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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 6 revisions

title: Sequences, Events and Dialogs description: published: true date: 2023-03-01T05:14:40.693Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2020-11-28T01:59:12.175Z

You have put some NPC around and are confused how to let them do something? This guide will help you getting to know the basic information on how it all works. {.is-info}

After you have put some NPC on your map, you will probably want to let them do some walking or talking. Walking is done trough something called "Sequences". An NPC can have multiple of these Sequences, the first one is the one that is launched when the NPC spawns. A Sequence contains a list of Activities. An Activity launches a movement, and can trigger an event at the time the Activity starts.

If you add more Sequences than the initial after-spawn Sequence, you can launch them trough Events/Triggers. An Event is set on the NPC who Triggers the Event, for example by dieing, finishing an Activity, or after saying something. An Event is shown on the NPC that launches it, and also on the NPCs where an Action is Triggered by the Event. You can also Trigger other Actions, like letting the chosen NPC or Group die, activating missions, or starting a Dialog.

A Dialog is an item that lets any NPC say something. Remember that slots used by components and npcs are shared, so when placing npcs you should consider some room for dialogs. In a Dialog, you put different Chat components, which contain the NPC that does it, the time he waits until he does it and an emote he does while he says it.


To add Sequences to an NPC, you should first select the NPC. Then you will see a square with a double arrow in the bottom-left corner of your monitor somewhere, which may have the word "Inactive" with it (this is the first after-spawn sequence). Click on the double arrow to go to the sequence editor. In the Sequence Editor you can edit, add or remove Sequences.


When you are in the Sequence Editor, you can add new Activities to the selected Sequence, move them or delete them. In an Activity you can set the Action that an NPC does, and for how long he does that action.


If you want to let an NPC say something, you have to create a Dialog component. You can select these in the Component tab in the Palette. When you select the Dialog, somewhere in the bottom-left corner of your monitor, a text-balloon button will appear. Click it to edit the Dialog. In the Dialog Editor you can add, edit or remove Chat Steps.

Chat Steps

In the Dialog Editor, you can add the Chat Steps to your. In each Chat Step you can select the time before the Chat Step starts, the Text said by the NPC and the Emote that the NPC does while saying the Text.


If you want something to happen when the selected NPC does something, you press the yellow icon, in the bottom-left of your screen when you select an entity, and the Event Editor will open. In this editor, you can manage the Events and Triggers, by selecting what event has to happen and the things that are triggered on NPCs you choose from the list.


  • If you don't want an NPC to repeat a Follow Route (they repeat the Activity, since there's nothing after it and no time limit is set, which is kind of logic actually), you should put a Stand Still Activity after the Follow Route Activity, or disable the "Repeat Activity" checkbox.
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