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Playground WEB v7.2.0 build-02 #3

Playground WEB v7.2.0 build-02

Playground WEB v7.2.0 build-02 #3

# This GitHub action runs on a release, when the GitHub repo is "published".
# This workflow:
# - Installs dart and flutter
# - Uses flutter stable channel.
# Consider setting up a matrix later with beta and dev included too.
# - Enables flutter web
# - Gets package dependencies
# - Runs dart analyze.
# - Show outdated packages, just added for info.
# - Verify that dart format is used by all committed code, fails if not.
# Controversial but penalizes you if dart format is not used.
# - Run all tests with coverage.
# - Upload code coverage output to Codecov for analysis.
# - Build Playground only
# All examples use these steps:
# - Flutter clean.
# - Flutter build web app, in release mode and with html renderer.
# - Use rpl to fix/modify the index.html file to give it the correct
# href deployment sub-folder.
# - Deploy each built Web App to GitHub pages.
name: Deploy_Playground
branches: [master]
- "**.md"
name: "Analyze and test package, then build and deploy Playground only"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Flutter and Dart SDK
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
channel: "stable"
- name: "Show Dart SDK version"
run: dart --version
- name: "Show Flutter SDK version"
run: flutter --version
- name: "Flutter Enable Web"
run: flutter config --enable-web
- name: "Install Flutter package dependencies"
run: flutter pub get
- name: "Analyze Dart source"
run: dart analyze
- name: "Show outdated packages"
run: flutter pub outdated
- name: "Verify that Dart formatting is used, fail if not"
run: dart format --output=none --set-exit-if-changed .
- name: "Test package FlexColorScheme with coverage"
run: flutter test --coverage
- name: "Upload test coverage to Codecov"
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
file: coverage/
# Example 5 Themes playground - Build and deploy
- name: "EXAMPLE-5 START BUILD - Flutter clean before build"
run: flutter clean && cd example && flutter clean
- name: "EXAMPLE-5 WEB release build"
run: cd example && flutter build web --web-renderer canvaskit --base-href "/flexcolorscheme/themesplayground-v7-2/" --release -t lib/example5_themes_playground/main.dart
- name: "EXAMPLE-5 DEPLOY to GitHub Pages repository, published on commit."
uses: dmnemec/copy_file_to_another_repo_action@v1.0.4
source_file: 'example/build/web/.'
destination_folder: 'flexcolorscheme/themesplayground-v7-2'
destination_repo: 'rydmike/'
user_email: ''
user_name: 'rydmike'