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User interface components and styles for Vue 3

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yarn add @rzuppur/rvc or npm install --save @rzuppur/rvc

import { createApp } from "vue";
import rvc from "@rzuppur/rvc";
import App from "./App.vue";

const testApp = createApp(App);



Every property listed is optional. If button contains no childs but has an icon, it will be shown as an icon button (width equal to height).

    primary: boolean
    gray: boolean 
    borderless: boolean
    small: boolean
    fullwidth: boolean
    disabled: boolean
    loading: boolean  // Shows a loading spinner and disables the button
    submit: boolean  // default type="button", this sets it to "submit" (for forms)
    action: function  // @click handler
    actionWithModifier: function  // @click.ctrl.exact handler
    label: string  // aria-label, for icon only buttons
    icon: string  // One of valid r-icon icons
    icon-right: boolean  // default false
    icon-color: string  // ("gray" | "green" | "red" | "blue" | "yellow")
    {{ text }}

Grouped buttons

<div class="r-buttons-grouped">
  <div class="r-button-group">
    {{ r-buttons }}
  <div class="r-button-group">
    {{ r-buttons }}


Containers for assigning a maximum width to content and adding a padding to sides.

  • r-container-xs
  • r-container-sm
  • r-container-md
  • r-container-lg
  • r-container-xl
  • r-container-fill


Bind value with v-model. Same props (except type and small) apply for r-text-input and r-text-area.

<div class="r-form-group">
    label?: string
    placeholder?: string
    help?: string
    error?: string // setting this will mark the field as invalid
    type?: string // default "text"
    fullwidth?: boolean // default true
    small?: boolean // default false


Icon component using Material Symbols Rounded.

  icon: string
  filled?: boolean
  size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg"
  class?: "gray" | "green" | "red" | "blue" | "yellow" | "white"


Exposed methods: open and close

Emits: close

  title: string | false
  blocking: boolean // optional
  buttons: boolean // optional, set to false to hide bottom bar with buttons
  size: string  // optional, ("xs" | "sm" | "md" | "xl" | "xxl" | "fill")
  {{ modal content }}
  <template v-slot:buttons>
    {{ r-buttons }}

Confirmation modal

import { useModalConfirm } from "@rzuppur/rvc";
const confirmModal = useModalConfirm();
const confirmed: boolean = await confirmModal(
    "Yes text", // optional
    "No text", // optional
    "Description text", // optional


You can customize colors, spacing and fonts using CSS variables.

Media query utility classes (r-media-hide-under-{size}, r-media-hide-over-{size}) use these static values since CSS variables can not be used for a media query.

:root {
    --container-xs: 380px;
    --container-sm: 540px;
    --container-md: 720px;
    --container-lg: 960px;
    --container-xl: 1140px;
    --container-xxl: 1320px;

Toast notification

import { useToast } from "@rzuppur/rvc";

const toast = useToast();


A basic tooltip directive v-r-tip. Supports top (default), bottom, left and right alignment: v-r-tip.bottom, v-r-tip.left, v-r-tip.right.

  v-r-tip="'Tooltip text'"


Font size, letter spacing, line height

  • r-text-{size}
  • r-text-size-{size}
  • r-text-letter-spacing-{size}
  • r-text-line-height-{size}
  • size: xxs | xs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl


  • r-text-light
  • r-text-regular
  • r-text-medium
  • r-text-bold


  • r-text-color-regular
  • r-text-color-muted
  • r-text-color-red


  • r-text-left
  • r-text-center
  • r-text-right


  • r-ellipsis


  • All adjacent p, ul, ol, pre, .r-space have a margin added between them.


Add background color

  • r-background

Add raised background color (cards, for example)

  • r-background-raised

Border radius, margin, padding r-{type}-{size}

  • Type:
    • Border radius: border-radius
    • Margin: m
    • Padding: p
  • Size: xxs to xxl

Margin and padding can also be used with direction r-{type}-{direction}-{size}

  • Direction: t b l r (top, bottom, left, right)

Hide under viewport size (xs to xxl)

  • r-media-hide-under-{size}

Hide over viewport size (xs to xxl)

  • r-media-hide-over-{size}

Apply display flex, direction row

  • r-flex-container

Apply flex direction column

  • r-flex-container-column

Enable flex wrap

  • r-flex-wrap

Align flex childs

  • r-flex-items-{"start" | "center" | "end"}

Flex child grow and shrink value

  • r-flex-{0-3}


  • r-clearfix