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The osm2pgsql-tuner project recommends an osm2pgsql command based on available system resources and the size of the input PBF file. The recommendations made by this program are targeted for:

  • osm2pgsql v1.5.0 and newer
  • Flex output
  • No stage 2 processing

Stage 2 processing has less predictable RAM consumption per this discussion on GitHub.

API Documentation available.

Using osm2pgsql via Python

To use the osm2pgsql recommendation without using the API/website, the osm2pgsql_tuner package can be used.

Install osm2pgsql-tuner within an virtual environment.

pip install osm2pgsql-tuner

Import osm2pgsql_tuner and create an instance of the recommendation class.

import osm2pgsql_tuner
rec = osm2pgsql_tuner.Recommendation(system_ram_gb=8,
pbf_path = '~/pgosm-data/example_file.osm.pbf'
osm2pgsql_command = rec.get_osm2pgsql_command(pbf_path=pbf_path)


osm2pgsql -d $PGOSM_CONN  --create  --output=flex --style=./run.lua  ~/pgosm-data/example_file.osm.pbf

Deployment Instructions

Note: Need to update the sub-version of Python over time. Can use simply python3 but that can lead to using older unsupported versions based on distribution defaults.

cd ~/venv
python3.8 -m venv osm2pgsql-tuner
source ~/venv/osm2pgsql-tuner/bin/activate

Install requirements.

source ~/venv/osm2pgsql-tuner/bin/activate
cd ~/git/osm2pgsql-tuner
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run web server w/ uWSGI.

source ~/venv/osm2pgsql-tuner/bin/activate
cd ~/git/osm2pgsql-tuner

Unit tests

Run unit tests.

python -m unittest tests/*.py

Or run unit tests with coverage.

coverage run -m unittest tests/*.py

Generate report.

coverage report -m osm2pgsql_tuner/*.py

Run pylint.

pylint --rcfile=./.pylintrc -f parseable \

Used by

This project is used by PgOSM Flex to automate commands in the PgOSM Flex Docker image.

Development install

pip install -e .