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Repository contains docker configuration for different purposes.



Runs iscsi with 20GB disk. This requires running dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/iscsi-disk seek=1M bs=20480 count=1 on the host.

To build the image use following command:

docker build -t iscsi:latest iscsi/

Then, you can run it using following command:

docker run --privileged --rm --network=host -v /opt/iscsi-disk:/opt/iscsi-disk --name iscsi iscsi

Target name is iqn.2019-11.iscsi.test:for.test and is configured in iscsi/iscsi-target.conf.

To test with qemu and ibft:

  1. Download or build ipxe binary, see
  2. When running qemu point it too ipxe kernel
  3. Set as kernel args dhcp && sanhook iscsi: (e.g. using -append option)

In order to mount disk, run iscsiadm -m node -T "iqn.2019-11.iscsi.test:for.test" -p "localhost:3260" --login After that disk should be visible in the system and can be mounted and formatted as usual.

Test created target with: iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p localhost:3260


Simple nfs share with v3 support and rw share.

Before starting the container, kernel modules should be enabled on the host:

modprobe nfs
modprobe nfsd

Then build image using following command:

docker build -t nfs:latest nfs

Start container with:

docker run --privileged --rm --network=host --name nfs nfs

Due to requirement to have kernel modules enabled, we have to add --privileged option here.

By default, /export/data directory will be shared, use -v option to map other directory.


PostgreSQL containers available on docker hub do not need any modifications to be used for testing purposes, see

Database can be started using following command:

docker run --name postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=nots3cr3t postgres

It will spawn postgres instance with default user (postgres) and password which is set using POSTGRES_PASSWORD environmental variable.

samba (without netbios)

Simple file sharing over samba protocol without netbios. See smb.conf file for more details.

By default shared directory is called Shared and can be accessed by guest user and is writable. On top there is smbuser with password smbuser, in case access with authentication has to be tested. Container can be build using following command:

docker build -t samba:latest samba

Define folder to share and forward port 445 when run the container:

docker run --name samba -p 445:445 -v /share:/share samba

After that you can mount it using following command:

mount -t cifs -o username=guest,password="" // /mnt/smb

On macOS, one can use mount_smbfs command:

mount_smbfs -N //guest@ /mnt/smb

In case you want to run container with privileged network, it's strongly recommended to add access control to the [global] section of the smb.cfg file, e.g.:

hosts allow =
hosts deny =
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes


Simple tinyproxy image, without authentication. In order to enable basic authentication, setup it as follows in tiny.conf:

BasicAuth user password

Container has port 8888 and allows all connections, which is default behavior if no Allow entries exist in the config file.

Then build image using following command:

docker build . --tag tinyproxy:latest

Start container with:

docker run -p 8888:8888 --name tinyproxy tinyproxy:latest


docker files for different scenarion






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