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Unity Foundation - Notification Center

A simple event system for Unity + C# inspired by Swift's NotificationCenter.
Notification Center falls under the Unity Foundation umbrella.


This package is under development and not considered production-ready.
Breaking changes are common, documentation is incomplete, and support is limited. Use at your own risk.

Installation (Unity Package Manager)

  • Select "Add package from git URL..." from the plus (+) menu in the package manager window.
  • Paste the package's git url.


using Foundation;
// NotificationCenter is now available to use!

Notification Centers

More than one notification center may be present in an application, each with its own notifications and observers.

A default shared NotificationCenter instance is persistent throughout the lifecycle of a built application. In the editor, this instance is recreated each time Play mode is entered.

NotificationCenter defaultNotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.Default;

When in the Unity editor, a shared editor instance becomes available. The editor notification center is persistent thoughout the lifecycle of the editor application.

NotificationCenter editorNotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.Editor;


A Notification.Name is the primary identifier for notifications. Each notification should have a unique name to avoid potential collisions. It is required to send and receive notifications, and should be initialized once and cached.

static readonly Notification.Name myNotificationName = new Notification.Name("my super special notification");

Events are posted with associated data, stored in a Notification. Each Notification has the following properties:

Type Name Description Optional
Notification.Name name The notification's primary identifier. No
object sender The object that this notification was sent from. Yes
object data Associated data that the sender provides. Yes

Posting Notifications

When posting a notification, the notification name is required. Any observers that listen for myNotificationName will receive the following notification. The sender and data parameters are optional.

void PostMyNotification() {
    // The notification sender can be of any type, but it should ideally be a class.
    object mySender = this;

    // The notification data can be of any type.
    object myData = 42; // int

    NotificationCenter.Default[myNotificationName].Post(mySender, myData);


Processing notification data in observers is as simple as defining a method.

// `MyObserver` will be called every time it receives a notification with the name `myNotificationName`
// Note the `in` keyword here
void MyObserver(in Notification notification) {
	// Safely unwrap the provided data...
	if(notification.TryReadData(out int integer)) {
        Debug.Log(integer); // 42

    // ... forcefully unwrap it...
	int integer = notification.ReadData(); // 42
	MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour = notification.ReadData(); // error!

	// ... or access it directly.
	object data =;

Adding and Removing Observers

Add and remove notification observers for receiving events with NotificationCenter.Default[notificationName].receive += ObserverMethod and NotificationCenter.Default[notificationName].received -= ObserverMethod. In many cases, this is in an object's initialization and deinitialization stages.

void AddMyObserver() {
    NotificationCenter.Default[myNotificationName].received += MyObserver;
    // `MyObserver` will now receive notifications from `myNotificationName`.

void RemoveMyObserver() {
    NotificationCenter.Default[myNotificationName].received -= MyObserver;
    // `MyObserver` will no longer receive notifications from `myNotificationName`.

A single observer may receive multiple notifications with different names.


Multiple exception types are provided to ensure safety.

void MyObserver(in Notification notification) {
	// Throw an error for an unexpected notification name...
	if ( != myNotificationName) {
		throw new NotificationCenter.UnexpectedName(notification, expected: myNotificationName);

	// ... an unexpected sender...
	if (notification.sender != mySender) {
		throw new NotificationCenter.UnexpectedSender(notification, expected: mySender);

	// ... or unexpected data.
	if (!notification.TryReadData(out int integer)) {
		throw new NotificationCenter.UnexpectedData(notification, expected: typeof(int));

	// Notification name, sender, and data are all valid.
	Debug.Log(integer); // 42


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