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urlo CLI

license made with language GitHub tag (latest by date)

urlo is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for managing and interacting with a local Json file containing URLs.

The tool is designed to offer quick and convenient access to URLs, with options for adding new URLs, listing all URLs, selecting a URL to open, and more.

urlo enables developers to effortlessly share a list of URLs.


On macOS, urlo can be installed with Homebrew:

> brew install ryo034/urlo/homebrew-urlo


Display the version

To display the version of urlo, use the -v option:

> urlo -v

Add a new URL

To add a new URL to the local Json file, use the add command:

> urlo add {title} {url}

# Example
> urlo add google

Override the URL

> urlo add {title} {url} -o

# Example
> urlo add google -o

Bulk add URLs

To add multiple URLs to the local Json file, use the add command:

> urlo bulk-add {JsonString}

List all URLs

To list all URLs from the local Json file, use the list command:

> urlo list
google -
yahoo  -

Use the -j or -s option to display the list in JSON format:

> urlo list -j
    "title": "google",
    "url": ""
    "title": "yahoo",
    "url": ""

> urlo list -s
'[{title: "google", url: ""},{title: "yahoo", url: ""}]'

Set the list

To set with override the list of URLs from a JSON string, use the set command:

> urlo list
bing -

> urlo set '[{"title": "google", "url": ""},{"title": "yahoo", "url": ""}]'

> urlo list
google -
yahoo  -

Open a URL

To open a URL by its title, use the open command:

> urlo open {title}

# Example
> urlo open google

Select a URL to open

To display a list of all URLs and select one to open, use the select command:

> urlo select
? Select a Website:
  ▸ google

Use the -q option to filter the list with a regular expression:

> urlo select -q g
? Select a Website:
  ▸ google

> urlo select -q y
? Select a Website:
  ▸ yahoo


urlo is released under the Apache License 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

Data Privacy and Security

One of the key features of our library is how it handles data. Rather than relying on external databases or cloud storage, this library manages all data using local files on your system. This ensures that your data stays where it belongs: with you. With this approach, we prioritize your privacy and security, giving you full control over your data without compromising its accessibility.


You can share your list with others by using the pbcopy command:

> urlo list -s | pbcopy
> urlo set -s "{set output json string}"

Setting Values Directly From a JSON File on GitHub

With urlo set, it is possible to directly load a JSON string from a JSON file hosted on GitHub and set it.

This allows easy and efficient management of your JSON data.

To set values from a public JSON file on GitHub, you can use the following one-liner:

urlo set "$(curl -s"

# Example
urlo set "$(curl -s"

For private repositories, you will need to authenticate with a GitHub personal access token:

urlo set "$(curl -s -u username:token"

Replace username with your GitHub username, token with your personal access token, and repo, branch, and path/to/file.json with the repository name, branch name, and path to your JSON file respectively.

Maintenance and Support

As an open-source tool, we greatly value and rely on our community. The feedback, questions, and involvement from users not only help us to constantly improve and develop, but also make this project more robust and user-friendly.

In an open-source project, maintaining quality and providing consistent support are key. We are dedicated to fixing bugs, adding new features, and providing support as questions or issues arise. However, please understand that this is a community project, and responses or solutions may take time.

We appreciate your patience and encourage active contribution to help improve our tool. After all, the strength of open-source lies in the collective power of a community working together.