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Selig - Reddit API Wrapper for Scriptable

Selig is named after Christian Selig, the developer of Apollo, my favorite Reddit client.

The objective of this project is to be able (1) pull data from Reddit to be using Scriptable; and (2) to be able to submit posts.


The initial release includes the following features.

  • Support for multiple accounts
  • Submitting text posts, images, videos and image galleries
  • Pull profile, karma and trophy data

Setup Guide

Create Your Reddit App

Before running the script, you will need to setup your own Reddit application or client. Don't worry it's not that difficult.

Login with your reddit account on In here you will see a list of applications that you have authorized your account on. You will want to create your own one by clicking the are you a developer? create an app... button at the bottom section of the page. If you already done this before, the button will say create another app.


Choose Script as type and give your app a name, and description. The about box is optional. For the redirect uri you will need to input exactly Click create app when done.

new app form with sample entries

Take note of the client_id and client_secret. You will need these to setup Selig.

saved app details showing client_id and client_secret


Now that you have your own Reddit app, it's time to use it with Selig. If you haven't done so yet, download the Selig.js into Scriptable. If you have Import-Script you can tap here to import.

Once imported, go ahead an run Selig and you will be prompted with this dialog box.

dialog with 2 options and cancel

Since you already have created your Reddit app, go ahead and tap Already Done. An entry dialog will be displayed to enter the app details.

app details entry dialog

Fill in the entry dialog with the corresponding client_id and client_secret. For the User-Agent the usual convention is "App Name by u/you-reddit-account". Tap OK when done.

app details dialog filled in

Almost done. You're now in the main menu. Next step is to authenticate your Reddit account. Go ahead and tap Authenticate.

main menu

Safari will launch and you will be asked to login with your Reddit account. You will be presented with this Reddit permissions page once you have logged-in.

reddit permissions page

After tapping Allow and you will be prompted to Open in Scriptable. This will open Scriptable and will save your login session.

dialog asking to open scriptable

Ready for use. You are now logged-in and your Reddit app is ready for use.

dialog showing user is logged-in.

How to Use


To test if you have succesfully completed the setup, there are 2 menu items that you can try

  1. Who am I? shows your username and karma.
  2. Post Self Text allows you to submit a post to any of your subscribed subreddits.

Go ahead and try them. If you have multiple Reddit accounts, you can tap Authenticate again to login with the other account. You can then switch between accounts using Switch Account.

If you're having trouble using those, try using Reset and start over. You can skip the Reddit app creation part and re-use the same client_id and client_secret.


Here'a a very simple example on how to get information from your profile.

// initialize
const Selig = importModule('Selig')
const reddit = new Selig()
await reddit.init()

// get the active account's username
var account = await

This will return a JSON value similar to the one below. I have remove plenty of items here for simplicity but there is plenty more in there.

    "is_employee": false,
    "subreddit": {
        "display_name": "u_supermamon",
        "subscribers": 50,
        "display_name_prefixed": "u/supermamon",
        "url": "/user/supermamon/",
        "subreddit_type": "user"
    "snoovatar_img": "",
    "verified": true,
    "over_18": true,
    "has_verified_email": true,
    "total_karma": 10000,
    "inbox_count": 0,
    "name": "supermamon",



  • .currentUser - currently logged in username
  • .cache - path to primary storage location
  • .currentUserFile - path to current user's session file
  • .home - path to store all user session files


  • async .me() - returns the active account's profile data
  • async .karma() - returns the active account's karma breakdown
  • async .trophies() - returns the active account's trophy list
  • .listAccounts() - returns the list of authenticated accounts
  • async .switchAccount(username) - changes the active account to another
  • async .postSelfText({sr, title, text, nsfw=false, sendreplies=true, resubmit=false, spoiler=false}) - submit a self text
  • async .postImage({sr, title, imagePath, nsfw=false, sendreplies=true, resubmit=false, spoiler=false}) - submit an image.
  • async .postVideo({sr, title, videoPath, thumbnailPath, nsfw=false, sendreplies=true, resubmit=false, spoiler=false}) - submit a video
  • async postGallery({sr, title, imagePaths, nsfw=false, sendreplies=true, resubmit=false, spoiler=false}) - sumit multiple images
  • .stashImage(imageObject, type) - saves a image into temporary storage and returns path full path. imageObject must be an Image data type. type is either jpeg or png, jpeg is default if not provided.
  • .unstashImages(imagePaths) - accepts an array of filePaths that will be deleted.
  • async inbox(after, limit) - returns the active account's inbox messages
  • async deleteMessage(id) - deletes the message indicated by id from the account's inbox
  • async makeFavorite(sr_name) - mark a subreddit as a favorite
  • async getMyOverview({username, after, before, sort, limit }) - get the user's post/comment history. paramters are optional. if username is not provided, it will use the current logged-in user's username.
  • async updatePost(thing_id, text) - update the contents of a post/comment



The plan is to add as mant API endpoints as possible but the following are the current items in priority but not in order.

  • Logout
  • Subreddit's list
  • Commenting
  • Deleting Posts/Comments
  • Mark/Unmark NSFW
  • Inbox Messages, read/delete
  • Mark subreddit as favorite
  • Update Posts/Comments