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Stateless authentication means that the server doesn't maintains a state like a session to hold the private keys. The reason for such a technique is so that a client can be redirected to any server without any interruption, because the client has a token that is completely self contained. Another pro is that the password only has to be sent once over the network.

This is an example implementation of a true stateless authentication protocol. This implementation uses the following technologies:

The process

The process of letting a client login a secure way and obtain a token is done as followed:

  1. The client sends the username to the server to obtain the salt associated with the account (Salt is not a secret, a salt is merly there to prevent a rainbowtable attack, and the salt itself isn't a password and thus should't be treated as one
  2. The client uses the salt to hash the password provided by the user.
  3. The client sends the username and hashed password to the server.
  4. The server checks if the user + password exists
  5. The server creates a token with username and rol and current date (to ensure a certain lifetime of the token)
  6. The server signs the token with a private key
  7. The server sends the token back to the client

For every request the client should send the token in the header so the server can verify the identity. The signature generated with the serverside private key ensures that the token is not tempered with.


The weakness of the implementation is a man in the middle attack, this can be counteracted in 3 ways.

  • Use https so a man in the middle attack cannot be executed.
  • Limit the lifetime of the cookie
  • Protect every major change in a setting like changing password, requires the password and not only the cookie.

Project structure


The client used to communicate to the server, this is a simple project. the only logic in the project is contained in the Program.cs

var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
var saltResponse = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = "User" });

var hash = HashUtility.Hash("welcome", saltResponse.Salt);

var loginResponse = client.Post(new LoginRequest { Username = "User", Password = hash });

client.Headers["token"] = loginResponse.Result;
var limitedResponse = client.Get(new LimitedAccessRequest());


The models project contains all the requests and responses used for servicestack and some shared logic.


This is the servicestack project to serve the client. For this sample we have created an AuthenticationServices class.

public class AuthenticationServices : Service
    private readonly IDocumentSession _session;

    public AuthenticationServices(IDocumentSession session)
        _session = session;

    public SaltResponse Get(SaltRequest request)
        var projection = _session.Query<User, UsersByUsername>()
            .Where(x => x.Username == request.Username)

        if (projection == null)
            throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

        return new SaltResponse { Salt = projection.Salt };

    public object Post(LoginRequest request)
        var user = _session.Query<User, UsersByUsername>()
						   .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == request.Username);

        if (user == null)
            throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

        if (!string.Equals(user.Password, request.Password))
            throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

        var token = JwtTokenUtility.GenerateToken(request.Username, Role.User);

        return new LoginResponse {Result = token};

    public object Any(LimitedAccessRequest request)
        return new LimitedAccessResponse { Message = "Welcome" };

    public object Any(AdminAccessRequest request)
        return new AdminAccessResponse { Message = "Welcome" };

The documentsession is injected by funq in the constructor, with an session the is automaticly scoped to the request.

public AuthenticationServices(IDocumentSession session)
    _session = session;

This is realized by this part in the AppHost.cs thanks to the ReuseWithin (a special extension made by servicestack)

public override void Configure(Container container)
    var store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { DataDirectory = "Data" }.Initialize();

    container.Register(c => c.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession())



The Salt function

The salt function enables the client to get the salt by username. We have used a the Store function in RavenDB on the index Users_ByUsername that when we use this index, we also have the salt that we want to return to the server without having to execute an other query

public class UsersByUsername : AbstractIndexCreationTask<User>
    public class Projection
        public string Salt { get; set; }

    public UsersByUsername()
        Map = users => from user in users select new { user.Username };

        //Used to store the salt with the username index, 
		//this ensures that only 1 query is needed to query a username and 
		//retrieve the salt associated with the username
        Store(x => x.Salt, FieldStorage.Yes);

Here is where we use it and return the salt if found back to the client.

public SaltResponse Get(SaltRequest request)
    var projection = _session.Query<User, UsersByUsername>()
        .Where(x => x.Username == request.Username)

    if (projection == null)
        throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

    return new SaltResponse { Salt = projection.Salt };

The login function

If we have found the user and the hashed password matches then we generate a token and return it to the client

public object Post(LoginRequest request)
    var user = _session.Query<User, UsersByUsername>()
					   .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == request.Username);

    if (user == null)
        throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

    if (!string.Equals(user.Password, request.Password))
        throw HttpError.NotFound("Unknown username and password");

    var token = JwtTokenUtility.GenerateToken(request.Username, Role.User);

    return new LoginResponse {Result = token};

The RestrictAccessAttribute

An important class in this project is the RestrictAccessAttribute. This class inherits from the RequestFilterAttribute, so before the request made by the client is sent to the AuthorizationServices it is first send to this class and gives us the opportunity to determine if the client should have access to the method or class.

This attribute can be used on a method and on a class to restrict the access. I have used the Role enum to determine access, but almost anything can be used to determine the access.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class RestrictAccessAttribute : RequestFilterAttribute
    private readonly Role _roles;

    public RestrictAccessAttribute(Role roles)
        _roles = roles;

    public override void Execute(IRequest request, IResponse response, object requestDto)
        var claims = JwtTokenUtility.Validate(request.GetHeader("token"));
        if (claims == null)

        if (_roles == Role.None)

        var role = (Role) Enum.Parse(typeof (Role), claims.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Role).Value);

        //If it doesn't contain the role needed the send AuthRequired
        if ((_roles & role) > 0)



This is the utility class the is used to generate and validate a JSON Web Token

public static class JwtTokenUtility
    private static readonly SigningCredentials Credentials;
    private static readonly TokenValidationParameters ValidationParameters;

	static JwtTokenUtility()
	    //The private key used to secure the token, this should be a static shared key
	    //And not an random key like this, but this is fine for demo purpose
		var randomKey = Convert.FromBase64String(HashUtility.GenerateRandomBytes(64));
	    var symetricSecurityKey = new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey(randomKey);
	    Credentials = new SigningCredentials(symetricSecurityKey, 
	    ValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters 
			IssuerSigningKey = symetricSecurityKey, 
			ValidateAudience = false, 
			ValidIssuer = "issuer" 

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the token.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="username">The username.</param>
    /// <param name="role">The role.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string GenerateToken(string username, Role role)
        var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

        var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //The contents of the JWT token
        var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor
            Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] 
				new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, username), 
				new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role.ToString()) 
            TokenIssuerName = "issuer",
            Lifetime = new Lifetime(now, now.AddHours(1)),
            SigningCredentials = Credentials

        var token = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);

        return tokenHandler.WriteToken(token);

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the token.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static ClaimsPrincipal Validate(string token)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token))
            return null;

        var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
        SecurityToken securityToken;
        return tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, ValidationParameters, out securityToken);

The private key used is for demo purpose always generated at start in JwtTokenUtility in the static constructor. For production this should be replaced with your own private key.

static JwtTokenUtility()
    //The private key used to secure the token, this should be a static shared key
    //And not an random key like this, but this is fine for demo purpose
	var randomKey = Convert.FromBase64String(HashUtility.GenerateRandomBytes(64));

    var symetricSecurityKey = new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey(randomKey);
    Credentials = new SigningCredentials(symetricSecurityKey, 
    ValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters 
		IssuerSigningKey = symetricSecurityKey, 
		ValidateAudience = false, 
		ValidIssuer = "issuer" 


Here is demonstrated how it behaves.

public class AuthenticationServicesTests
    private const string ListeningOn = "http://localhost:8088/";
    private ServiceHost _appHost;

    private const string Username = "User";
    private const string Salt = "/QEbkHkkpM+031q0KerO1A==";
    private const string PasswordHash = "hVvF3Z8/WtZNtDbSofrbnOUqg5tHXHGBPBuR5NlpVXpeRM/V+DABLXy9FGwd5TcQG7d4RJVVhwStR/PGOI7WSw==";
    private const string Password = "welcome";

    public void TestFixtureSetUp()
        _appHost = new ServiceHost();

        var store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { DataDirectory = "Data" }.Initialize();

        _appHost.Container.Register(c => c.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession()).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);

        IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(UsersByUsername).Assembly, _appHost.Container.Resolve<IDocumentStore>());


    public void TestFixtureTearDown()

    private void SetupDemoUser()
        using (var session = _appHost.Container.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession())
            session.Store(new User { Username = Username, Salt = Salt, Password = PasswordHash });

    public void Salt_ThrowsException_When_InvalidUsername()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = "NonExistent" });

            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.That((HttpStatusCode)webEx.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

    public void Salt_Succeed_When_CorrectName()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            var response = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = Username });

            Assert.That(response.Salt, Is.EqualTo(Salt));
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");

    public void Login_ThrowsException_When_InvalidUsername()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            client.Post(new LoginRequest { Username = "NonExistent" });

            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.That((HttpStatusCode)webEx.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

    public void Login_ThrowsException_When_InvalidPassword()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            var saltResponse = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = Username });
            client.Post(new LoginRequest { Username = Username, Password = HashUtility.Hash("Wrong", saltResponse.Salt) });

            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.That((HttpStatusCode)webEx.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

    public void Login_Succeed_When_CorrectCredentials()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            var saltResponse = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = Username });
            var loginResponse = client.Post(new LoginRequest 
				Username = Username, 
				Password = HashUtility.Hash(Password, saltResponse.Salt) 

            Assert.That(loginResponse.Result, Is.Not.Empty);
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");

    public void LimitedAccess_Succeed_When_LoggedIn()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            var saltResponse = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = Username });
            var loginResponse = client.Post(new LoginRequest 
				Username = Username, 
				Password = HashUtility.Hash(Password, saltResponse.Salt) 

            client.Headers["token"] = loginResponse.Result;
            var limitedResponse = client.Get(new LimitedAccessRequest());

            Assert.That(limitedResponse.Message, Is.Not.Empty);
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");

    public void LimitedAccess_ThrowsException_When_NotLoggedIn()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            client.Get(new LimitedAccessRequest());

            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.That((HttpStatusCode)webEx.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));

    public void AdminAccess_ThrowsException_With_UserRole()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
            var saltResponse = client.Get(new SaltRequest { Username = Username });
            var loginResponse = client.Post(new LoginRequest 
				Username = Username, 
				Password = HashUtility.Hash(Password, saltResponse.Salt) 

            client.Headers["token"] = loginResponse.Result;
            client.Get(new AdminAccessRequest());

            Assert.Fail("Shouldn't come here");
        catch (WebServiceException webEx)
            Assert.That((HttpStatusCode)webEx.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));


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