such use).
* We record for each impl, the index of the field in the `Self` type which is

### On encountering a potential coercion
### On encountering a potential coercion (type checking phase)

* If we have an expression with type `E` where the type `F` is required during
type checking and `E` is not a subtype of `F`, nor is it coercible using the
built-in coercions, then we search for an implementation of `CoerceUnsized<F>`
for `E`. A match will give us a substitution of the formal type parameters of
the impl by some actual types.
* We look up the impl in the side table described above. The substitution is used
with the placeholder in the recorded adjustment to create a new coercion which
will map one field of the struct being coerced. That coercion should always be
valid (if it is not, there is a compiler bug).
* We create a new adjustment for the coerced expression. This will include the
index of the field which is deeply coerced and the adjustment for the coercion
described in the previous step.
* In trans, the adjustment is used to codegen a coercion by moving the coerced
value and changing the indicated field to a new type according to the nested
built-in coercions, then we search for a bound of `E: CoerceUnsized<F>`. Note
that we may not at this stage find the actual impl, but finding the bound is
good enough for type checking.

### Adjustment types
* If we require a coercion in the receiver of a method call or field lookup, we
perform the same search that we currently do, except that where we currently
check for coercions, we check for built-in coercions and then for `CoerceUnsized`
bounds. We must also check for `Unsize` bounds for the case where the receiver
is auto-deref'ed, but not autoref'ed.

We add `AdjustCustom(usize, Box<AutoAdjustment>)` and
`AdjustNewtype(Box<AutoDerefRef>)` to the `AutoAdjustment` enum. These
represent the new custom and newtype coercions, respectively. We add
`UnsizePlaceHolder(Ty, Ty)` to the `UnsizeKind` enum to represent a placeholder
adjustment due to an `Unsize` bound.

### Example
### On encountering an adjustment (translation phase)

For the above `Rc` impl, we record the following adjustment (with some trivial
bits and pieces elided):
* In trans (which is post-monomorphisation) we should always be able to find an
impl for any `CoerceUnsized` bound.
* If the impl is for a built-in pointer type, then we use the current coercion
code for the various pointer kinds (`Box<T>` has different behaviour than `&` and
`*` pointers).
* Otherwise, we lookup which field is coerced due to the opt-in coercion, move
the object being coerced and coerce the field in question by recursing (the
built-in pointers are the base cases).

AdjustCustom(0, AdjustNewType(
AutoDerefRef {
autoderefs: 1,
autoref: AutoUnsafe(mut, AutoUnsize(
UnsizeStruct(UnsizePlaceholder(T, U))))

When we need to coerce `Rc<[i32; 42]>` to `Rc<[i32]>`, we look up the impl and
find `T = [i32; 42]` and `U = [i32]` (note that we automatically require that
`Unsize` is satisfied when looking up the impl). We can therefore replace the
placeholder in the above adjustment with `UnsizeLength(42)`. That gives us the
real adjustment to store for trans.
### Adjustment types

We add `AdjustCustom` to the `AutoAdjustment` enum as a placeholder for coercions
due to a `CoerceUnsized` bound. I don't think we need the `UnsizeKind` enum at
all now, since all checking is postponed until trans or relies on traits and impls.

# Drawbacks

Expand All @@ -164,8 +173,7 @@ intrinsics. Although more flexible, this allows for implcicit excecution of
arbitrary code. If we need the increased flexibility, I believe we can add a
manual option to the `CoerceUnsized` trait backwards compatibly.

The proposed design could be tweaked: we could make newtype coercions opt-in
(this would complicate other parts of the proposal though). We could change the
The proposed design could be tweaked: for example, we could change the
`CoerceUnsized` trait in many ways (we experimented with an associated type to
indicate the field type which is coerced, for example).

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