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=== DressFit-Virtual Clothes Try On Plugin ===
Contributors: dugudlabs
Donate link:
Tags: virtual try on, clothes try on, T-shirt try on, jeans try on 
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 5.7
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Let your customers try the Tshirts,Jeans,Shirts etc before buying. Simple,easy to use and uncompromised Try On Plugin!

== Description ==

The DressFit Virtual Try On solution is the first and the only true, uncompromised, and real-time virtual try-on plugin that enables customers to experience real-life clothes on their accurate virtual models, as well as the instant fit visualization on online, desktop, or mobile platforms. 

== Features ==

- Upload Unlimited Cloths
- Top wear Try On(Tshirts,Tops,Shirts etc)
- Bottom wear Try On(Jeans,trousers etc.)
- Customers can drag and drop clothes
- Customers can resize the clothes

== Installation ==

1. Upload `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to products page.
4. Edit the product.
5. Scroll down and click on set try on image.
6. Select a transparent front image of clothes.
7. View Product.
8. A try on button will be there.
9. Click on the button and thats it.

== Frequently asked questions ==

= Is this require woocommerce to be installed =


= How it works? =

Our Development team’s main focus was to make this plugin more easy to use and customize.So we have designed this plugin in a way that only one step can reach your requirements.You just have to go to product page->Edit->Set try on image. That’s it. It will automatically render a try on button on that product.

= What is Try on image? =

To render try on button on any product detail page you will have to set a try on image via product edit page or create new product page.This try on image is a simple front facing view of your product.This should be a transparent image.Image dimensions and guide to make a perfect Try On image is available at Product edit page.

= Does this plugin automatically create a transparent image of clothes?  =

No,For every product you will have to upload a Try On image which will be rendered on try on pop up.This image should be transparent background image.

== Screenshots ==

1. Set Try On Image
2. Try On Button
3. Try On Pop Up

== Changelog == 


== Upgrade Notice == 



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