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str-async-replace: AsyncReplaceđź“š npm

The AsyncReplace class provides asynchronous string replacement methods. It allows you to perform string replacements with flexibility, including support for regular expressions and asynchronous replacement functions.

Table of Contents


AsyncReplace(inputString: string)

  • Creates an instance of AsyncReplace.
  • Parameters:
    • inputString (string): The input string to perform replacements on.
  • Throws a TypeError if inputString is null, undefined, an empty string, or not a string.

Method: replace

async replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string), replaceLimit: number = 1): Promise<AsyncReplace>

  • Asynchronously replaces one or more occurrences of the searchValue in the input string with the specified replaceValue.
  • Parameters:
    • searchValue (string | RegExp): The value to search for in the input string. Can be a string or regular expression.
    • replaceValue (string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string)): The value to replace the search value with. Can be a string, function, object with a toString method, or an async function.
    • replaceLimit (number, optional): The maximum number of replacements to make. Must be a positive integer greater than zero. Defaults to 1.
  • Returns a Promise<AsyncReplace>: A new AsyncReplace instance with the replacements made.
  • Throws a TypeError if:
    • searchValue is null, undefined, not a string, or not a regular expression.
    • replaceLimit is not a positive integer greater than zero.
    • replaceValue is null, an empty string, not a string, not a function, not an object with a toString method, or not an async function.

Example: Simulating Delay in Replace

const inputText = "Hello, World!";
const asyncReplacer = new AsyncReplace(inputText);

(async () => {
  try {
    const newString = await asyncReplacer.replace("World", async () => {
      // Simulate a delay, e.g., an asynchronous HTTP request.
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
      return "Response from the server";

    console.log(newString.toString()); // Output after 2 seconds: "Hello, Response from the server!"
  } catch (error) {

Method: replaceAll

async replaceAll(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string)): Promise<AsyncReplace>

  • Asynchronously replaces all instances of the searchValue in the input string with the replaceValue provided.
  • Parameters:
    • searchValue (string | RegExp): The value to search for in the input string. Can be a string or regular expression.
    • replaceValue (string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string)): The value to replace the search value with. Can be a string, function, object with a toString method, or an async function.
  • Returns a Promise<AsyncReplace>: A new AsyncReplace instance with the replacements made.
  • Throws a TypeError if:
    • searchValue is null, undefined, not a string, or not a regular expression.
    • replaceValue is null, an empty string, not a string, not a function, not an object with a toString method, or not an async function.

Example: Simulating Delay in ReplaceAll

const inputText = "Hello, World!";
const asyncReplacer = new AsyncReplace(inputText);

(async () => {
  try {
    const newString = await asyncReplacer.replaceAll("World", async () => {
      // Simulate a delay, e.g., an asynchronous HTTP request.
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
      return "Response from the server";

    console.log(newString.toString()); // Output after 2 seconds: "Hello, Response from the server!"
  } catch (error) {

Method: replaceMany

async replaceMany(replacements: { search: string | RegExp, replace: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string) }[]): Promise<AsyncReplace>

  • Asynchronously replaces multiple substrings or regular expressions in the string with their corresponding replacements.
  • Parameters:
    • replacements (array of objects): An array of objects containing the search string or regular expression, and its corresponding replacement string or function to be executed.
  • Returns a Promise<AsyncReplace>: A new AsyncReplace instance with the replacements made.
  • Throws a TypeError if:
    • replacements parameter is not an array of objects.
    • Any search or replace values are undefined or null.

Example: Simulating Delay in ReplaceMany

const inputText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
const asyncReplacer = new AsyncReplace(inputText);

(async () => {
  try {
    const replacements = [
      { search: "quick", replace: async () => {
        // Simulate a delay, e.g., an asynchronous database query.
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
        return "fast";
      { search: /brown/, replace: "red" },
      { search: "fox", replace: "rabbit" },

    const newString = await asyncReplacer.replaceMany(replacements);
    console.log(newString.toString()); // Output after 2 seconds: "The fast red rabbit jumps over the lazy dog."
  } catch (error) {

Method: replaceAllMany

async replaceAllMany(replacements: { search: string | RegExp, replace: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => Promise<string> | string) }[]): Promise<AsyncReplace>

  • Asynchronously replaces multiple substrings or regular expressions in the string with their corresponding replacements using the replaceAll method.
  • Parameters:
    • replacements (array of objects): An array of objects containing the search string or regular expression, and its corresponding replacement string or function to be executed.
  • Returns a Promise<AsyncReplace>: A new AsyncReplace instance with the replacements made.
  • Throws a TypeError if:
    • replacements parameter is not an array of objects.
    • Any search or replace values are undefined or null.

Example: Simulating Delay in ReplaceAllMany

const inputText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
const asyncReplacer = new AsyncReplace(inputText);

(async () => {
  try {
    const replacements = [
      { search: "quick", replace: async () => {
        // Simulate a delay, e.g., an asynchronous database query.
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
        return "fast";
      { search: /brown/, replace: "red" },
      { search: "fox", replace: "rabbit" },

    const newString = await asyncReplacer.replaceAllMany(replacements);
    console.log(newString.toString()); // Output after 2 seconds: "The fast red rabbit jumps over the lazy dog."
  } catch (error) {

Method: toString

toString(): string

  • Returns the input string used to create the instance of AsyncReplace.
  • Returns a string: The input string.

This documentation provides an overview of the AsyncReplace class and its methods, including their descriptions, parameters, return types, potential exceptions and examples that simulate delays for illustrative purposes. Use this documentation as a reference when working with the AsyncReplace class.