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Setting up Wifi Connection Wemos 3D

ryannining edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

First you need to upload wifi enabled (and telegram is optional to report your Ip address to your telegram ).

Then connect the board using standard USB, and call M504 to check the wifi settings. For terminal here, i use arduino serial monitor.


You can use repetier host too, but remember that there is problem because repetier will uppercase first letter of your gcode, so you need to do some hack (i will give example later). Now, send gcode M504 to the board it will response like this

Wifi AP 400:hapeku PWD 450:123456789 mDNS 470:cnc telID 380:247426950 Connected to:hapeku Ip: ok

Now to change the settings, use M206 Pnnn [value] where nnn is 400 for AP, 450 for Pwd, 470 for mDNS, and 380 for your Telegram Id. To get your telegram id you can check tutorial from google search.

For example i want to change the AP and Pwd:

M206 P400 [karyausaha] M206 P450 [45712319]

For Repetier Gcode command you need to add N before [, example:M206 P400 N[karyausaha] if not, repetier will send M206 P400 [Karyausaha] , which upcase the K.

To apply the settings your need to reset the board (disconnect and connect again on repetier). And check the serial to know the connection status.

Because IP address is obtained using DHCP sometimes it change, so you need to check its IP using serial again, using code M505.

Or if you want to connect to ESP Ap instead, just write wrong setting, and it will make its own IP with AP name is using mDNS setting, and password is 123456789.

To send and receive data using Wifi, open the board ip address using google chrome.


If your see Web socket connected then your machine ready to use. To use the machine as 3D printer, just paste the Gcode from your slicer into gcode area and click execute.

When you want to print without connecting to PC, just connect the USB cable from board to 5V usb adaptor. Or if you want , take out the cable and put the jumper on the board , near 12V DC input, there is VSEL 2x1 header pin, which if jumpered, it will give 5V to the WEMOS, but warning, do not use together with USB to PC, i dont know the effect !

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