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name_parser: Add script to show differences to old behavior
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The script patches a given font two times with font-patcher
* 'normal', just with --powerline and noithing more
* one times with --parser specified (will use the FontnameParser

The font files that resulted will be opened and the embedded names
compared. It is important to really patch a file and see the outcome
because fontforge is a bit unpredictable when it comes to what actuall
is set in a font file ;)

The names are compared with a but of lenience, like with

What is missing is a known-issues file. Will add that later.

Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
  • Loading branch information
Finii committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 9340bbb commit 4370add
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions bin/scripts/name_parser/name_parser_test2
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8

import sys
import re
import os.path
import glob
import subprocess
import fontforge

###### Some helpers

def get_sfnt_dict(font):
"""Extract SFNT table as nice dict"""
d = []
for i, el in enumerate(font.sfnt_names):
d += [(el[1], el[2])]
return dict(d)

def format_names(header, *stuff):
"""Unify outputs (with header)"""
f = '{:1.1}|{:50.50} |{:1.1}| {:50.50} |{:1.1}| {:30.30} |{:1.1}| {:30.30} |{:1.1}| {:30.30} |{:1.1}| {:.30}'
if header:
d = '------------------------------------------------------------'
return f.format(*stuff) + '\n' + f.format('', d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d)
return f.format(*stuff).rstrip()

def lenient_cmp(s1, s2, allow_shuffle_all):
"""Compare two font name (parts) but be a bit lenient ;->"""
# We do not care about:
# - Case
# - "Display" vs "Disp" (in Noto)
# Allow for "IBM 3278" name
s = [ s1, s2 ]
for i in range(2):
# Usually given transform from 'their' to 'our' style
s[i] = s[i].lower()
s[i] = re.sub(r'\bdisp\b', 'display', s[i]) # Noto
s[i] = s[i].replace('ibm 3270', '3270') # 3270
s[i] = s[i].replace('3270-', '3270 ') # 3270
s[i] = s[i].replace('lekton-', 'lekton ') # Lekton
s[i] = s[i].replace('semi-narrow', 'seminarrow') # 3270
s[i] = s[i].replace('bolditalic', 'bold italic')
s[i] = re.sub(r'\bfor\b', '', s[i]) # Meslo, Monofur
s[i] = re.sub(r'\bpowerline\b', '', s[i]) # Meslo, Monofur
s[i] = s[i].replace('fira mono', 'fura mono') # Obviously someone forgot to rename the fonts in Fira/
s[i] = s[i].replace('aurulentsansmono-', 'aurulent sans mono ') # Aurulent fullname oddity
s[i] = s[i].replace('mononoki-', 'mononoki ') # Mononoki has somtimes a dash
s[i] = re.sub(r'\br\b', 'regular', s[i]) # Nonstandard style in Agave
s[i] = re.sub(r'(bitstream vera sans mono.*) oblique', r'\1 italic', s[i]) # They call it Oblique but the filename says Italic
s[i] = re.sub(r'gohufont (uni-)?(11|14)', 'gohufont', s[i]) # They put the 'name' into the subfamily/weight
s[i] = s[i].replace('xltobl', 'extralight oblique') # Iosevka goes inventing names
s[i] = re.sub(r'proggyclean(?!TT)( ?)', 'proggycleantt\1', s[i]) # ProggyClean has no TT in filename

s[i] = re.sub(r' +', ' ', s[i]).strip()

p = []
for e in s:
parts = e.split(' ')
if not allow_shuffle_all and len(parts) > 2:
tail = parts[1:]
parts = [parts[0]] + tail
elif len(parts) > 1:
p.append(' '.join(parts))
return p[0] == p[1]

###### Let's go!

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: {} font_name [font_name ...]\n'.format(sys.argv[0]))

existing_font = glob.glob('*.[ot]tf')
if len(existing_font):
sys.exit('Would overwrite any existing *.ttf and *.otf, bailing out (remove them first)')

print(format_names(True, '', 'Filename', '', 'Fullname', '', 'Family', '', 'Subfamily', '', 'Typogr. Family', '', 'Typogr. Subfamily'))
font_patcher = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))+'/../../../font-patcher')

for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
data = []
fullfile = os.path.basename(filename)
fname = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0]
if fname == 'NotoColorEmoji':
continue # font is not patchable

for option in ['--parser', '--powerline']:['fontforge', '--script', font_patcher, '--powerline', option, filename ],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL)
new_font = glob.glob('*.[ot]tf')
font =[0], 1)
sfnt = get_sfnt_dict(font)
os.system('rm -f *.[ot]tf')

sfnt_full = sfnt['Fullname']
sfnt_fam = sfnt['Family']
sfnt_subfam = sfnt['SubFamily']
sfnt_pfam = sfnt['Preferred Family'] if 'Preferred Family' in sfnt else ''
sfnt_psubfam = sfnt['Preferred Styles'] if 'Preferred Styles' in sfnt else ''

data.append(( os.path.basename(new_font[0]), sfnt_full, sfnt_fam, sfnt_subfam, sfnt_pfam, sfnt_psubfam ))

t1 = not lenient_cmp(data[0][1], data[1][1], False)
t2 = not lenient_cmp(data[0][2], data[1][2], False)
t3 = not lenient_cmp(data[0][3], data[1][3], True)
t4 = not lenient_cmp(data[0][4], data[1][4], False)
t5 = not lenient_cmp(data[0][5], data[1][5], True)

# Lenience: Allow for dropping unneeded prefered stuff:
# New (sub)family is same as old preferred sub(family)
if t4 and data[0][4] == '' and data[1][4].lower() == data[0][2].lower():
t4 = False
if t5 and data[0][5] == '' and data[1][5].lower() == data[0][3].lower():
t5 = False

if t1 or t2 or t3 or t4 or t5:
m1 = '+'; m2 = '-'
m1 = ''; m2 = ''
t1_ = 'X' if t1 else ''
t2_ = 'X' if t2 else ''
t3_ = 'X' if t3 else ''
t4_ = 'X' if t4 else ''
t5_ = 'X' if t5 else ''

o1 = format_names(False, m1, data[0][0], t1_, data[0][1], t2_, data[0][2], t3_, data[0][3], t4_, data[0][4], t5_, data[0][5])
o2 = format_names(False, m2, data[1][0], '', data[1][1], '', data[1][2], '', data[1][3], '', data[1][4], '', data[1][5])

print(o1, o2, sep='\n')

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