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Google Spreadsheets CRUD interface

A CRUD interface for managing Google spreadsheets like a database.

Check it out here:


  • Add, edit and delete rows from a spreadsheets
  • Add data types to form input for columns
  • Save date created, date updated and user who made the change
  • Have relationships between sheets (available as dropdowns in the input forms)
  • For 'select' columns show drag & drop funnel
  • Create triggers to send emails on add or update of rows
  • A basic roles/permissions system
  • Copy spreadsheet for further data analysis


  • When accessing the app, add a query parameter to the url "?spreadsheetId=???", replacing ??? by your spreadsheet ID.
  • Each sheet represents a data type (person, organization, deal). Names should not contain spaces & should be singular. Sheets with a name that starts with an underscore will not show up in the interface. Those can be used for analysis of the 'data' sheets.
  • Each column represents a data field. Put the field names on the first row of the sheet. Names should be unique and should not contain spaces.
  • On the second row of each sheet a JSON string should be defined with the characteristics of the field.
    "type": "text",
    "value": undefined,
    "label": undefined,
    "help": undefined,
    "options": undefined,
    "required": false,
    "disabled": false
  • Valid options for the JSON are: type, value, label, options, required and disabled.
    • type: can be "text", "textarea", "number", "date", "select" or "formula". (see for more info)
    • value: sets the default value in the form view.
    • label: set a label for the field in the form interface. Should be a string.
    • help: a help text displayed directly below the field.
    • options: only applicable with 'type' set to "select". This can be an array, object or string, see 'Options' chapter below.
    • required: if required is set to true, the form won't submit unless the field has a value.
    • disabled: Boolean value that disables the field in the form view.

Type: email

If you set 'value' to 'Session.user' the value of the field will default to the current users' email address.

Type: formula

For fields that have {"type": "formula"}, you can set an Arrayformula in the first row of data ( Make sure you cover a large range of data (e.g. A3:A999), but be careful with selecting the whole row (e.g. A3:A) because this could start adding and endless number of rows.

It is important that for empty rows, the array formula returns an empty string and not an error or 0.

Also notice that this requires some setup after adding the first row through the interface.

In stead of hard coding the JSON, it is better to put the formula of the calculated column in the JSON cell. This cell should still output valid json, so this only works if you do a concatenation like this:

={{"{""type"": ""formula""}"}; ArrayFormula(C3:C1000)}

If you want the formula column to be recognized as an email column (for adding a trigger for example), you can set the type of the column like this "type": "formula: email"


For fields that have {"type": "select"}, you should also define the "options" attribute. This can be three things:

  • An array [1,2,3]
  • An object {"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}, where "key" would be the display key in the dropdown and "value" the value stored in the spreadsheet.
  • A string (reference to another sheet)

If "options" is defined as an array, automatically a funnel view becomes available for this field under the "funnels" item in the menu. Note that the last option in the array will not be shown in the funnel. This is a way to archive rows that shouldn't be visible anymore in the funnel.

{"type": "select", "label": "status", "options": ["Pending", "Active", "Canceled", "Archived"]}

If you set it to a string, it should reference another sheet in the same spreadsheet. The form interface will show a dropdown with all rows from the referenced sheet.

{"type": "select", "label": "Person", "options": "person"}

Where "person" is the name of another sheet.


The tool has a basic way of implementing roles and permissions. To start using it follow these steps:

  • Create a _permissions and _users sheet.
  • In the _permissions sheet, define a role name (start in cell A1) and a role object (cell B2). The role object should have the following structure:
{"sheets": {"Sheet1": ["view", "create", "edit", "delete"]},
 "menu": ["Data", "Funnels", "Settings", "Search"],
 "hidden_fields": ["Sheet1.column_name"]}

If a role has all permissions for a certain sheet you can replace "view", "create", "edit", "delete" by "all". If a role should only be able to see rows created by the user itself, replace "view" by "view_self". If all menu items should be visible you can leave "menu" out.

  • In the _users sheet you can assign a role to a user. Specify an email address (start in cell A1), and his/her role (cell B2)


  • Clone repo
  • yarn install node_modules
  • bower install install bower_modules
  • yarn gulp build assets
  • Install clasp (
  • cd src && clasp create (you first might need to remove the .clasp.json file)
  • Tweak appsscript.json file if needed
  • clasp push
  • Add libraries in newly created apps script project in browser (Resources -> Libraries)
    • Underscore: M3i7wmUA_5n0NSEaa6NnNqOBao7QLBR4j
    • Moment: MHMchiX6c1bwSqGM1PZiW_PxhMjh3Sh48

Side notes

  • In both the options drop down referencing another sheet, the funnel view and the search box, the first two columns of the sheet are shown. So make sure those two columns are unique enough to determine which row it is.
  • The main advantage of using this tool is that you think more explicitly about the data structure of your process.

Known limitations

  • Makes use of html5 field types, so only works in modern browsers. (Chrome preferred)
  • When deleting rows, relationships will not be deleted. This means that rows might point to a non-existing row in the related sheet.
  • With a lot of rows, the tool can become slow. A solution could be to archive the file (make a copy through the interface) and delete rows from the original file.


  • Make _users and _permissions sheets optional
  • Add merge tags to email triggers
  • Speed optimizations