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ryanm292002 edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Theres quite a few options for hosting a python app through the web, in this case working on a strict budget I went with Python Anywhere (

  • There are a few options for account types, working with the free version for now but when full production begins with the project ill be upgrading to the "hacker account" which is 5 dollars a month and provides the following:
  1. A Python IDE in your browser with unlimited Python/bash consoles
  2. One web app on a custom domain or your-username.​
  3. Enough power to run a typical 100,000 hit/day website. (more info)
  4. 2,000 CPU-seconds per day for consoles, scheduled tasks and always-on tasks (more info)
  5. IPython/Jupyter notebook support
  6. 1GB disk space