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rvinzent edited this page May 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Note: Many breaking changes were introduced in 0.2.0. For 0.1.0 documentation, see here.

dynamic_models consists of two models that can be used to introduce dynamic changes to the database at runtime.


Adding dynamic schema to the database is as simple as creating a new instance of ModelSchema. A new Django model with the provided name will be generated and registered to Django's app registry. The dynamically generated model is accessible from the ModelSchema instance's .as_model() method. this model can be used in the same way that any other statically defined model is normally used.

from dynamic_models.models import ModelSchema, FieldSchema

car_schema = ModelSchema.objects.create(name='Car')
Car = car_schema.as_model()

assert Car.objects.count() == 1

Creating records of ModelSchema will create a new table in the database initially without any fields. Add fields to the database table by associating instances of FieldSchema.

car_model_field = FieldSchema.objects.create(model_schema=car_schema, name='model', data_type='character')
car_year_field = FieldSchema.objects.create(model_schema=car_schema, name='year', data_type='integer')

# `as_model()` must be called again to regenerate the model class after a new field is added
Car = car_schema.as_model()
Car.objects.create(model='Camry', year=1997)

assert Car.objects.filter(model='Camry').count() == 1
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