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Kubernetes Collection v3.0.0 - Breaking Changes

Based on feedback from our users, we will be introducing several changes to the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Collection solution.

This document describes the major changes and the necessary migration steps.

Important changes

OpenTelemetry Collector

The new version replaces both Fluentd and Fluent Bit with the OpenTelemetry Collector. In the majority of cases, this doesn't require any manual intervention. However, custom processing in Fluentd or Fluent Bit will need to be ported to the OpenTelemetry Collector configuration format. See below for details.

kube-prometheus-stack upgrade

We've upgraded kube-prometheus-stack, which results in some changes to metrics, and a need for some manual intervention during the upgrade.

Tracing enabled by default

Trace collection is now enabled by default. If you don't have instrumented applications in your cluster, or don't want to collect traces, you'll need to disable this feature manually.

How to upgrade


  • helm3
  • kubectl
  • jq
  • docker

Set the following environment variables that our commands will make use of:

export NAMESPACE=...

Migrating the configuration

We've made some breaking changes to our configuration file format, but most of them will be handled automatically by our migration tool.

You can get your current configuration from the cluster by running:

helm get values --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" --output yaml "${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" > user-values.yaml

Afterwards, you can download the migration tool and run it directly. Set the OS and ARCH variables to your operating system and architecture.

OS=linux ARCH=amd64; curl -L "${OS}_${ARCH}" -o update-collection-v3
chmod +x update-collection-v3
./update-collection-v3 -in user-values.yaml -out new-values.yaml

You can also run it with Docker:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -v $(pwd):/values \
  -i sumologic/kubernetes-tools:2.19.0 \
  update-collection-v3 -in /values/user-values.yaml -out /values/new-values.yaml

You should have new-values.yaml in your working directory which can be used for the upgrade. Pay attention to the migration script output - it may notify you of additional manual steps you need to carry out.

Before you run the upgrade command, please review the manual steps below, and carry out the ones relevant to your use case.

Metrics migration

If you don't have metrics collection enabled, skip straight to the next major section.

The metrics migration involves one major manual step that everyone needs to do, which is upgrading kube-prometheus-stack.

Upgrade kube-prometheus-stack

When?: If you have metrics enabled at all.

Carry out the following:

  • Upgrade Prometheus CRDs:

    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f

    otherwise you'll get the following error:

    Error: UPGRADE FAILED: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(Prometheus.spec): unknown field "shards" in com.coreos.monitoring.v1.Prometheus.spec
  • Patch the kube-state-metrics Deployment with new labels:

    kubectl get deployment \
      --namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
      --selector '' \
      -o json | \
    jq ". | .items[].spec.selector.matchLabels[\"\"] |= \"${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}\"" | \
    kubectl apply \
      --namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
      --force \
      --filename -

    otherwise you'll get an error:

    Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "collection-kube-state-metrics" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "collection-kube-state-metrics" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"collection", "":"kube-state-metrics"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable
  • Patch the prometheus-node-exporter Daemonset with new labels:

kubectl get daemonset \
  --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
  --selector "app=prometheus-node-exporter,release=${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" \
  -o json | \
jq ". | .items[].spec.selector.matchLabels[\"\"] |= \"${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}\"" | \
jq ". | .items[].spec.template.metadata.labels[\"\"] |= \"${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}\"" | \
jq ". | .items[].spec.selector.matchLabels[\"\"] |= \"prometheus-node-exporter\"" | \
jq ". | .items[].spec.template.metadata.labels[\"\"] |= \"prometheus-node-exporter\"" | \
jq '. | del(.items[].spec.selector.matchLabels["release"])' | \
jq '. | del(.items[].spec.template.metadata.labels["release"])' | \
jq '. | del(.items[].spec.selector.matchLabels["app"])' | \
jq '. | del(.items[].spec.template.metadata.labels["app"])' | \
kubectl apply \
  --namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
  --force \
  --filename -

otherwise you'll get an error:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "collection-prometheus-node-exporter" with kind DaemonSet: DaemonSet.apps "collection-prometheus-node-exporter" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"collection", "":"prometheus-node-exporter"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable
  • If you overrode any of the repository keys under the kube-prometheus-stack key, please follow the kube-prometheus-stack migration doc on that.

Otelcol StatefulSet

When?: If you're using otelcol as the metrics metadata provider already.

Run the following command to manually delete otelcol StatefulSets:

kubectl delete sts --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan -lapp=${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelcol-metrics

The reason this is necessary is that the Service name for this StatefulSet has changed, and Kubernetes forbids modification of this value on existing StatefulSets.

Additional Service Monitors

When?: If you're using kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.additionalServiceMonitors.

If you're using kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.additionalServiceMonitors, you have to remove all Sumo Logic related service monitors from the list, because they are now covered by sumologic.metrics.serviceMonitors configuration. This will make your configuration more clear.

Remote Write Migration

When?: If you're using kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite.

If you're using kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite you should move all non-default configurations to kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalRemoteWrite and leave kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite unchanged.

In addition please ensure that url for all remoteWrite configurations starts with http://$(METADATA_METRICS_SVC).$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local.:9888 instead of http://$(FLUENTD_METRICS_SVC).$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local.:9888

Custom metrics filtering and modification

When?: If you added extra configuration to Fluentd metrics

If you're adding extra configuration to fluentd metrics, you will likely want to do analogous modifications in OpenTelemetry.

Please look at the Metrics modifications doc.

Logs migration

If you don't have log collection enabled, skip straight to the next major section.

Replacing Fluent Bit with OpenTelemetry Collector

When?: If you're using fluent-bit as the log collector, which is the default.

Migration with (small) data loss

On upgrade, the Fluent Bit DaemonSet will be deleted, and a new OpenTelemetry Collector Daemonset will be created. If a log file were to be rotated between the Fluent Bit Pod disappearing and the OpenTelemetry Collector Pod starting, logs added to that file after Fluent Bit was deleted will not be ingested. If you're ok with this minor loss of data, you can proceed without any manual intervention.

Migration with data duplication

If you'd prefer to ingest duplicated data for a period of time instead, with OpenTelemetry Collector and Fluent Bit running side by side, enable the following settings:

      allowSideBySide: true
  enabled: true

After the upgrade, once OpenTelemetry Collector is running, you can disable Fluent Bit again and proceed without any data loss.

Migration without data duplication and data loss (advanced)

If you want to migrate without losing data or ingesting duplicates, you can go with a more complex solution. The idea is to have two separated groups of nodes. One for Fluent Bit and one for OpenTelemetry Collector.

The node group for Fluent Bit should contain all existing nodes. The second group of nodes is dedicated to all new pods.

Let's consider an example for that. We added workerGroup: old-worker-group label to all existing nodes, and then applied the following configuration:

      allowSideBySide: true
  enabled: true
    ## run Fluent-Bit on all nodes matching label: workerGroup=old-worker-group
    workerGroup: old-worker-group
            - matchExpressions:
                ## run OpenTelemetry Logs Collector on all nodes which do not match label: workerGroup=old-worker-group
                - key: workerGroup
                  operator: NotIn
                    - old-worker-group

After upgrading the Helm Chart, we drained all nodes with workerGroup: old-worker-group, and then we set OpenTelemetry Collector as only logs collector in the cluster by removing fluent-bit and otellogs unnecessary configuration sections.

      allowSideBySide: true

Otelcol StatefulSet

When?: If you're using otelcol as the logs metadata provider already.

Run the following command to manually delete otelcol StatefulSets:

kubectl delete sts --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan -lapp=${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelcol-logs

The reason this is necessary is that the Service name for this StatefulSet has changed, and Kubernetes forbids modification of this value on existing StatefulSets.

Custom logs filtering and processing

When?: If you added extra configuration to Fluentd logs

If you added extra configuration to Fluentd logs, you will likely want to do analogous modifications in OpenTelemetry Collector.

Please look at the Logs modifications doc.

Tracing migration

Trace collection is now enabled by default. If you'd like to keep it disabled, set:

    enabled: false

If you don't have tracing collection enabled, you can skip straight to the end and upgrade using Helm.

Replace special configuration values marked by 'replace' suffix

When?: If you used any configuration values for traces with the *.replace suffix

The mechanism to replace special configuration values for traces marked by the 'replace' suffix was removed and the following special values in the configuration are no longer automatically replaced, and they need to be changed:

  • processors.source.collector.replace
  • processors.source.category.replace
  • processors.source.category_prefix.replace
  • processors.source.category_replace_dash.replace
  • processors.source.exclude_namespace_regex.replace
  • processors.source.exclude_pod_regex.replace
  • processors.source.exclude_container_regex.replace
  • processors.source.exclude_host_regex.replace
  • processors.resource.cluster.replace

The above special configuration values can be replaced either to direct values or be set as reference to other parameters from values.yaml.

OpenTelemetry Collector Deployments

  • Otelcol Deployment

    When?: If tracing is enabled

    Warning > otelcol Deployment was moved to tracesSampler Deployment.

    Run the following command to manually delete otelcol Deployment and ConfigMap:

    kubectl delete deployment --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelcol
    kubectl delete cm --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelcol
  • Otelagent DaemonSet

    When?: If you're using otelagent (otelagent.enabled=true)

    Warning > otelagent DaemonSet was replaced by otelcolInstrumentation StatefulSet.

    Run the following command to manually delete otelagent DamemonSet and ConfigMap:

    kubectl delete ds --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelagent
    kubectl delete cm --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelagent
  • Otelgateway Deployment

    When?: If you're using otelgateway (otelgateway.enabled=true)

    Warning > otelgateway Deployment was moved to tracesGateway Deployment.

    Run the following command to manually delete otelgateway Deployment and ConfigMap:

    kubectl delete deployment --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelgateway
    kubectl delete cm --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --cascade=orphan ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-sumologic-otelgateway

Running the helm upgrade

Once you've taken care of any manual steps necessary for your configuration, run the helm upgrade:

helm upgrade --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" "${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" sumologic/sumologic --version=3.0.0 -f new-values.yaml

After you're done, please review the full list of changes, as some of them may impact you even if they don't require additional action.

Known issues

Cannot delete pod if using Tailing Sidecar Operator

If you are using Tailing Sidecar Operator and see the following error:

Error from server: admission webhook "" denied the request: there is no content to decode

Please try to remove the pod later.

OpenTelemetry Collector doesn't read logs from the beginning of files

This is done by design. We are not going to read logs from before the collection has been installed.

In order to keep old behavior (can result in logs duplication for some cases), please use the following configuration:

            start_at: beginning

Full list of changes

  • Upgrading kube-prometheus stack

    We are updating Kube-prometheus-stack to newest available version. Major feature related to that change is upgrading kube-state-metrics to v2

  • Removing mechanism to replace values in configuration for traces marked by 'replace' suffix

  • Moving direct configuration of OpenTelemetry Collector for log metadata

    Removed explicit configuration for otelcol under metadata.logs.config. Added option to merge configuration under metadata.logs.config.merge or overwrite default configuration metadata.logs.config.override

  • Moving direct configuration of OpenTelemetry Collector for metrics metadata

    Removed explicit configuration for otelcol under metadata.metrics.config. Added option to merge configuration under metadata.metrics.config.merge or overwrite default configuration metadata.metrics.config.override

  • Removing support for sumologic.cluster.load_config_file. Leaving this configuration will result in setup job failure.

  • Upgrading Falco helm chart to v2.4.2 which changed their configuration: Please validate and adjust your configuration to new version according to Falco documentation

  • Moved parameters from fluentd.logs.containers to sumologic.logs.container

    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.sourceHost to sumologic.logs.container.sourceHost
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.sourceName to sumologic.logs.container.sourceName
    • moved fluentd.logs.contianers.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategory
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • moved fluentd.logs.contianers.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.excludeContainerRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeContainerRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeHostRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.excludeNamespaceRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeNamespaceRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.excludePodRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludePodRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.sourceHost to sumologic.logs.container.sourceHost
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.perContainerAnnotationsEnabled to sumologic.logs.container.perContainerAnnotationsEnabled
    • moved fluentd.logs.containers.perContainerAnnotationPrefixes to sumologic.logs.container.perContainerAnnotationPrefixes
  • Moved parameters from fluentd.logs.kubelet to sumologic.logs.kubelet

    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceName to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceName
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategory
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeFacilityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeHostRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludePriorityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeUnitRegex
  • Moved parameters from fluentd.logs.systemd to sumologic.logs.systemd

    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceName to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceName
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategory
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeFacilityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeHostRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludePriorityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeUnitRegex
  • Moved parameters from fluentd.logs.default to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd

    • moved fluentd.logs.default.sourceName to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceName
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategory
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeFacilityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeHostRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludePriorityRegex
    • moved fluentd.logs.default.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeUnitRegex
  • Upgrading Metrics Server to 6.2.4. In case of changing metrics-server.* configuration please see upgrading section of chart's documentation.

  • Upgrading Tailing Sidecar Operator helm chart to v0.5.5. There is no breaking change if using annotations only.

  • OpenTelemetry Logs Collector will read from end of file now.

    See OpenTelemetry Collector doesn't read logs from the beginning of files if you want to keep old behavior.

  • Changed otelagent from DaemonSet to StatefulSet

  • Moved parameters from otelagent.* to otelcolInstrumentation.*

  • Moved parameters from otelgateway.* to tracesGateway.*

  • Moved parameters from otelcol.* to tracesSampler.*

  • Enabled metrics and traces collection from instrumentation by default

    • changed parameter sumologic.traces.enabled default value from false to true
  • Adding sumologic.metrics.serviceMonitors to avoid copying values for kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.additionalServiceMonitors configuration

  • Adding sumologic.metrics.otelcol.extraProcessors to make metrics modification easy

  • Moved fluentd.logs.output.logFormat to sumologic.logs.container.format