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Archived changelog entry

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Jan 23, 2023

This major release does not contain any breaking API changes. However, the major version is bumped because some past styles and defaults, when opting in on Material 3 have been tuned to better align with new Material 3 widgets and design in the Flutter 3.7 release. The new features are also significant.

Requires Flutter beta 3.7.0-1.4.pre or later.


  • Added 12 new Material 3 color schemes: redM3,pinkM3, purpleM3, indigoM3, blueM3, cyanM3, tealM3, greenM3, limeM3, yellowM3, orangeM3 and deepOrangeM3 for a total of 52 built-in light and dark theme pairs. These schemes work well in Material 3 with or without seed generation. But using FCS advanced and flexible key color-based seed generation is recommended when using Material 3. You can always lock e.g. primary and tertiary color to the color values you used, typically brand colors, as key colors for the seed generation.

  • Added support for new ColorScheme colors scrim and outlineVariant.

  • Added support for fontFamilyFallback and package, so a copyWith on FlexColorScheme generated ThemeData is not needed to use them.

  • Added support for Material 3 buttons FilledButton and FilledButton.tonal.

    • Supported via FlexSubThemes.filledButtonTheme that is controlled via FlexSubThemesData properties filledButtonRadius, filledButtonSchemeColor and filledButtonTextStyle.
    • When setting up theming for FilledButton it was noticed that variant FilledButton.tonal cannot be themed separately, see issue: flutter/flutter#115827.
  • Added option to keep using the M2 style Divider in M3. The in M3 used primary color tinted outlineVariant does not fit on any color. The M2-style based on black or white with opacity does. It is also less prominent than the M3 style and may be preferred. Set FlexSubThemesData property useM2StyleDividerInM3 to true to use the M2 style in M3. Defaults to false.

    • FlexColorScheme also sets ThemeData.dividerColor to ThemeData.colorScheme.outlineVariant when ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true. This keeps the in Flutter SDK to be deprecated ThemeData.dividerColor always same as actually used effective Divider color. Thus, if an app uses Theme.of(context).dividerColor while it still exists, to set a color to it, and expects it be the same color as effective Divider color, it will be so in FCS, regardless of if M2 or M3 is being used. This is not the case in Flutter SDK by default, see issue flutter/flutter#117755 for more information.
  • Added elevation to FlexSubThemes.timePickerTheme, and make it use the dialog shared FlexSubThemesData.dialogElevation setting. This property works with the Flutter master channel, but does not yet exist in Flutter beta 3.7.0-1.4.pre. It was commented out of this released based on Flutter beta. It is unsure if it will land in the next stable Flutter, it probably will not. If it does not land, it will remain commented in next FCS7 stable release as well. Its addition will have to be left pending inclusion in the following Flutter stable release, probably in 3 to 4 months.

  • Added boolean tintedDisabledControls to FlexSubThemesData. If set to true, disabled widgets will get a hint of primary color or their active main color, when disabled. In future minor versions, this will also apply to components that use own themed settings for disabled color, not only to the ones where disabled color is controlled by ThemeData.disabledColor. Previously tinted disabled color for ThemeData.disabledColor was included and defined when FlexSubThemesData.interactionEffects was set to true. It is now instead controlled by this separate tinted disabled-controls setting. Defaults to true, for an FCS opinionated default. This matches past default when it was included in FlexSubThemesData.interactionEffects.

  • Added boolean inputDecoratorFocusedHasBorder to FlexSubThemesData. Defaults to true. If set to false, there is no border on the InputDecorator, typically used by text fields, when the input decorator is focused. It controls the new parameter focusedHasBorder in FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value inputDecoratorBorderSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData. It is used to define and customize the border color of InputDecorator on e.g. TextField. It controls the new parameter borderSchemeColor in FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme.

  • Added appBarTheme and tabBarTheme to FlexSubThemes.

  • Added Material 3 styling to TabBar when M3 is used. Use FlexTabBarStyle.flutterDefault to get the SDK default colors in M3 mode. TabBar may get more configuration options in the next FCS version.

  • Added double value appBarScrolledUnderElevation to FlexSubThemesData. It is used to define and customize the themed scrolled under elevation of the AppBar. It controls the new parameter scrolledUnderElevation in FlexSubThemes.appBarTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value toggleButtonsUnselectedSchemeColor and toggleButtonsBorderSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData. They are used to define and customize the themed unselected button and border color of ToggleButtons. They control the new parameters unselectedSchemeColor and borderSchemeColor in FlexSubThemes.toggleButtonsTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value sliderIndicatorSchemeColor, and enum FlexSliderIndicatorType value sliderValueIndicatorType, plus enum ShowValueIndicator value sliderShowValueIndicator to FlexSubThemesData. They control the new parameters valueIndicatorColor, valueIndicatorType and showValueIndicator in FlexSubThemes.sliderTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value drawerBackgroundSchemeColor and double values drawerRadius, drawerElevation to FlexSubThemesData. They control the new parameters backgroundSchemeColor, radius and elevation in new sub-theme FlexSubThemes.drawerTheme.

  • Added menuTheme to FlexSubThemes, it provides styling for elevation, radius and background color with optional opacity for the new Mw components MenuAnchor, MenuBar and DropDownMenu. The same FlexSubThemesData that are used for PopupMenuButton are used to control this theme. Those are popupMenuRadius, popupMenuElevation, popupMenuSchemeColor, and popupMenuOpacity.

  • Added timePickerElementRadius to FlexSubThemesData that can be used to control elementRadius in FlexSubThemes.timePickerTheme, it changes the themed border radius of the time input entry elements.

  • Added segmentedButtonRadius, segmentedButtonSchemeColor, segmentedButtonUnselectedSchemeColor, segmentedButtonBorderSchemeColor and segmentedButtonBorderWidth to FlexSubThemesData they control the equivalent properties in the new FlexSubThemes.segmentedButtonTheme used to customize the SegmentedButton.


  • Style breaking: Tinted disabled components style.
    Style change on tinted disabled components when opting in on tintedDisabledControls. It is visually breaking, but subtle. Disable opacity alpha and alpha blend constants where tuned, kDisabledAlphaBlend from 0xAA (67%) to 0xCC (80%) and kDisabledBackgroundAlpha from 0x31 (19%) to 0x26 (15%). The new tinted disable colors look better. They are close in style to default grey ones, with a subtle primary tint, while still being more legible than in previous versions. Opting in on tinted disabled components is still not yet available on all components. It is more available in M2 mode. In upcoming minor releases, tinted disabled components will be made available on all themed components and consistently applied in both M2 and M3 mode. More visual tuning of this feature may be required in later releases.

  • Style breaking: BottomAppBar color.
    Changed FlexColorScheme default BottomAppBar color to be colorScheme.surface, same as Flutter default. Previously FlexColorScheme used colorScheme.background color as an opinionated default. The change is minor, and in many designs the color values are the same.

  • Style breaking: Error colors in M2 for materialBaseline, verdunHemlock and dellGenoa.
    Previously existing native Material 3 color schemes, materialBaseline, verdunHemlock and dellGenoa were changed to use Material 3 error colors, also in Material 2 mode and when not using seed colors.

  • Removed in version 6.1.0 included manual M3 elevation tint for BottomSheet and PopupMenuButton. In Flutter 3.7.0, the tint is included automatically as it should be and workaround is not needed anymore.

  • The ListTileThemeData was added to core defaults. It sets ListTileThemeData.tileColor to Colors.transparent if ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true. This is done to avoid issue: flutter/flutter#117700. This extra M3 core default theme fix will be removed as soon as the issue is fixed.

  • Changed FlexColorScheme.bottomAppBarElevation to be nullable. In M2 mode if is null, it follows defined appBarElevation as before. In M3, it is kept null in order to default to M3's default elevation of 3, so that BottomAppBar get elevation tint by default. Not considered style breaking because BottomAppBar was not supported before in M3. In M3 mode a minor spec deviation was noted in Flutter SDK and reported here flutter/flutter#118150.

  • The Material buttons ElevatedButton, OutlinedButton and TextButon, now only create custom sub-theme properties in Material 3 mode when using none default (none null) values. Previously, they created sub-themes for some properties corresponding to the default values. This task now falls to the role of default widget behaviour, as it should. Effective styles are unchanged.

  • When making seed generated ColorScheme with a custom surfaceTint color. This tint color is now also used as seed-key for the neutral and neutral variant tonal palettes. Flutter SDK can only use primary color as seed-key for the neutral colors. This limitation in Flutter makes using a custom surfaceTint in seeded ColorSchemes less usable with often unappealing results. This happens because the custom tint color then differs from the slight primary tint that is hard coded into Flutter's seeded neutral colors used for surfaces and backgrounds, and the colors may clash. In FlexColorScheme the custom tint color is automatically also used to slightly tint the neutral colors used for surfaces and backgrounds in the seed-generated ColorScheme. The same color is then also used as ColorScheme.surfaceTint color. This makes the custom elevation tint color match the custom seed-tinted surface and background colors. This feature is enabled by the FlexSeedScheme package starting from version 1.2.0-dev.1. When using a custom surfaceTint color, the same color is also used as the surface alpha blend color, when using SurfaceMode and blendLevel to adjust surface color with or without using seed generated ColorScheme. Ensuring that neutral seed tint, elevation and surface blend color always match, as they should.

  • Changed, or one could call it fixed SnackBarTheme action and close icon colors. They are now also themed automatically to fit on selected SnackBar color.

  • The boolean FlexSubThemesData.interactionEffects no longer modifies ThemeData.disabledColor. This part of the control is now instead controlled separately by FlexSubThemesData.tintedDisabledControls.

  • The InputDecorationTheme, can now be configured to match Material 3 for critical styles if so desired. It uses a few opinionated values that give it a slightly different style by default. It can be configured to match M3 defaults if so desired. FCS does one opinionated adjustment to error border and suffix icon. It keeps them error colored on unfocused-hovered error state, instead of onErrorContainer. The M3 default looks odd. This FCS change is considered an opinionated M3 style fix in FCS. The M3 default of setting unfocused hovered error floating label also to onErrorContainer, is also keeping FCS own past style error.withAlpha(0xA7), which looks more refined. There is currently no way to set these settings back to the M3 default style within FCS. You can of course as always adjust them and anything with copyWith on produced ThemeData if needed.

  • Added M3 slider support with correct DropSliderValueIndicatorShape in M3 mode.

  • Added theming for TimePicker that corrects Flutter SDK issue flutter/flutter#118657 when using FCS component sub-themes.

  • Made tabBarStyle in FlexColorScheme, FlexColorScheme.light, FlexColorScheme.dark, FlexThemeData.light and FlexThemeData.dark nullable and null by default. In M2 mode tabBarStyle defaults to FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar as before. However, in M3 mode, if not defined, it defaults to FlexTabBarStyle.flutterDefault, producing a style matching M3 default TabBar.



  • Add UI to set elevation and background color of modal and none modal BottomSheet independently.
  • Removed used Typography workaround in Playground app. Workaround was used before due to issue flutter/flutter#103864 that is now fixed in Flutter by flutter/flutter#110870.
  • Improved codegen for used Typography selection, it is now only shown when needed.
  • Improved codegen for when FlexColorScheme is not used at all. It can now use the setting for using Material 3 and Typography. It still does not support generating code for the active ColorScheme, when FCS is not in use.
  • Added UI for theming FilledButton and FilledButton.tonal, see issue: flutter/flutter#115827 for info on current theming limitations in the SDK for these new buttons.
  • Added UI for useM2StyleDividerInM3 to panel Component Themes with name "Use Material 2 styled Divider in Material 3". Playground defaults this setting to ON (true), but default in API is false. Rationale for keeping it on in the Playground when using component sub-themes; it just looks better than M3:s new default (opinionated). When using M3 and FCS component themes, for a true M3 styled Divider, turn OFF the setting.
  • Added showing SegmentedButton in panel Selection Buttons and to Widget Showcase.
  • Added settings for SegementedButton to control its colors, border radius and width.
  • Added showing Drawer and NavigationDrawer in the new Drawer panel and to the Widget Showcase. Also added controls to theme color, border radius and elevation of the Drawer. The border radius follows the global border radius setting if it is used.
  • Added showing BottomAppBar in panel AppBar and also to the Widget Showcase.
  • Added BottomAppBar elevation setting to Playground in panel AppBar.
  • Added showing new M3 DropdownMenu in panel Text Field, Menu and to Widget Showcase.
  • Added showing new M3 MenuBar in panel Menu and to Widget Showcase.
  • Added showing new M3 MenuAnchor in panel Menu and to Widget Showcase.
  • In panel Menu the previous controls for PopuMenuButton now also control the menu style of DropdownMenu, MenuBar and MenuAnchor.
  • Added setting for focused TextField has a border to panel Text Field.
  • Added setting for border color selection of TextField to panel Text Field.
  • Added setting for alpha control of TextField background color to panel Text Field.
  • Added a button in panel Text Field, that can set TextField settings to match M3 default style.
  • Added setting for scrolled under elevation of AppBar to panel AppBar.
  • Added settings for unselected button and border colors for ToggleButtons to panel Toggle Buttons.
  • Added showing RangeSlider in panel Slider and to Widget Showcase.
  • Added settings for Slider value indicator color, visibility and value indicator type.
  • Added setting for time picker input element border radius to pane Dialogs.


  • ListTiles in the Themes Playground App must use and set transparent tileColor in M3, until a fix for flutter/flutter#117700 lands via flutter/flutter#117965. By doing this the ListTiles in the app will look OK also when FlexColorScheme theming is not used, even if issue #117965 might still be in effect. May not need this work around in V7.0 release if the issue does not land in new Flutter stable after 3.3, follow-up.

  • Fixed Material Showcase surface tint and shadow presentation to support changes in Material in Flutter release.