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Beautiful animated login screen with phone/email otp, password, and social login options.


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Flutter Animated Login

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A Flutter package to create a beautiful animated login screen with phone/email otp, password, and social login options. It also includes a phone number with country code picker.


Email OTP

Phone OTP

Dark Theme

Video Demo


To use this package run this command:

flutter pub add flutter_animated_login

Or, add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_animated_login: ^<latest_version>

Sometimes you may want to use the latest version of the package, instead of a published version. To do that, use the git syntax:

      url: git://
      ref: main

How to Use

Simply create a FlutterAnimatedLogin widget, and pass the required params:

    onLogin: (loginData) async {
        return "";

See the example directory for a complete sample app.

Parameters of the FlutterAnimatedLogin

  /// The callback triggered your login logic
  final LoginCallback? onLogin;

  /// The callback triggered your signup logic
  final SignupCallback? onSignup;

  /// [VerifyCallback] triggered your OTP verification logic
  /// The result is an error message, callback successes if message is null
  final VerifyCallback? onVerify;

  /// [ResendOtpCallback] triggered your OTP resend logic
  final ResendOtpCallback? onResendOtp;

  /// The configuration for the login text field
  final LoginConfig loginConfig;

  /// The list of login providers for the oauth
  final List<LoginProvider>? providers;

  /// The login type, default is [LoginType.otp]
  final LoginType loginType;

  /// The configuration for the verify page
  final VerifyConfig verifyConfig;

  /// The terms and conditions for the login/signup page
  final TextSpan? termsAndConditions;

  /// [PageConfig] for the page widget to customize the page.
  final PageConfig config;

  /// The configuration for the reset password page
  final ResetConfig resetConfig;

  /// The configuration for the signup page
  final SignupConfig signupConfig;

  /// The callback triggered your reset password logic
  final ResetPasswordCallback? onResetPassword;


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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👨🏻‍💻 Contribute to the project

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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