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Weights and Biases

Robin van de Water edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

Hyperparameter Optimization using Weights and Biases Sweeps

This sweep file shows an example on how to run a hyperparameter sweep with W&B. The general structure of the YAML should look like this:

program: icu-benchmarks
  - ${env}
  - ${program}
  - "train"
# .... other program parameters ....
  - "--wandb-sweep"
method: grid
  # gin config parameter name:
    # values: [a, b, etc...]
  # example:
    values: ["MCAR", "MAR", "MNAR"]

You can then create a sweep with

wandb sweep path/to/sweep_file.yaml

which will give you a sweep id.

and start an agent to perform the optimization using the following command:

wandb agent YOUR_SWEEP_ID