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Notre Rice A Nous

This project aims at providing a tool that automatically installs and configures a linux environment as it should be.

Currently, there are dotfiles for the following targets:


The install script is currently only compatible with Debian and Ubuntu. This script allows you to install the main targets through a single entry point, for instance, if you want to install yabar, just run sudo ./ --yabar.

Usage: [--i3] [--yabar] [--rofi] [--zsh] [--compton] [--all]

Once you have installed your targets, we created a script to help you configure them. What it will do is:

  • Add the i3 of this project to ~/.config/i3/config
  • Add yabar custom scripts and configs in ~/.config/yabar
  • Install some useful vim plugins
  • Add compton support into i3's config
    ./ [--i3] [--yabar] [--vim] [--compton] [--all]

Additional Tools

Oh My Zsh



In addition to yabar's base scripts, we added some more:

  • Battery level
  • Brightness level
  • CPU temperature
  • Title and artist of the current audio track
  • Volume level
  • Icon of the current workspace
  • Ping
  • Network status