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ryanrossi committed May 22, 2013
1 parent 2002c1d commit b56b946
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Showing 6 changed files with 395 additions and 3 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions dynamic_pagerank.m
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,14 @@
options.x0 = v(:,1);

% fix dangling vertices
out_deg = A*ones(size(A,1));
d_verts = find(out_deg == 0);
if (isempty(d_verts))
A = A + dangling(d)*ones(1,n)/n;

assert(isempty( find( A*ones(size(A,1)) == 0 ) ));

% normalize the matrix
P = normout(A);
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions forecasting/preds.m
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

% compute_preds('wiki_preds','-allnew')
% print_preds_table('wiki_preds','wiki_preds-i8-all-final-preds')


326 changes: 326 additions & 0 deletions pagerank.m
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
function [x flag hist dt dt_rank] = pagerank(A,optionsu)
% PAGERANK Compute the PageRank for a directed graph.
% [p flag hist dt] = pagerank(A)
% Compute the pagerank vector p for the directed graph A, with
% teleportation probability (1-c).
% flag is 1 if the method converged; hist returns the convergence history
% and dt is the total time spent solving the system
% The matrix A should have the outlinks represented in the rows.
% This driver can compute PageRank using 4 different algorithms,
% the default algorithm is the Arnoldi iteration for PageRank due to
% Grief and Golub. Other algorithms include gauss-seidel iterations,
% power iterations, a linear system formulation, or an approximate
% PageRank formulation.
% The output p satisfies p = c A'*D^{+} p + c d'*p v + (1-c) v and
% norm(p,1) = 1.
% The power method solves the eigensystem x = P''^T x.
% The linear system solves the system (I-cP^T)x = (1-c)v.
% The dense method uses "\" on I-cP^T which the LU factorization.
% To specify a different solver for the linear system, use an anonymous
% function wrapper around one of Matlab's solver calls. To use GMRES,
% call pagerank(..., struct('linsolver', ...
% @(f,v,tol,its) gmres(f,v,[],tol, its)))
% Note 1: the 'approx' algorithm is the PageRank approximate personalized
% PageRank algorithm due to Gleich and Polito. It creates a set of
% active pages and runs until either norm(p(boundary),1) < options.bp or
% norm(p(boundary),inf) < options.bp, where the boundary is defined as
% the set of pages that have a non-zero personalized PageRank but are not
% in the set of active pages. As options.bp -> 0, both of these
% approximations compute the actual personalized PageRank vector.
% Note 2: the 'eval' algorithm evaluates five algorithms to compute the
% PageRank vector and summarizes the results in a report. The return
% from the algorithm are a set of cell arrays where
% p = cell(5,1), flag = cell(5,1), hist = cell(5,1), dt = cell(5,1)
% and each cell contains the result from one algorithm.
% p{1} is the vector computed from the 'power' algorithm
% p{2} is the vector computed from the 'gs' algorithm
% p{3} is the vector computed from the 'arnoldi' algorithm
% p{4} is the vector computed from the 'linsys' algorithm with bicgstab
% p{5} is the vector comptued from the 'linsys' algorithm with gmres
% the other outputs all match these indices.
% pagerank(A,options) specifies optional parameters
% options.c: the teleportation coefficient [double | {0.85}]
% options.tol: the stopping tolerance [double | {1e-7}]
% options.v: the personalization vector [vector | {uniform: 1/n}]
% options.maxiter maximum number of iterations [integer | {500}]
% options.verbose: extra output information [{0} | 1]
% options.x0: the initial vector [vector | {options.v}]
% options.alg: force the algorithm type
% ['gs' | 'power' | 'linsys' | 'dense' | {'arnoldi'} | ...
% 'approx' | 'eval']
% options.linsys_solver: a function handle for the linear solver used
% with the linsys option [fh | {@(f,v,tol,its) bicgstab(f,v,tol,its)}]
% options.arnoldi_k: use a k dimensional arnoldi basis [intger | {8}]
% options.approx_bp: boundary probability to expand [float | 1e-3]
% options.approx_boundary: when to expand on the boundary [1 | {inf}]
% options.approx_subiter: number of subiterations of power iterations
% [integer | {5}]
% Example:
% load cs-stanford;
% p = pagerank(A);
% p = pagerank(A,struct('alg','linsys',...
% 'linsys_solver',@(f,v,tol,its) gmres(f,v,[],tol, its)));
% pagerank(A,struct('alg','eval'));
% pagerank.m
% David Gleich
% 21 February 2006
% -- added approximate PageRank
% Revision 1.10
% 28 January 2006
% -- added different computational modes and timing information
% Revision 1.00
% 19 Octoboer 2005
% The driver does mainly parameter checking, then sends things off to one
% of the computational routines.

[m n] = size(A);

if (m ~= n)
error('pagerank:invalidParameter', 'the matrix A must be square');

options = struct('tol', 1e-7, 'maxiter', 500, 'v', ones(n,1)./n, ...
'c', 0.85, 'verbose', 0, 'alg', 'arnoldi', ...
'linsys_solver', @(f,v,tol,its) bicgstab(f,v,tol,its), ...
'arnoldi_k', 8, 'approx_bp', 1e-3, 'approx_boundary', inf,...
'approx_subiter', 5);

if (nargin > 1)
options = merge_structs(optionsu, options);

if (size(options.v) ~= size(A,1))
error('pagerank:invalidParameter', ...
'the vector v must have the same size as A');

if (~issparse(A))
A = sparse(A);

% normalize the matrix
P = normout(A);

[x flag hist dt dt_rank] = pagerank_power(P, options);

% ===================================
% pagerank_power
% ===================================

function [x flag hist dt dt_rank] = pagerank_power(P, options)
% use the power iteration algorithm

if (options.verbose > 0)
fprintf('power iteration computation...\n');

tol = options.tol;
v = options.v;
maxiter = options.maxiter;
c = options.c;

x = v;
if (isfield(options, 'x0'))
x = options.x0;

[n, t] = size(v);

if (t > 1),
x = v(:,1);

hist = zeros(maxiter,1);
delta = 1;
iter = 0;
dt = 0;
while (delta > tol && iter < maxiter)

%y =c* spmatvec_transmult(P,x);
if iscell(P),
if iter+1 > length(P),
y = c*(P{iter+1}'*x)
y =c*(P'*x);
w = 1 - norm(y,1);

if t > 1,
if iter+1 > t,
y = y + w*v(:,iter+1);
y = y + w*v;

dt = dt + toc;

delta = norm(x - y,1);

hist(iter+1) = delta;

x = y;
dt_rank(:,iter+1) = y;
dt = dt + toc;

if (options.verbose > 0)
fprintf('iter=%d; delta=%f\n', iter, delta);

iter = iter + 1;

% resize hist
hist = hist(1:iter);

flag = 0;

if (delta > tol && iter == maxiter)
warning('pagerank:didNotConverge', ...
'The PageRank algorithm did not converge after %i iterations', ...
flag = 1;

function S = merge_structs(A, B)
% MERGE_STRUCTS Merge two structures.
% S = merge_structs(A, B) makes the structure S have all the fields from A
% and B. Conflicts are resolved by using the value in A.

% merge_structs.m
% David Gleich
% Revision 1.00
% 19 Octoboer 2005

S = A;

fn = fieldnames(B);

for ii = 1:length(fn)
if (~isfield(A, fn{ii}))
S.(fn{ii}) = B.(fn{ii});

function P = normout(A)
% NORMOUT Normalize the outdegrees of the matrix A.
% P = normout(A)
% P has the same non-zero structure as A, but is normalized such that the
% sum of each row is 1, assuming that A has non-negative entries.

% normout.m
% David Gleich
% Revision 1.00
% 19 Octoboer 2005

% compute the row-sums/degrees
d = full(sum(A,2));

% invert the non-zeros in the data
id = invzero(d);

% scale the rows of the matrix
P = diag(sparse(id))*A;

function v = invzero(v)
% INVZERO Compute the inverse elements of a vector with zero entries.
% iv = invzero(v)
% iv is 1./v except where v = 0, in which case it is 0.

% invzero.m
% David Gleich
% Revision 1.00
% 19 Octoboer 2005

% sparse input are easy to handle
if (issparse(v))
[m n] = size(v);
[i j val] = find(v);
val = 1./val;
v = sparse(i,j,val,m,n);

% so are dense input

% compute the 0 mask
zm = abs(v) > eps(1);

% invert all non-zeros
v(zm) = 1./v(zm);

function dmask = dangling(A)
% DANGLING Compute the indicator vector for dangling links for webgraph A
% d = dangling(A)

d = full(sum(A,2));
dmask = d == 0;

function [k,sizes]=components(A)

% based on components.m from (MESHPART Toolkit)
% which had
% John Gilbert, Xerox PARC, 8 June 1992.
% Copyright (c) 1990-1996 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
% HELP COPYRIGHT for complete copyright and licensing notice

[p,p,r,r] = dmperm(A|speye(size(A)));
sizes = diff(r);
k = length(sizes);
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions preds_readme.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
edit setup_paths

% PREDICTIONS via Dynamic PageRank

% @preds_paper.m
% this script calls compute_preds with correct parameters
edit preds_paper.m

% @compute_preds
% this script computes the actual preds for the parameters in the
% twitter_preds.m file
edit twitter_preds.m

% @ twitter_preds.m
% contains the parameters to use for the preds, including basically the
% necessary info to load the precomputed dpr scores
edit twitter_preds.m

% @data/*
% contains the precomputed dpr scores
ls data/

% Dynamic PageRank

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