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⭐ 0.4.1

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@ashleygwilliams ashleygwilliams released this 14 Jul 00:24
· 1003 commits to master since this release
  • 🤕 Fixes

    • fix files key value for projects build for nodejs target - ashleygwilliams, issue/199 pull/205

      We became aware that the files key in package.json did not include the additional _bg.js file that wasm-bindgen generates for projects being built for the nodejs target. This resulted in the file not being included in the published package and resulted in a Module Not Found error for folks.

      This was a group effort from mciantyre with pull/200 and Brooooooklyn with pull/197. Thank you so much for your diligence and patience while we sorted through it.

  • 🛠️ Maintenance

    • clean up quicli remnants - SoryRawyer, pull/193

      In v0.3.0 we removed the quicli dependency, however there were a few remnants left behind. They are now removed!

  • 📖 Documentation

    • DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!! and deny missing docs for all future development - fitzgen, pull/208

      The wasm-pack team has worked hard on tutorial documentation and keeping the codebase as self-explanatory as possible, but we have been slowly accruing a documentation debt. This amazing PR, landed just moments before this point release and was just too good not to include. Thank you so much, fitzgen!

    • fix README code example - steveklabnik, pull/195

      The code example in our was missing a critical pub. It's there now!

    • fix README markup - Hywan, pull/202

      There was an errant ` - it's gone now!