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0.8 Standard library

Jean Chassoul edited this page May 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Standard library

There is also a library module, luerl_lib, which contains functions which may be used.

luerl_lib:first_value(ReturnList) -> Value.

luerl_lib:is_true_value(ReturnList) -> true | false.

Current implementation functions

  • _G
  • assert
  • collectgarbage
  • dofile
  • eprint
  • error
  • getmetatable
  • ipairs
  • load
  • loadfile
  • next
  • pairs
  • pcall
  • print
  • rawequal
  • rawget
  • rawlen
  • rawset
  • require
  • select
  • setmetatable
  • tonumber
  • tostring
  • type
  • unpack
  • io.flush
  • io.write
  • math.abs
  • math.acos
  • math.asin
  • math.atan
  • math.atan2
  • math.ceil
  • math.cos
  • math.cosh
  • math.deg
  • math.exp
  • math.floor
  • math.fmod
  • math.frexp
  • math.huge
  • math.ldexp
  • math.log
  • math.log10
  • math.max
  • math.min
  • math.modf
  • math.pi
  • math.pow
  • math.rad
  • math.random
  • math.randomseed
  • math.sin
  • math.sinh
  • math.sqrt
  • math.tan
  • math.tanh
  • os.clock
  • os.difftime
  • os.getenv
  • os.time
  • package.config
  • package.loaded
  • package.preload
  • package.path
  • package.searchers
  • package.searchpath
  • string.byte
  • string.char
  • string.find
  • string.format (should handle most things now)
  • string.gmatch
  • string.gsub
  • string.len
  • string.lower
  • string.match
  • string.rep
  • string.reverse
  • string.sub
  • string.upper
  • table.concat
  • table.insert
  • table.pack
  • table.remove
  • table.sort
  • table.unpack
  • bit32.bnot
  • bit32.bor
  • bit32.btest
  • bit32.bxor
  • bit32.lshift
  • bit32.rshift
  • bit32.arshift
  • bit32.lrotate
  • bit32.rrotate
  • bit32.extract
  • bit32.replace
  • debug.getmetatable
  • debug.getuservalue
  • debug.setmetatable
  • debug.setuservalue