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To display data from the Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet in a Node-RED dashboard using MQTT.


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Tinkerforge Air Quality Node-RED Dashboard


To display data from the Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet in a Node-RED dashboard using MQTT.



The Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet is connected to a Tinkerforge Master brick = the Tinkerforge Building Blocks. The Master Brick is connected via USB with a Raspberry Pi 4 running Node-RED. Communication between the Tinkerforge Node-RED and the Tinkerforge Building Blocks is via MQTT. On the Raspberry Pi, mosquitto is used as broker. The Tinkerforge MQTT bindings (2.0) are used to control the Master Bricks and Bricklets using the MQTT protocol.


  • 1x Raspberry Pi 4B (OS Buster)
  • 1x Tinkerforge Master Bricklet 2.1
  • 1x Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet


MQTT Raspberry Pi

Install mosquitto and related packages. The Tinkerforge MQTT bindings are based on the Tinkerforge Python bindings.

sudo apt-get install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libudev0 pm-utils
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install tinkerforge paho-mqtt

MQTT Service

Service File

Create a service file /home/pi/tinkerforge/mqtt/tinkerforge_mqtt.service

Description=Tinkerforge MQTT Bindings
# brickd is running locally

# mosquitto is running locally

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt


Copy the service file to /etc/systemd/system/

sudo cp tinkerforge_mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/tinkerforge_mqtt.service
Service Start, Stop, Status, Boot Enable/Disable
sudo systemctl start tinkerforge_mqtt
sudo systemctl stop tinkerforge_mqtt
sudo systemctl status tinkerforge_mqtt

Example output

tinkerforge_mqtt.service - Tinkerforge MQTT Bindings
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/tinkerforge_mqtt.service; enabled; vendor
  Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-09-07 10:17:09 CEST; 6min ago
Main PID: 558 (python3)
  Tasks: 5 (limit: 4063)
  Memory: 18.7M
  CGroup: /system.slice/tinkerforge_mqtt.service
          └─558 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt
Sep 07 10:17:09 4dev systemd[1]: Started Tinkerforge MQTT Bindings.
Boot Enable, Disable

Set the boot flag: enable to start service during boot.

sudo systemctl enable tinkerforge_mqtt
sudo systemctl disable tinkerforge_mqtt

Tinkerforge Building Blocks

Install the Brick Deamon and Brick Viewer on the Raspberry Pi. This is described on the Tinkerforge Website.

Brick Deamon & Brick Viewer

To install and update the required files, using a bash script located in folder /home/pi/tinkerforge.

Ensure to make the bash script executable:

sudo chmod +x

Run the script


Bash Script Content

echo "Updating Brick Deamon and Brick Viewer"
## 20190907 rwbL
cd /home/pi/tinkerforge
echo "Removing deb files..."
rm *.deb
echo "Ok"
echo "Updating libraries..."
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libudev0 pm-utils
echo "Updating Brick Deamon..."
sudo dpkg -i brickd_linux_latest_armhf.deb
echo "Ok"
echo "Updating Brick Viewer..."
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtopengl python3-serial python3-tz python3-tzlocal
sudo dpkg -i brickv_linux_latest.deb
echo "Ok"
rm *.deb
echo "Done"

Connect Tinkerforge Building Blocks

Connect the Air Quality Bricklet to the Master Brick. Connect the Master Brick via USB with the Raspberry Pi. Start the Brick Viewer (Menu Programming > Brick Viewer) Use as host localhost with defaut port 4223. Connect The Master Brick (UID: 6yLduG, FW: 2.4.10) with the Air Quality Bricklet (UID: Jvj, FW: 2.0.5) should be listed. Check the frmware (FW) versions and update if required. Click on Tab Air Quality Bricklet and check if data is gathered.

MQTT Tests

Ensure the tinkerforge_mqtt script is running. Just check again with:

sudo systemctl status tinkerforge_mqtt

Test Subscribe to Air Quality Messages

This test uses the callback to log Air Quality messages published.

Open Terminal 1

Two options shared.

Option 1: Subscribe to all messages
mosquitto_sub -v -t '#'
Option 2: Subscribe to all values using callback
mosquitto_sub -v -t tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values
Open Terminal 2

Set the Callback Configuration for the Air Quality bricklet, i.e. publish every 5s, i.e period 5000 and always log even if data has not changed.

mosquitto_pub -t tinkerforge/request/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/set_all_values_callback_configuration -m '{"period": 5000,"value_has_to_change": false}'

Set the register to true (start callback)

mosquitto_pub -t tinkerforge/register/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values -m '{"register": true}'

Use false to turn register off (stop callback)

mosquitto_pub -t tinkerforge/register/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values -m '{"register": false}'
Check Terminal 1

The topic and payload of the Air Quality Bricklet are logged every 5s.

Option 1

These are the messages when subscribing to all messages:

mosquitto_sub -v -t '#'
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 38, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2152, "humidity": 6015, "air_pressure": 101742}
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 40, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2152, "humidity": 6015, "air_pressure": 101742}
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 36, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2152, "humidity": 6013, "air_pressure": 101741}
tinkerforge/register/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"register": false}

Last entry turned the register off.

Option 2

These are the messages when subscribing to all values from the Air Quality Bricklet:

mosquitto_sub -v -t tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 118, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2074, "humidity": 6181, "air_pressure": 101839}
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 118, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2074, "humidity": 6184, "air_pressure": 101840}
tinkerforge/callback/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/all_values {"iaq_index": 117, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2075, "humidity": 6186, "air_pressure": 101839}

Single request & response

Terminal 1: Subscribe to messages published.

mosquitto_sub -v -t tinkerforge/response/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/get_all_values

Terminal 2: Publish a single message.

mosquitto_pub -t tinkerforge/request/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/get_all_values -m ''

Terminal 1: logs the message as a result from command in terminal 2

tinkerforge/response/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/get_all_values {"iaq_index": 90, "iaq_index_accuracy": "low", "temperature": 2559, "humidity": 5089, "air_pressure": 101891}

So far so good - lets start building Node-RED Dashboard solution.


The flow has two sections settings and data. The communication with the Tinkerforge Building Blocks is via MQTT.



The nodes mqtt in and mqtt out are used. To update the settings, i.e. the Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet configuration, the mqtt out node is used. The topics to publish messages are (Javascript code from the function node):

msg.topic = "tinkerforge/request/air_quality_bricklet/Jvj/set_all_values_callback_configuration";
msg.payload = {"period": callbackPeriod, "value_has_to_change": false}; 

and (Topic and Payload from a ui_switch node)

{"register":true} or {"register":false}

To get data from the Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet, the mqtt in node is used. The topic to subscribe to messages is:


This means all messages published by Tinkerforge MQTT Python script are coming in. A switch node is used to select a topic. This enables to use multiple bricklets. For this solution, only one bricklet is used:



The settings enables to set the callback configuration and the callback register. The configuration parameter callback period (ms) can be set via dashboard text input node. When the flow starts, an initial value is injected. The configuration is changed via mqtt out node.

The callback register can be set to true (=on) and false (=off) via dashboard switch. When the flow starts, the switch is set to true to start creating data messages. The configuration is changed via mqtt out node.


Incoming MQTT messages are filtered by topic, only one topic used for now. The payload is converted to a JavaScript object to get the payload properties containing the data. Example published payload JSON string:


For each of the properties a change node converts the property to a payload This payload is used by Dashboard Gauge, Chart and other nodes.


To display data from the Tinkerforge Air Quality Bricklet in a Node-RED dashboard using MQTT.








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